By Anita Dave, Ian Hartshorn, and Stacy Pedersen

If you are new to IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) and on V8.5 or later, check out the new Hiring tutorial.

After you complete the tutorial, you will be able to do the following tasks:

  • Model a process that is based on process requirements.
  • Implement a process, including data variables and services that are required by the process.
  • Create the user interface for the process.
  • Conduct playbacks to validate the work that you completed.
  • Run and review the process.

The Hiring Tutorial covers everything that you need to know to re-create the Hiring Sample process application that is packaged with IBM BPM. As you go though the tutorial, you create the My Hiring Sample process application that has a few enhancements from the packaged Hiring Sample process application. The “Comparison with the packaged Hiring Sample” topic covers the differences between this process application that you create in the tutorial and the packaged Hiring Sample process application.

Applicable editions: Express, Standard, and Advanced

Applicable releases: All

Source: IBM

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    One response to “Good-practice resource – New to IBM BPM? Start with the Hiring tutorial”

    1. Name *Lombardi BPM says:

      Thanks for the list

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