Cloud Pak System Firmware Upgrade IBM is available to update your Cloud Pak System firmware Monday to Friday during the business hours (8 AM – 5 PM) of the time zone in which your IBM Cloud Pak System is installed.

How to request a firmware upgrade

  1. Open a unique MySupport case for each Cloud Pak System Serial number with a subject of “Upgrade Cloud Pak System Serial Number:  ____ firmware”.

  2. In the case text, copy and paste this template completed with your information:
                              Company name that owns the system:
                              IBM CPS Serial number:
                              Client Onsite Contact (You company's representative located at the datacenter)
                              Data Center Location:
                              Company name:
                              State or province:
                              Postal code:

    • Include the required information:
    • The phone number and datacenter contact must be in the country where the IBM Cloud Pak System device is physically located.
    • The contact person is provided to IBM when you open a case.

  3. The case will be transferred to the IBM Cloud Pak System Development and Install Team (also known as CPS SWAT) after it is received by Support.