API Connect Technical Notes Our support team maintains articles to assist users with product information, support policies, and common issues. This page contains a searchable list of all API Connect Application Suite technical notes.

This list of technical support articles was updated on July 05, 2024.
Last Updated Title Abstract
2024-07-05 API Gateways with a substantial number of user-defined policies (UDPs) deployed can experience very high config load times. If many UDPs deployed on the gateway then a significant increase in the time required to load the gateway configuration can be observed. It is not easy to quantify "a large number of user-defined policies". This could range for example from 100 large or complicated UDPs to over 1000 simple UDPs packaged within an extension on the gateway.
2024-07-02 New Install of OVA not coming up healthy due to ETCD performance. Upon installing OVA with the ISO and powering up the VM user find that the install says done but finds pods missing or in crashloopback or pending statusOne of the following job pods and the job pods would likely show as 0/1 CrashLookBackOff: <managementcluster_CR_name>-up-apim-schema-0-to-<schema_number>* <managementcluster_CR_name>-up-lur-schema-0-to-<schema_number>*This can cause any of this: could be during apim/lur DB creation could be during schema jobs for apim or lur cou
2024-06-27 Install or upgrade of API Connect fails with edb-operator in CrashLoopBackOff Install or upgrade of API Connect fails with edb-operator in CrashLoopBackOff
2024-06-27 Gateway logs shows recurring error – A problem occurred when sending some HTTP/2 frames Why is the gateway logs showing the following error in application domain used by API Connect ?20240523T183203.234Z [apiconnect][0x80e00820][mpgw][error] source-https(apiconnect_https_9443): tid(35648704)[]: A problem occurred when sending some HTTP/2 frames. Error code: -902.
2024-06-24 Best Practice: How to pass query parameters to a backend using API Connect What are the best practices for passing query parameters to a backend using IBM API Connect?
2024-06-05 MustGather: API Connect v10 (all subsystems) ATTENTION: This MustGather has been updated to utilize the new python based apic-mustgather tool. This new tool provides significant improvements: Reduction in the amount of time it takes the tool to run to completion Simplification to no longer require passing multiple parameters. By default, it will automatically collect: data from all namespaces relevant to API Connect diagnostic data for each subsystem present in the cluster data specific to OVA form factor
2024-05-28 What to know about changing the Developer Portal URL How can I change the Developer Portal site URL? What should I consider before changing the URL?
2024-05-21 API Connect gateway service might have port conflict if you attempt to register config that was previously deleted Users might have a problem registering the API Connect Gateway service if the same configuration had been previously registered and later deleted in another domain.
2024-05-20 Gateway Peering best practices How should I configure a "v10" gateway, 10.0.1 or 10.5.0, to have a simple and ideal or typical configuration to prevent possible issues or complications?
2024-04-29 API Connect v2018 to v10 form factor Migration and OVA upgrade error during import of CSV When migrating form factors to OVA, users might see errors during the import of the CSV, if the new ISO is not generated using the same encryption secret that was used on the previous version.
2024-04-25 Patching the Login_Security module to work with IBM API Connect portal site The unexpected discontinuation of the login_security module from releases and 10.0.8 presents a pressing dilemma for users who heavily depend on its security functionalities, compelling the adoption of proactive measures such as comprehensive support, detailed documentation, and exploration of potential alternative solutions to safeguard the continuity, security, and stability of customer deployments.
2024-04-23 MustGather: LDAP problems on IBM API Connect v10 What information needs to be collected to help IBM Support troubleshoot LDAP problems and how to collect it?
2024-04-19 Analytics index tollover is not working Analytics records API events in indices named using the syntax, for example apic-api-2023.11.20-000005.When rollover runs, it rolls over the active index i.e. the one that's being written to. When it's rolled over, a new index is created, the new index becomes the active index, and the old active index becomes read-only. The yyyy.mmm.dd in the new index name will be the date that the rollover ran, and the nnnnnn will be 1 more than the sequence number
2024-04-19 Storage pods fail to come up after changing analytics from n3 to n1 profile Analytics storage is no longer ‘Ready’ after switching from n3 to n1 deployment profile. This affects deployment profiles for both a standalone analytics cluster and an analytics cluster that has been deployed as part of an API Connect cluster (including Cloud Pak for Integration).This problem is specific to and, has been fixed in storage pod logs show errors similar to:[2022-11-15T09:28:57,263][WARN ][r.suppressed ] [production-a7s-storage-0] path: /_cluster/health, par
2024-04-18 Files referenced by API Connect Gateway service identification credentials must be in PEM or P12 format Users will experience a problem with their API Connect Gateway service not being able to start up if they have configured the Certificate or key referenced by the identification credentials with a file that doesn't have file extension pem or p12.
2024-04-16 Portal reset password fails with the Unable to send email. Contact the site administrator if the problem persists error message in UI Portal reset password fails with the Unable to send email. Contact the site administrator if the problem persists error message in UI. Here is a screenshot:
2024-04-09 Best Practice: How to change password alias in a running API Connect instance It is recommended to change the Gateway peering password alias for security reasons described in the Security Bulletin: IBM DataPower Gateway does not force a Gateway Peering password change Clarification is needed about the best practices for changing this configuration for a running API Connect configuration.
2024-03-07 API Connect Rate Limit might return invalid 429 response codes before Rate Limit is exceeded Users might observe a problem where the Rate Limits are returning an invalid 429 response code, when the rate limits defined in the plan are not exceeded. Users of API Connect version 5 after fix pack and the version 5 compatibility gateway on API Connect v2018 and v10 are impacted by this issue.
2024-03-05 Portal Site shows following message : "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later." Portal Site shows following message : "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later."
2024-02-20 API Connect – Missing "Edit Condition" icon on Switch Logic Case API Connect – Missing "Edit Condition" icon on Switch Logic Case
2024-02-19 Publishing API fails with 409 error Publishing API fails with 409 error
2024-02-16 MustGather: Rate Limiting Issues on DataPower Gateways and API Connect The following information is required for IBM Support to utilize when troubleshooting rate limiting issues with DataPower Gateway and API Connect.
2024-02-12 Troubleshooting API Connect Analytics – Analytics running out of disk space on 10.0.5.x Analytics running out of disk space
2024-01-22 10.0.1.X and 10.0.4.X upgrades to with an analytics n1 profile fail. API Connect upgrades from 10.0.1.X/10.0.4.X to with an analytics n1 profile fail with an operator runtime error after applying the operator. The problem does not happen with an analytics n3 profile.
2024-01-12 portal sftp backup fails with Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic) The portal backup using sftp fails.
2023-11-14 API Invoke policy persistent idle timeout How do I configure the API Invoke policy persistent idle timeout?
2023-10-03 events:cloudCount fails with error when using timeframe option The following error is reported: $ ./apic- -m analytics events:cloudCount –server –analytics-service analytics –format json –timeframe yesterdayJSON: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field .errors of type models.ErrorPropErrorsItems
2023-10-03 analytics events:cloudCount fails with Invalid mode specified [analytics]. Must be one of [ apicatalog, apim, consumer, portaladmin ]. The following error is reported: ./apic -m analytics events:cloudCount –server –analytics-service analytics –format jsonInvalid mode specified []. Must be one of [ apicatalog, apim, consumer, portaladmin ].
2023-10-03 analytics events:cloudCount fails with User not permitted to access this resource $ ./apic-  login -u user1porg1 -p password -s -r provider/default-idp-2Warning: Using default toolkit credentials.Logged into successfully$ ./apic- -m analytics events:cloudCount –server –analytics-service analyticsError: error unmarshaling JSON: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field .errors of type models.ErrorPropErrorsItemsThe following errors are noticed:
2023-09-20 Adding a user fails with the error user already exists in the ldap identity provider When a user is deleted and readded to the provider organization in the API Manager UI an error is reported that the user already exists in the user registry, for example, ldap.
2023-09-11 API Connect Analytics Dashboard might not display on versions before In API Connect releases before users might see that the analytics dashboard doesn't display as expected, with fields unavailable in the API Dashboard.
2023-09-06 How to export more than 10,000 lines of analytics data? Users are not able to export all our API Analytics and are limited to only 10,000 rows of data that can be exported in 200s.
2023-09-05 API Connect Validate policy returns status code 422 in case of a validate error In API Connect version 2018 and prior versions, when the validate policy throws a ValidateError, the API returned status code 400. In API Connect version 10, the behavior changed and a status code 422 is returned. Why did the behavior change, and is it possible to return status code 400 instead?
2023-09-05 API Connect version 10 support in Nutanix Does API Connect version 10 support deployment of OVAs in Nutanix?
2023-09-05 sftp backup of APIC Mgmt fails with – Uploading backup using protocol sftp failed. Please check protocol parameters SFTP backup for management subsystem in an OVA / VM deployment fails with the following error which has been formatted for readability:$ kubectl logs pod/ibm-apiconnect-<pod_name> -n <namespace_where_APIC_is_deployed>  {"level":"error", "ts":1664751426.8194463, "logger":"controllers.ManagementBackup", "msg":"SFTP: Management backup upload failed", "managementbackup":"default/mgmt-backup-hdhfs", "scriptOutput":"","error":"Uploading backup using protocol sftp failed. Please check pr
2023-09-05 API Connect management server upgrade step apicops version:pre-upgrade gives error During an upgrade of API Connect in when executing apicops version:pre-upgrade it gives an error, here is the excerpt from the output :The backup protocol for the current environment is sftpSo Ensuring that APIC can communicate with SFTP server with the configuration*** Entering the sftp connection validation ***Communication checks between sftp and pgbackrest ran successfullyTo make sure the mgmt-site1-postgres-backrest-shared-repo-<pod_name> have permission in sftp server, t
2023-08-18 Third-party OAuth scope handling behavior changes from DP:, 10.5.1.x, Please note that, there is a significant change in the DataPower code (for handing scope validation for a Third-party OAuth Provider) from the following DataPower versions:, 10.5.1.x, and onward.Current behavior:When you configure a third-party OAuth Provider, we don’t perform any scope validations from the Introspection endpoint response even if it is returning scopes.
2023-08-15 How to get the bearer token for using API Connect v10 REST APIs Clarification is needed of how to get and use the Bearer token for calling the REST APIs in the API Connect REST API Documentation
2023-08-15 API Connect sandbox catalog name has changed from sb in version 5 to sandbox in version 10 In API Connect version 5, the sandbox catalog name was set as "sb" as default. After upgrading from API Connect version 5 to version10, the catalog name changed to "sandbox". Is there any way to change the catalog name from "sandbox" to "sb" to maintain a similar path as API Connect version 5?
2023-07-28 apicup subsys install fails with fatal error: runtime: out of memory apicup subsys install fails with fatal error: runtime: out of memoryFor example:./apicup subsys install subinmgmt /subin/apic/apic/upgrade_management_10.0.5.4.tgz –debugfatal error: runtime: out of memoryruntime stack:runtime.throw({0x1c5f28c?, 0x0?}) /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1047 +0x5d fp=0xc000097df8 sp=0xc000097dc8 pc=0x4353fdruntime.sysMapOS(0xc009400000, 0x17a800000?) /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mem_linux.go:187 +0x11b fp=0xc000097e40 sp=0xc000097df8 pc=0x417e9bruntime.sysMap(0x2
2023-07-28 apicup subsys install fails with fatal error: runtime: out of memory apicup subsys install fails with fatal error: runtime: out of memory
2023-07-20 API Connect v10 SFTP Backup limitation with some SFTP servers The management subsystem uses a different client for SFTP backup than what is used in the Portal subsystem. There are observed limitations with the management subsystem unable to take an SFTP backup to certain types of SFTP servers.Limitations are observed with using the following SFTP servers:Atmoz SFTP ( blob storageWindows Server 2016 Standard
2023-07-20 IBM API Connect to fails with failed to pull image You will find these errors in the VM where API Connect upgrade is failing after ssh to it and running the following command : journalctl -u appliance-manager -f<date> <host> kubelet[547853]: E0720 10:14:06.993195 547853 remote_runtime.go:198] "RunPodSandbox from runtime service failed" err="rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to get sandbox image \"\": failed to pull image \"\": failed to pull and unpack image \"
2023-07-05 MustGather: API Connect v2018 (all subsystems) This document provides instructions for gathering diagnostic data for API Connect deployments on both Kubernetes and VMware.
2023-07-03 Loopback Mustgather Follow this section to collect the data required to diagnose and resolve loopback issues Provide the operating system and its version where loopback is installed, or if the issue with loopback in IBM Cloud Provide the node, npm and loopback version using the commands : node -v npm -v npm ls –depth Provide details of use of LoopBack connectors Node module name of the LoopBack connector, for example, loopback-connector-db2. If it is a database connector, specify the database version is being u
2023-05-09 Billing in Portal is broken for When users access the Billing Configuration Forum, they receive a White screen and the error "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later."
2023-05-03 Developer Portal throws PHP Fatal error due to issue with defining $title Users might see an error like the following in the portal-www pod:"PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Type of Drupal\ibm_apim\Updater\ApicModule::$title must not be defined (as in class Drupal\Core\Updater\Updater) in /web/platforms/devportal-9.x- on line 22" Drupal 9.5 updated to add title to the Update file ( and PHP doesn't allow users to redefin
2023-04-30 Incorrect v5 emulation (v5e) policy list in API Connect gateway extension manifest in not validated properly For API Connect with Datapower, you can specify a nonexistent policy in the gateway extensions manifest.
2023-04-26 API's secured by OAuth do not record for successful API calls in analytics for errors in API Connect v5/v5C How does analytics work in API Connect V5/V5C when an API is secured by OAuth?
2023-04-25 Changing API Connect Elasticsearch and Logstash memory settings Analytics data sporadically missing from UI or the storage and ingestion pods restarting themselves.
2023-03-28 MustGather: OAuth problems on IBM API Connect What information should be collected to help IBM Support to troubleshoot OAuth problems in IBM API Connect?
2023-02-20 WSDL Definition does not contain the service When uploading a WSDL .zip file to the API Manager to create the API, you are getting an error that saysThe WSDL definition does not contain the service 'Service_Name' requested by the wsdl_service query parameter.
2023-02-20 Remote Helper Files for WSDL API When creating a WSDL API through the toolkit or UI, please note that remote file access is not supported.All helper files must be contained in the main file or .zip package.
2023-02-08 MustGather: Collecting Data for IBM API Connect as a Service on Amazon Web Services (AWS) When opening a case with API Connect SaaS on AWS, provide a detailed problem description to include the following information:1. Description of the problem Fully describe the problem you are experiencing (please provide the full error messages). What were you attempting when the problem occurred? When did you first noticed it? When applicable, please provide a list of steps to re-create the problem (screen images will help to identify more details) Define the scope of the issue: How many objects (APIs, Prod
2023-02-01 Portal sites do not work after failover in 2DCHA for OVA/VMware (and any form factor if the portal CR names are different). This bug affects GA Only.For 2DCHA on any form factor, when the portal CR names are different in each DC, the portal-db certificate does not have all the necessary DNS names inside it and so the portal sites do not work after failover. When trying to access the portal sites, after a failover, the following error message is shown in the browser:'The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.' APAR number for this issue: LI82863, which is fixed in v10.0.5.2-ifix1 and is als
2023-01-03 Portal upgrade might get stuck in pending after editing CR version API Connect introduces a validation to the Portal backup and restore CR to ensure correctness by using webhooks.Users might experience an issue where the operator attempts to inject new fields, but the operator is unable to save the CR as it's invalid and the operator gets itself into an infinite loop.
2022-12-15 Portal upgrade might be slow due to changes in API Connect introduces new fields to the Portal backup and restore.If you have thousands of Portal backup records, when upgrading to the Upgrade process might perform slowly because the process updates all of the existing Portal backup records with the new fields.
2022-12-15 Portal cannot communicate to management subsystem if microServiceSecurity: custom is used A portal subsystem that uses microServiceSecurity: custom results in the API Manager being unable to communicate with the portal, which also means snapshots fail to reach the portal.
2022-12-15 Portal refuses to use x509 certifcate generated by an ACME issuer Portal subsystem refuses to use a portal-web x509 certificate that was generated by an ACME issuer ( and contains the data ca.crt: ""
2022-12-15 Portal CLI tasks can get stuck in "Warning" and never complete. Portal CLI tasks can get stuck in "Warning" and never complete. Affected are users running API Connect releases before and including and
2022-12-15 Portal site restore fails with "Could not create database" in the portal www pod, admin container logs. When a user restores a portal backup for all sites or a specific site, one or more of the sites might fail to install.
2022-12-13 Scaling down API Connect analytics: Switching from n3 to n1 profiles Analytics storage is no longer ‘Ready’ after switching from n3 to n1 deployment profile. This affects deployment profiles for both a stand-alone analytics cluster and an analytics cluster that has been deployed as part of an API Connect cluster (including Cloud Pak for Integration).
2022-11-29 gRPC protocol support in App Connect Enterprise or API Connect Is gRPC protocol supported in ACE or APIC?We have a requirement to support gRPC backend system.This API needs to be exposed as a proxy in ACE or APICDoes any of these products support gRPC protocol or any other way to implement it?
2022-11-03 S3 Disaster Recovery fails for Management Subsystem on API Connect v10.0.1.8 and v10.0.5.1 When restoring a backup on the management subsystem that uses S3, it might fail, and the Management Cluster CR goes into warning status. Observed behaviorManagement CR shows wal is not working fails:
2022-11-03 Upgrade/Restore to portal sites fails due to invalid language code issue Upgrading portal sites fails due to some invalid language code issue, for example:Invalid translation language (en) specified. [77.99 sec, 6.02 MB] [error]
2022-10-14 API Connect v10.0.5.1 removes support for TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 API Connect v10.0.5.1 removes support for TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 on the Management server. This change does not impact the Gateway server that is installed as part of an API Connect deployment.
2022-09-13 MustGather: Creating LogTargets via the Rest Management Interface on DataPower Gateway Container When troubleshooting issues on DataPower, it is necessary to use a log target object. For DataPower containers, the log targets can be quickly created through the Rest Management Interface.Before going any further, ensure that you have enabled the Rest Management Interface on your DataPower Gateway.Use this article to collect the MustGather information required for IBM DataPower Support to help diagnose and solve your problem.
2022-08-30 Error: invalid alphanumeric key length 0 expected 100 for original-encryption-secret while setting up portal DC2 ptl1 and ptl2 are 2 portal subsystems in 2 DCHA./apicup certs set ptl2 encryption-secret encryption-secret1fails with:Error: invalid alphanumeric key length 0 expected 100 for original-encryption-secret
2022-08-04 Cannot find appliance-control-plane-1.22.1.tgz required for upgrading to v10.0.1.x Upgrading to or and need appliance-control-plane-1.22.1.tgz for your OVA deployment
2022-08-02 Long delay during API Connect Gateway service registration Users might experience up to 30mins delay when performing below actions: Registering new Gateway service with management server Adding new Gateway server to Gateway cluster When rebooting or restarting GatewayThese Logs entries can be seen in DataPower error report or gwd.logs:[0x80e0084c][apic-gw-service][debug] apic-gw-service(default): tid(9248): lib:gateway-controller:apigateway:ApiGatewayConfigStatus: /drouter/local/abcd/config-sequence is NOT up-to-date: No log statFirst timeout after 10 minutes and s
2022-08-01 Management backup might remain in pending state blocking other backup from completing A management backup might remain in a Pending state for a long period, particularly after upgrading the management subsystem. A pending backup blocks other backup from completing.
2022-07-19 Best Practice: Use a custom Gateway peering object when configuring the API Connect Gateway service Rebooting your DataPower can bring the default Gateway peering object "default-gateway-peering" to disabled state. If the API Connect Gateway service references this object, it can result in it going down.
2022-06-14 API Connect HTTP GET ?WSDL retrieval returns "401 – Unauthorized Invalid client id or secret" API Connect v5 allowed GET ?WSDL requests by defining the WSDL in your service. Newer versions of API Connect, such as v10 or later require modification to the assembly in the preflow.
2022-06-10 How to properly health check an API Connect gateway Often load balancers use simple TCP or similar lightweight default health checks that do NOT properly mark the gateways down.This can result in a failure for both the management communication to the API Connect Gateway and also for the client to API Gateway, API invocation.
2022-03-18 Upgrade to v2018.4.1.19 and issue while upgrading to v2018.4.1.16 in OVA Upgrade from v2018.4.1.13-ifix3.0 or earlier to v2018.4.1.19 Before upgrading to v2018.4.1.19, verifying the upgrade tarballs is important to ensure you have the correct archive and prevent appliance stuck while running the upgrade task. Should there be a problem with applying a wrong tarball, you can recover by running the workaround. Issue while upgrading to v2018.4.1.16 You may see in the appliance-manager log "helm rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists" and the upgrade
2022-02-15 Required Steps for all v10 customers to slow disk filling due to WAL archive failure. There is a known issue where the pgwal PVC will fill up when WAL archiving is failing. When it is close to 80% (Kubernetes, ICP, CP4i, OpenShift) or 70% (OVA) the management CR will go into Error state and the postgres database is shut down.Users see following message when describing the management CR. "Current disk usage is more than 80 percent. DATABASE will be shut down. Please contact IBM Support immediately."
2022-02-01 OVA upgrade fails for v10.0.1.5 with no available PVs(persistent volumes) One, or more, of the pods in the VMWare API Connect deployment are stuck in Pending state
2022-01-21 Upgrade paths to and Issues while upgrading and post upgrade Upgrade Path Creating a backup of an API Connect configuration. Also, it is highly recommended that you take VM Snapshot of API Connect appliances. Upgrade paths to latest v5.0.8.11 or later If you are on any version prior to 5087ifix4 then upgrade to 5087-ifix4 // to save analytics data Apply 50810ifix2 /// Minimum required for OS upgrade Run config autodiskadd disable on 50810ifix2 run config autodiskadd status // to confirm status shows enable: false Add a NE
2021-11-30 On APIC cp4i 2020.x, if the user is not on-boarded, they will receive a 401 error during the authentication step. For API Connect version or earlier running on Cloud Pak for Integration 2020.x, the user must be on-boarded with an invitation in order to authenticate successfully with API Connect. If the user is not on-boarded, they will receive a 401 error during the authentication step.
2021-11-20 Information about compatibility of IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) with IBM API Connect Is IBM API Connect compatible with the IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT)?
2021-11-01 Troubleshooting API Connect Analytics – Missing analytics due to split brain Missing analytics due to split brain
2021-10-18 Troubleshooting API Connect Analytics – Analytics running out of disk space Analytics running out of disk space
2021-10-18 Troubleshooting API Connect Analytics – No analytics are seen in the APIC analytics dashboard. Troubleshooting API Connect Analytics – No analytics are seen in the APIC analytics dashboard.
2021-10-14 Analytics is not working even though Analytic helath Analytics is not working however output of 'system show analytics health' is green
2021-10-12 Portal upgrade is stuck in SETUP_SUBSYSTEM Portal subsystem is stuck at the SETUP_SUBSYSTEM, when upgrading to 2018.4.1.17.Type: BOOTSTRAP_MASTERInstall stage: SETUP_SUBSYSTEMUpgrade stage: UPGRADE_DONESubsystem type: portalSubsystem version: 2018.4.1.17Subsystem detail: Running helm upgrade
2021-10-07 API request fails with HTTP 401: Unauthorized, with error message "registration not active for plan" API request fails with HTTP 401:Unauthorized, throwing this error message in the gateway logs "registration not active for plan"
2021-10-06 Unable to delete PVC when retrying APIC upgrade from 2018 to v10. How to delete a PVC that remains in "Terminating" state after a failed attempt of apic upgrade from 2018 to v10?
2021-09-28 After upgrading portal to a newer version, few sites remain in UPGRADING state. After upgrading portal to a newer version, few sites remain in UPGRADING state. The platform version on these sites still shows the old version.
2021-08-17 Upgrade to API Connect fails with data populate 409 error When you upgrade to or 10.0.3, the following error occurs during data population and the upgrade aborts.Example of error from the apim-data-populate pod:[00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000] Error in POST post:/api/tasks (my_task.js:create) – status : 409 – message: Another request might be operating on the resource. Please try again later. – stack : Error: Another request might be operating on the resource. Please try again later. at error (/app/node_modules/bhendi/lib/bhend
2021-08-13 DataPower or API Connect VMWare OVA Deployment Fails There is an issue deploying either DataPower or API Connect OVA to a VMWare environment.
2021-08-13 DataPower Gateway x2020_valcred is not up for V5C Gateway The following errors may be seen if there is an issue with the x2020_valcred object: [0x00f30009][mgmt][error] idcred(x2020_idcred): tid(111) gtid(c3bb437cde7348db8608e61fbc8edc04): Mismatched public/private key pair[0x81000013][mgmt][error] valcred(x2020_valcred): tid(1234): Cannot be deleted. In use by:  ssl-client(api-sslcli-x2020) profile(x2020_crypto_profile)[0x8060010a][crypto][warn] valcred(x2020_valcred): tid(12345): certificate validation failed for '/CN=analytics-ingestion-ingress' against 'x
2021-08-12 ACCESS CONTROL FOR APIC ENDPOINTS USING NGINX CONTROLLER In IBM API Connect, you can configure an access control based on client IP addresses -using a Kubernetes ingress-nginx-ingress controller. Using the ingress controller allowlisting, you can also restrict access for different endpoints.For example: cloud-admin-ui, api-manager-ui, platform-api, consumer-apiNOTE: This article refers to a third-party software that IBM does not control. As such, the software might change and this information can become outdated. The steps described here,
2021-07-27 How does the API Connect Client ID and Secret work? How do the Client ID and Secret work with API Connect version 2018?
2021-07-27 Using REST API's in high concurrency may result in error The API Connect version 5 Developer Portal REST API's are not designed for high concurrency and will throw 500 error if executed in high concurrency.
2021-06-09 API Connect v5 Gateway- Troubleshooting unable to retrieve policy information error In API Connect version 5 and the v5 compatible DataPower Gateway in later editions, users might observe their API calls for a specific API are returning a 500 response code.
2021-04-07 Consideration for upgrading v5 API Connect to latest release and migrating v10 What are some good considerations for upgrading v5 API Connect to latest release?
2021-02-23 API PORTAL SERVER AFTER UPGRADE GIVE ERRORS WHEN RUNNING SCRIPT : RUN_BG_SYNC -F Error seen when running RUN_BG_SYNC -FNote: This effects ubuntu18 clustered customers.
2021-02-18 MustGather: Collecting data for API Connect version 4 and version 5 Upgrade issue Contact IBM Support if you experience a problem with IBM API Connect. Use the details in this document to provide all of the relevant information to the Support team to help with problem resolution.
2021-02-18 Mustgather Troubleshooting issues with APIs calls returning unexpected results What information should be collected to help IBM Support to troubleshoot issues with APIs calls returning unexpected results in IBM API Connect? For example, here are problems involving symptoms such as: API Calls return HTTP 404 API Calls fail intermittently or do not work consistently between invocations APIs behave differently between gateways Publishing artifacts never becoming available API Calls fails with No Policy Defined
2021-02-18 MustGather: SSL and certificates problems on IBM API Connect What information should be collected to help IBM Support to troubleshoot SSL and certificates problems in IBM API Connect?
2021-02-18 IBM MustGather: Read first for IBM API Connect MustGather information aids in problem determination and save time resolving cases. API Connect Support can understand better the problem and save time analyzing the data.
2021-02-09 Upgrade OVA ENV to 2018.4.1.15 failed for Analytics While upgrading OVA environment to 2018.4.1.15 Analytics upgrade is never completed, as the helm upgrade is failing.journalctl -u appliance-manager -f output shows:Feb 04 14:22:41 hostname apic[19457]: time="2021-02-04T14:22:41Z" level=debug msg="helm [upgrade apic-analytics /var/lib/apiconnect/subsystem/helm/apic-analytics –values=/tmp/701472419]"Feb 04 14:22:41 hostname apic[19457]: time="2021-02-04T14:22:41Z" level=error msg="unable to get upgrade helm chart: exit status 1"Feb 04 14:22:41 hostname apic[
2021-02-09 APIC v5 Manager OVA deployment issues into VMWare vSphere v6.5 User cannot deploy APIC v5 OVA into VMWare vSphere 6.5. VMWare complaining issue with template "Issues detected with selected template. Details:" – 52:9:ELEMENT_ILLEGAL:Element "partition" is not allowed
2020-12-18 Importing Analytics dashboards from one catalog into another does not work properly in IBM API Connect After attempting to display an imported dashboard, you either see an empty page, or see an error similar to the one below in place of one or more of its visualizations:"Could not locate that visualization (id: fed6da7e-4db4-4e32-b2e0-5a59d044cdea)"
2020-11-13 MustGather Version 10.x MustGather Version 10.x
2020-11-13 Collect MustGather data for IBM API Connect Version 5.0 Contact IBM Support if you experience a problem with IBM API Connect. Use the details in this document to provide all of the relevant information to the Support team to help with problem resolution.
2020-11-13 MustGather Version 2018.x MustGather Version 2018
2020-10-06 Upgrading from API Connect v10.0.0.0 to v10.0.1.0 requires intermediate pre-requisite upgrade to v10.0.0.0ifix2 IBM API Connect support would like to reemphasize one of the prerequisite steps needed to upgrade to API Connect v10.0.1.0 from v10.0.0.0. as described in the announcement material here: that this upgrade API Connect v10.0.0.0 to v10.0.1.0 requires that you first upgrade to v10.0.0.0-ifix2, see the IBM Knowledge Center details here: required instal
2020-07-20 MustGather: Security Vulnerability issues for API Connect & DataPower Gateways This document describes the MustGather process for opening a security vulnerability case with IBM Support.How to report a security vulnerability with IBM Support: Before you report a security vulnerability issue with IBM Support, please take the following steps: 1. Test the vulnerability on the latest version fix pack of the product. It is important to make sure any security scan is performed on the latest release to avoid reporting current fixed issues. See latest
2020-07-20 MustGather: API Connect gateway service v2018.4.x MustGather information and logs needed to troubleshoot an issue involving the API Connect gateway service within API Connect v2018.4.1 and later
2020-06-25 Not able to Access CMC/APIM User Interface Problem: User's are not able to access Cloud Console or API manager UIError in CMC UI : This site cann't be reached.Error in Portal CLI: APIC Certificate Status (Mismatch): ERROR – Unknown error. Please run set_apim_cert to configure and install a valid public certificate.Error in seeing var/log/apim_rproxy_error.log:[error] [client IP:49914] [7f185c01c350] [8938] SSL0221E: SSL Handshake Failed, Either the certificate has expired or the system clock is incorrect. [IP:49914 -> IP:443] [07:
2020-06-22 How to change Consumer Organization Owner if Owner left company? How to change Consumer Organization Owner if Owner left company?
2020-05-28 How to scale APIC pods If you need to temporarily scale up or down the pods running. For example if you are unsure which APIM-v2 pod is handling the publish, config change, etc you may need to have only a single apim-v2 instance. This would force the activity to be handled by just this pod and allow simpler debugging rather than have the actions spread over three possible nodes.
2020-04-27 MustGather: API Connect Management server v2018 Contact IBM Support if you experience a problem with IBM API Connect. Use the details in this document to provide all of the relevant information to the Support team to help with problem resolution.
2020-04-20 Capture the 429 error when rate limit exceeds in a plan with IBM API Connect Can I capture the 429 error when rate limit exceeds in the Assembly in IBM API Connect?
2020-04-01 Collect MustGather data for IBM API Connect Gateway Gather the following MustGather information for IBM Support to use in troubleshooting problems with IBM API Connect Gateway (Microgateway and DataPower).
2020-04-01 Identifying the DataPower domain name of the API Connect created domain You configure multiple Gateway services that share a single DataPowerReference: can you identify which domain corresponds to which Gateway service?
2020-03-25 IBM API Connect Mustgather – Portal 2018 Contact IBM Support if you experience a problem with IBM API Connect. Use the details in this document to provide all of the relevant information to the Support team to help with problem resolution.
2020-03-25 Mustgather for Analytics server 2018 API Connect MustGather information aid in problem determination and save time resolving Problem Management Records (PMRs). API Connect Support can understand better the problem and save time analyzing the data.
2020-03-20 IBM API Connect Developer Portal Upgrade Issues moving to 2018.4.1.10 Customers may experience problems upgrading their Developer Portal subsystem and sites to version 2018.4.1.10, if not done directly from version 2018.4.1.9iFix1.0.
2020-03-13 MustGather: Collecting the data needed for IBM Support to restore a client backup of an API Connect subsystem within the IBM secure lab IBM Support indicated that they need a backup from an API Connect subsystem in order to progress identifying root cause. What actions need to be taken in order to provide all of the information and data needed by IBM Support?
2020-03-02 How to Extend SMTP Timeout for API Connect By default there is a 10 second timeout configured for the SMTP server used by API Connect. In cases when the mail server is slower to respond, the timeout triggers invalidating the invitation. The mail might still deliver to the recipient, but the invitation link is broken due to the timeout.
2020-02-22 IBM API Connect OVA deployment with VMware vCenter 6.5 fails When using VMware vCenter 6.5 to deploy the IBM API Connect OVA, the deployment fails with the following message.OVF package with compressed disks is currently not supported for OVF import.
2020-01-03 Rate Limit calculation at Plan level How is the Rate Limit calculated when applied at Plan level? Is the Rate Limit shared across all API Operations in the Plan?
2019-11-25 Prevent Developer Portal users from creating consumer organizations How do I prevent Developer Portal users/consumer organization owners from creating consumer organizations?
2019-11-22 How to recover Developer Portal site admin password Admin User is not able to reset the Developer Portal site "admin" account password via the Forgot Password link on the Sign In page.
2019-11-20 Considerations when using a BigIP F5 load balancer in front of API Connect v2018 Performance Layer 4====================Make sure to configure F5 for Performance Layer 4 virtual server, see is in particular needed to allow for SSL passthrough required for mutual SSL connections between certain API Connect subsystems.API Connect appliances and dropped connections==============================================When using F5 there has been reports that connections to API Connect may be intermittently failing, and looking at TCPDUMP captures would
2019-11-11 How to change the hostname within your v5 DevPortal How do I change the hostname of my v5 DevPortal?
2019-06-25 Ingress controller may stop processing requests and hang Prod Mgt – "An unknown Server Error Occured : 502 API Error" return when accessing the manage catalog page
2019-04-30 IBM API Connect Configuring a Password for SMTP server without Password will result in authentication error If a user accidentally configures the optional User name and password fields for their SMTP server which does not require a user name and password on the Cloud Management Console (CMC) Settings>Email page it will throw an authentication error when trying to invite new users to a Provider Organization, resend emails to existing users who have not activated their account, and when you try to test the SMTP configuration.
2019-04-26 Troubleshooting blocked or expired user(s) in API Connect Developer Portal v5 One or more users report being blocked from logging into the Developer Portal. The admin takes steps to unblock the user(s); however, the problem repeatedly reoccurs.
2019-04-11 Handling URLs containing DotDot (..) on DataPower as part of API Connect Customer requests may contain DotDot (..) in the URL. For example as part of query parameter. By default this is not allowed by DataPower
2019-02-06 MustGather: Out of Memory errors with IBM API Connect v2018 This MustGather details how to collect necessary logs for a java/lang/OutOfMemoryError on IBM API Connect v2018. Contact IBM Support if you experience an OutOfMemory exception with IBM API Connect. Use the details in this document to provide all of the relevant information to the Support team.
2019-02-05 API Connect V2018.x: 404 errors after publishing changes to a catalog which is already deployed It has been observed under certain circumstances that updating an already published catalog can result in an inability to access any resources within the catalog.
2019-01-25 Automating APIC Management CLI Operations How to streamline the process of logging into the CLI of an API Connect Management appliance
2018-12-03 How to resolve error "client_body_temp" failed (13: Permission denied)" when installing the API Connect 2018 v4.1.x Analytics Installing the analytics-mtls-gw pod on Openshift version 3.9.x, I get the following log message2018/11/21 12:18:10 [emerg] 1#1: mkdir() "/usr/local/openresty/nginx/client_body_temp" failed (13: Permission denied)nginx: [emerg] mkdir() "/usr/local/openresty/nginx/client_body_temp" failed (13: Permission denied)What is the reason for this error and how do I resolve it?
2018-11-27 Developer Portal upgrade results in error: "chmod: cannot access '/etc/csync2.key': No such file or directory" Why is my Developer Portal upgrade failing with the following errors?Updating from system version 7.x- to system version 7.x- file perms …chmod: cannot access '/etc/csync2.key': No such file or directoryRe-enabling the crontab for the admin user …Fixpack removing stop_db breadcrumbError occurred in script at line: 1586.Line exited with status: 1See /var/log/devportal/command_line.log for more details.N
2018-11-15 API Connect: Error while adding gateway server to gateway cluster When adding a gateway server to a gateway cluster, it goes into "errored" state and the following message can be seen in the API Connect cmc.out log file: GATEWAY ADDITION: Error while adding gateway server to gateway cluster in a background thread. Gateway server ID: <gw server ID>; gateway cluster ID: <gw cluster ID>
2018-10-15 MustGather: API Manager roles and permissions User encounters unexpected results based upon their assigned their assigned role(s) and associated permissions
2018-09-11 How to find the database name and database IP address of the Developer Portal for IBM API Connect How to find the database name and database IP address of mysql of the Developer Portal tool for IBM API Connect
2018-08-30 Mustgather for Analytics Issues in v5 API Connect MustGather information aids in problem determination and saves time resolving CASEs.With this information, API Connect Support can better understand the problem, and save time by analyzing the data.
2018-07-31 How to disable "Upload picture" in "My account" in Developer Portal for IBM API Connect You want to disable the "Upload picture" feature in "My account" in Developer Portal for IBM API Connect .
2018-06-15 Collect MustGather data for IBM API Connect MicroGateway Gather the following MustGather information for IBM Support to use in troubleshooting problems with the IBM API Connect (APIC) MicroGateway.
2018-06-15 Collect MustGather data for IBM API Connect Developer Portal Gather the following MustGather information for IBM Support to use in troubleshooting problems with IBM API Connect Developer Portal.
2018-06-15 Collect MustGather data for IBM API Connect Management Server Gather the following MustGather information for IBM Support to use in troubleshooting problems with IBM API Connect Management Server.
2018-06-15 Collect MustGather data for IBM API Connect Toolkit Gather the following MustGather information for IBM Support to use in troubleshooting problems with IBM API Connect Toolkit.
2018-06-15 SNI Support from CMC to DP XML Management SNI Support from CMC to DP XML Management
2018-06-15 Error observed when manually updating the ctools module in the IBM API Connect Developer Portal Error observed when manually updating the ctools module in the IBM API Connect Developer Portal.
2018-06-15 Upgrade fails between v5010 and v5030 on the developer portal in a cluster Upgrading the developer portal from v5010 to v5030 is failing on clustered servers.
2018-06-15 Issues with misconfigured NTP settings in API Management/API Connect There have been several reports of issues in API Management/API Connect which are related to the time on the servers not being configured correctly. It is advised to check systems to ensure their times are accurate.
2018-06-15 Supported upgrade paths between product levels of IBM API Connect What are the supported upgrade paths between the supported versions of IBM API Connect?

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