Sterling Data Exchange Technical Notes Our support team maintains articles to assist users with product information, support policies, and common issues. This page contains a searchable list of all Sterling Data Exchange technical notes.

This list of technical support articles was updated on July 05, 2024.
Last Updated Title Abstract
2024-03-08 I would like to automate different queries that we do every day in Control Center. I would like to use an API to pull information on Alerts in an automated fashion.
2024-02-21 Control Center Reporting not working from a Cloud install The customer has installed the software in their IBM Cloud account to perform this demo, and everything is working, less the report module.When they try to save a report, they get an error message. REBV020E: Problem encountered while running the report.
2023-12-20 Dashboard display is empty. Only showing blank pages and getting 404 error. The Control Center Web Console is not display data for the monitored servers. HTTP 404 error is displayed
2023-12-18 Power Shell install of Connect Direct failing from Control Center Director While executing the installCDWindows.ps1 an error is being returned from the Power Shell
2023-12-07 Report Generation is not working in Control Center Running Control Center in a cloud environment and can not execute any reports.
2023-12-04 Control Center reporting Connect:Direct Server is down Connect:Direct UNIX and Connect:Direct Windows server reporting CCTR034E Server Down in Control Center alerts.
2023-11-10 Is Control Center vulnerable regarding CVE-2023-46604? Control Center is using an older jar then recommended under CVE-2023-46604 – It is recommended to upgrade to Apache ActiveMQ version 5.15.16, 5.16.7, 5.17.6, or 5.18.3.
2023-09-12 Control Center install error, JRE libraries are missing When I run the CCInstall64.bin file I'm seeing an error stating "JRE libraries are missing or not compatible
2023-08-11 Error occurs while running configuration – ORA-00972: identifier is too long During the following error occurs.An error occurred while executing SQL command.CREATE TABLE CC_EVENT_ELEMENT_USAGE_CATEGORY(CATEGORY_ID NUMBER NOT NULL , NAME VARCHAR2(50 char), DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(50 char), PRIMARY KEY(CATEGORY_ID ))SQL Error code = 972Error code : InstallErrorCodeList.4008Error : ORA-00972: identifier is too long
2023-07-13 Control Center message CGIS012I occuring when stopping a B2B node We created a rule in Control Center to notify when an adapter is added or removed from B2B, why is this occurring when a one of B2B nodes is stopped?
2023-06-22 What versions of B2B supports a dynamic change of siRecordlimit in IBM Control Center. Does changing siRecordLimit in CCEngineService.xml in Control Center Monitor still require a restart of Control Center and B2B?
2023-05-24 SNMP Trap Host and Port not getting updated in Sterling Control Center SNMP Trap Host and Port not getting updated in Sterling Control Center as we need to send traps to service now. Tried restarting the ICC server but this did not solve the issue.
2023-05-23 Failed to login to IBM Control Center Web Console Failed to login to IBM Control Center Web Console with error "Unable to acquire JDBC Connection".
2023-05-18 Control Center is not starting getting a SQL Error code = 11406 Control Center is not starting the console.out shows*********************** E R R O R ***************************An error occurred while executing SQL command.ALTER TABLE AUDIT_LOG SWITCH PARTITION $PARTITION.AL_PART_FUNC('2022-05-17') TO TEMP_AUDIT_LOGSQL Error code = 11406 Error code : InstallErrorCodeList.4008Error : ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Source and target partitions have different values for the DATA_COMPRESSION option.Exiting configuration process … Check the log file
2023-05-11 Control Center launch page is redirecting to web login page After upgrading to iFix11 can no longer access the the Control Center launch page directly or from the sign-on page.
2023-04-12 LDAP authentication not working getting an error AUTH006E: External authentication failed The LDAP authenticate is not working for IBM Sterling Control Center through Sterling Secure Proxy.
2023-03-30 Limitng ciphers is breaking connections to monitored server Adjusting the in conf directory of Control Center to remove insecure ciphers from being used breaks the connection to the monitored B2B server.jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, RC4, DES, DSA, MD5, DH, ECDH, MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 1024, DESede, \ EC keySize < 224, 3DES_EDE_CBC, anon, NULL, DES_CBC, \ SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, \ SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, \ SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, \&nb
2023-03-23 SAAJ0009: Message send failed [ADAPTER B2B Integrator] IBM Control Center (ICC) is unable to connect to SFG in Production. Going to ICC setup for Sterling File Gateway (SFG/B2B) and test the connection, get the error :" Connection has not been established. "
2023-03-15 Monitoring passive/active SSP-CM showing duplicates entries on Web Console We are monitoring two SSP Engines in Control Center, but we see 4 engines in the dashboard not 2.Some active some unknown status.The two SSP engines are an active/passive setup.
2023-02-22 PBV003E :invalid value specified Using Control Center Director (CCD) to change the Connect:Direct initparm.cfg file record osa.disable gives the error:PBV003E :invalid value specified
2023-02-15 Control Center is getting ACBV001E error when going into Automated Reports Control Center is getting an ACBV001E error when going into Automated Reports following an upgrade.
2023-02-02 Password Reset URL using Wrong/Old Host Name When requesting a reset of the Control Center user password the email being sent has the wrong host name in the URL link.The host name in the link is not the expected value (i.e. not the local host name where Control Center resides).
2023-01-17 Web Application is susceptible to Clickjacking (User Interface Redress Attack) The Web application is susceptible to UI overlay attacks allowing the users click attempts to be under the control of an attacker and the requests forwarded to a new location. Note: only the unauthenticated login pages were tested: a live node and credentials were not provisioned for testing.
2022-12-22 Dashboard does not load after login 404 (Not Found) shown in browser developer console Control Center Dashboard just keeps spinning and loading over and over again. Can not log in to the Web Console.Can reach the launch page from the bottom of the log in panel and log in from the Classic Console.
2022-09-30 After upgrade to iFix08 is not working Applied IFix 8 to existing Test instance of ICC Tried to run and see following: $ ./ Product Name: IBM Sterling Control Center Product Name: IBM Sterling Control Center Info: Loading…common.logging.log4j.LogFactory… Product Name: IBM Sterling Control Center The directory : ../log is being backed up. The directory : ../log back up – Done. Starting IBM Sterling Control Center… Check for startup status… [:/opt/scc/bin] $ ./ line 78: ${NOHUP_PATH
2022-07-19 Control Center will not start Control Center will no longer start
2022-06-28 Sterling Control Center – Lost connectivity to IBM Sterling Integrator Changes were made on IBM Sterling Integrator in the customer override property file for ciphers and secure protocol .After recycling IBM Sterling Integrator to put the changes into affect, Control Center could no longer attach to B2Bi.
2022-06-16 Connect:Direct node is not running on the Control Center Director On a new setup, Connect:Direct node is not running on the Control Center Director .
2022-05-06 Seeing errors in Engine log after upgrading Control Center. We upgraded from to 6.2.1 ifix07 I am getting error (see below) in the engine logs.
2022-04-20 Connect Direct File Agent is not showing in Control Center Setting up a new configuration for Connect Direct and File Agent.Control Center sees the Connect Direct server, but the File Agent does not show up in Control Center.
2022-03-21 Workspace issues with new Cognos 11.1.7 in Control Center Required upgrade to Cognos 11.1.7 Long Term Support release to apply fixes no longer made in 11.0.13 and for compatibility with newer JRE 8 releases. NOTE: MSSQL JDBC driver 7.4.1 causes workspaces to fail.
2022-03-07 Facing session timeout issues in Control Center The client is running a cluster environment containing 2 EPs. When the user tries to log in on the web console it is immediately logged out. The behavior is the same on both EPs.
2022-02-22 Poor performance of database I/O in Control Center set to use Globalized MSSQL Database Control Center was set to use a Globalized Database with MSSQL causing the poor performance of the database.
2022-02-10 Control Center will not start after upgrading from to After upgrading Control Center the Engine is not starting. Seeing errors in the logs.
2022-01-25 Can no longer monitor Connect Direct Server after iFix036 applied there Control Center can no longer monitor Connect:Direct UNIX server after version was applied to the server.
2022-01-20 After applying iFix still seeing old log4j jars on system We installed Control Center iFix10. Our admin says there are old jar sitting in system which might be causing vulnerability. The path is <install directory>/web/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/workarea/ Is it okay for us to delete these jars from this directory?
2021-12-17 IBM Control Center CVE-2021-45046 – CVSS 3.7 CVEID: CVE-2021-45046Description: Apache Log4j is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by an incomplete fix of CVE-2021-44228 in certain non-default configurations. A remote attacker with control over Thread Context Map (MDC) input data or a Thread Context Map pattern to exploit this vulnerability to craft malicious input data using a JNDI Lookup pattern and cause a denial of service.CVSS Base Score: 3.7CVSS Temporal Score: for more informatio
2021-12-15 Control Center Critical Vulnerability Alert CVE-2021-44228 Apache has disclosed a critical vulnerability CVE-2021-44228: Apache Log4j2 JNDI features do not protect against attacker controlled LDAP and other JNDI related endpoints.
2021-12-02 Getting some False Alerts from WorkFlow SLC's Have configured a Workflow SLC in Control Center to watch for a REGEX value for a file on a specific Server in a time frame.Control Center is alerting the file did not come in, but looking at the completed file transfers the expected file arrived on time.This happens some times, but not every time.
2021-12-02 Control Center can not log on to Connect Direct Windows after Windows OS Upgrade Control Center is getting a Logon failed trying to connect to Connect Direct Windows Server after the Windows Server was upgraded.Remote Desktop Connection to the Server using the same User ID and password works.
2021-10-28 What are the ulimit requirements under Red Hat Enterprise Linux? What are the ulimit requirements under Red Hat Enterprise Linux?
2021-10-12 ICC 6.1.3 AccessControlService fails at startup with CROL016E IO Error while parsing Operations to Role Map Exception happens when starting AccessControlService.Caused by: com.sterlingcommerce.scc.common.AclException: CROL016E IO Error while parsing Operations to Role Map.
2021-09-24 Leap year considerations with the IBM Sterling Connect: suite of products Do you need to make any configuration changes for leap year with the IBM Sterling Connect: suite of products and IBM Control Center?
2021-07-29 Control Center won't start due to CD_STATS_LOG SWITCH PARTITION issue New install of Control Center was running for a while but then would no longer start.
2021-07-22 Unable to change agent.enable to N Unable to change agent.enable to N
2021-05-12 Seeing "WARN NodeServiceTableAdapter – Invalid value received for heartbeat interval" in logs Errors are observed in the logs relating to SEAS monitoring heartbeat interval values, similar to the following:"<date <time> [EventProcessorServiceTS] WARN NodeServiceTableAdapter – Invalid value received for heartbeat interval | <value> | Error is java.lang.String incompatible with java.lang.Number Event is Heartbeat <value> SEASCC01 SEAS is Up (Port No=<seas_port>,Profile Name=Default,Authenticated=true) <seas_location> <date_time> event
2021-04-19 B2B Performance issues with Control Center after upgrading B2B Experiencing long wait times (an hour +) for B2B events to be reported in Control Center after IBM Sterling B2B Integrator was upgraded.IBM Sterling B2B Integrator was upgraded from 526 to 610.
2021-04-06 Unable to make a connection to the Database when running configCC Trying to configure Control Center for a secure connection to the database but get an error.Key store and Trust store have been configured.Secure connection to database = Y
2021-04-06 Getting File Agent down alerts when the File Agent is not down There is a rule in Control Center monitoring for CCFA004I with linked rule looking for CCFA003I.Control Center is issuing an alert from this rule stating that the CD File Agent is down.Occurs on random File Agents not always the same CDFA.
2021-03-26 Control Center web page on 58082 and 58083 is unavailable with a 503 error New Install of Control Center 6.2.0 using Microsoft 2019 DatabaseThe web portal is unavailable on port 58082 (non-secure) and 58083 (secure). Seeing an HTTP 503 ERROR – Service unavailable.There is something called hibernate.instance as an error in the ccweb_<date>.log that seems suspicious. SQL Server 2019 is case-sensitive, so if CCM is trying to reference something called 'hibernate.sequence' instead of HIBERNATE.SEQUENCE then that explains the error. This error seems to coincide with an attempted
2021-03-15 Unable to open Control Center Java console due to application signed with expired certificate Getting an error window trying to launch the Control Center GUI ConsoleJava Application Blocked – Application Blocked by Java SecurityReason: Your security settings have blocked an application signed with an expired or not-yet-valid certificate from running.
2021-03-10 IBM Control Center installation error: open file size is out of operating range IBM Control Center error during installation: The current open file size of 4096 is out of operating range.
2021-03-10 Cognos Workspaces are not displaying in Control Center When using Chrome as the Browser and trying to access Workspaces Group or Personal from Control Center Web Console an error occurs and the information is not displayed.
2021-03-01 CCFG164I create Object type: Secure+ Key Certificate Return Code: 8 Attempting to update a key certificate of a Connect:Direct Server from IBM Control Center result in the error below: CCFG164I create Object type: Secure+ Key Certificate Return Code: 8
2021-02-08 How often are old alerts automatically handled in IBM Sterling Control Center? How frequently the process set by parameter "Automatically handle alerts older than (hours)" is run.
2021-01-26 The CD File Agents are not being monitored by Control Center Connect Direct File Agent Traps are not getting monitored, even the SNMP port is not listening on the Control Center Controlling Event Processor.
2020-12-21 Is .NET required? Is .NET required?
2020-12-16 Ran configCC and picked entitlement of both CCD & CCM but can not continue with keystore Upgrading Control Center 6.1.2 to version 6.2.0 and when running configCC picked entitlement of all products.1. IBM Sterling Control Center Director2. IBM Sterling Control Center Monitor3. All ProductsBut don't have a keystore because no secure connections were used in 6.1.2 and can not continue configCC with out entering a keystore.Exited out of configCC how can I change the setting to only Control Center Monitor.
2020-12-08 Process Data in Tag1 is not getting populated Added Process Data into Tag1 by using custom tags, but the data is not getting populated in the Completed Processes Custom View.
2020-12-02 Getting Unavailable in a Control Center email Alert Getting Unavailable for a parameter in an email alert?
2020-11-12 Getting two email's from a rule looking for failed file transfer I created a rule to send an email when the return code is greater than or equal to 8 for my process, but I am getting two email's not one.
2020-10-30 New Install IBM Control Center – HTTP ERROR 503 Service Unavailable Installed Control Center Monitor 6.2.0 on Windows 2016 and DB2 11.5 database.Can not access the Web Console though port 58082 shows listening.
2020-10-22 SEAS against Active Directory having issues trying to use TLS1.2 between ICC and SEAS. Authenticate users with Sterling® External Authentication Services(SEAS) against Active Directory(AD) is having issues trying to use TLS1.2 between IBM Control Center(ICC) and SEAS.
2020-10-16 runEngine is doing a Cold Start Control Center 6.2.0 GA and iFix01 on Linux and AIX is missing events from monitored servers.
2020-10-13 Jaspter Reports are not working Reports are not running from IBM Control Center
2020-10-07 Does Control Center support Oracle 19C Does Control Center support Oracle 19c
2020-09-21 JVMDUMP012E Error in System dump: Dump failed – could not load library DBGHELP.DLL IBM Control Center error "JVMDUMP012E Error in System dump: Dump failed – could not load library DBGHELP.DLL"
2020-09-01 How do you reset Sterling Control Center's ADMIN password if you forget ? How do you reset Sterling Control Center's ADMIN password if you forget ?
2020-08-24 IBM Control Center error JVMDUMP039I Processing dump event "systhrow", detail "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError IBM Control Center users can't log in.
2020-08-18 Upgrading to Control Center does not work with a staging database defined in earlier versions After upgrading Control Center from an earlier release to, Control Center will no longer start.
2020-08-10 Cognos is not starting using a CA certificate Installed Control Center Monitor to use secure connections and with a CA Certificate to be used in Cognos as well.The configCC ran without errors, but Cognos is not starting.
2020-07-24 OpenSSL Heartbleed Vulnerability and Impact to IBM Sterling Managed File Transfer Products (CVE-2014-0160) Are IBM Sterling Managed File Transfer products affected by the OpenSSL Heartbleed vulnerability?
2020-07-24 Downloading Sterling MFT products and maintenance You would like to obtain a Sterling Managed File Transfer (MFT) product or maintenance. You want to know what options are available for getting the product, individual fixes, and cumulative maintenance for any of the Sterling MFT products.
2020-07-24 File Agent is not being displayed in Control Center GUI Newly added Connect:Direct Windows File Agent will not display on Control Center
2020-07-24 How to debug InstallAnywhere when installing Connect Java based products How to debug InstallAnywhere when installing Connect Java based products
2020-07-24 Secure Plus Reporting Want to run a monthly report to identify managed nodes that don't have Secure+ turned on
2020-07-24 Error trying to monitor Connect:Direct i5/OS with Control Center Getting errors in the logs when trying to monitor Connect:Direct i5/OS from IBM Control Center. .
2020-07-24 Problem with SCC Server Configuration – Cannot see Secure+ configurations in IBM Control Center for Connect:Direct servers. Connect:Direct for Unix 4.2.02 iFix020 and Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows do not appear in IBM Control Center's Server Configuration for Secure+ after upgrades
2020-07-24 Many sxs*.* files are being created in the C:D solidDB® folder. Many solidDB® temp files are being created and it caused the Connect:Direct Disk to fill up and CD statistic cannot be collected.
2020-07-24 ICC unable to monitor iSeries with IBM Control Center ICC currently monitoring Sterling File Gateway, C:D for z/OS, UNIX, Linux, windows. We are attempting to monitor AS/400 (iSeries, IBM i system) and having issues. We login but never complete the process to monitor C:D on the machine.
2020-07-24 How to add comm.transport=tcp when creating a UNIX netmap node using the IBM Control Center API How to add comm.transport=tcp when creating a UNIX netmap node using the IBM Control Center API
2020-07-24 Sterling Control Center receives CDIS023E when attempting to connect to Connect:Direct UNIX server that has been discovered through node discovery. Sterling Control Center receives CDIS023E when attempting to connect to Connect:Direct UNIX server that has been discovered through node discovery.
2020-07-24 Sterling Control Center will not attach to Connect:Direct OS/400 or i5/OS nodes Sterling Control Center will not attach to my Connect:Direct OS/400 or i5/OS nodes
2020-07-22 B2B Liberty Nodes show down in Control Center After upgrading B2B to 6.0 in Control Center there are now Liberty Nodes displayed and they are being reported as down.
2020-07-16 Control Center Director error SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP When in the browser and trying to connect to the Control Center Director engine the error:"An error occurred during a connection to <serverName>:<portNumber>. Cannot communicate securely with peer:no common encryption algorithm(s). Error code: SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP"is thrown.
2020-05-18 After patching to B2BI 5.2.5 ifix16, IBM Control Center sees delays of 8+ hours displaying SFG events – Sterling B2B Integrator. After patching to Sterling B2B Integrator and Sterling File Gateway to 5.2.5 ifix16, seeing 8+ hours delays in IBM Control Center (ICC) displaying SFG events.
2020-04-17 Does ICC support 'Subresource Integrity' checking? We had a vulnerability flagged against the control center server. The description states – The application does not perform Subresource Integrity tests for externally acquired resources, such as JavaScript and CSS files. Does ICC support 'Subresource Integrity' checking?
2020-04-07 Control Center unable to monitor a 7.5 MQFTE system Control Center is not monitoring a 7.5 MQFTE system, but has no troubles monitoring a 8.0 MQFTE system. No errors in the Control Center logs, Just a lack of any JMS messages being received from the 7.5 MQFTE system.
2020-03-31 Connect:Direct Browser in Control Center gets error: "There is an IO error: Return Code 712" Connect:Direct Browser in Control Center gets error: "There is an IO error: Return Code 712" for the following functions: User Functions tab: "Select Process" and "Select Statistics" and Admin Functions tab: "Network Map", "Functional Authority" and "Proxy".
2020-03-30 When trying to access the Control Center launchpage get an error on browser (Error 500: java.lang.NullPointerException). We new installed IBM Control Center on zLinux OS and when trying to access the Control Center launch page we are getting an error on browser (Error 500: java.lang.NullPointerException).
2020-03-12 Which version supports Oracle 12cR2 (, 18c ( or 19c ( Which version of IBM Control Center can be used with database Oracle 12cR2 (, 18c ( or 19c (
2020-02-28 Error running configCC for Cognos Getting an error in configCC at the Cognos step.Problem in calling cogconfigSCC script with -config option, check log/CCInstall.log.
2020-02-18 Control Center Engine is not starting using MSSQL database Control Center shuts down right after starting issuing messageAbout to broadcast CJDB026E, which will cause engine to shut down
2020-02-17 How to change the Oracle JDBC Driver on Unix How to change the Oracle JDBC Driver on Unix
2020-02-17 Is it possible to use upper- or lowercase function in XPATH Expression? Is it possible to use upper- or lowercase function in XPATH Expression?
2020-02-11 Missing SFG events in IBM Control Center (ICC) Missing SFG events in IBM Control Center (ICC)
2020-02-11 Sterling Control Center cannot retrieve information from Sterling Integrator with error CGIS048E. Sterling Control Center cannot retrieve information from Sterling Integrator with error CGIS048E.
2020-02-11 Sterling Control Center monitoring error on node 2 involving SOARequstHandler and SOA_MessageHandler on node 1 Sterling Control Center monitoring error on node 2 involving SOARequstHandler and SOA_MessageHandler on node 1
2020-02-04 Support for Windows Server 2008 R2 for Control Center Does Control Center still support Windows 7, Windows 2008, 2008 R2?
2020-01-27 The time zone of IBM Control Center is GMT -2, however the time zone of my operating system is GMT -3 My timezone of IBM Control Center is GMT -2, however the timezone of my operating system is GMT -3 (Brazil timeZone GMT -3). When I run the it does not give me the option to change the timezone to GMT -3.
2019-12-18 How do I configure Sterling Control Center to monitor Connect:Enterprise for z/OS? How do I configure Sterling Control Center to monitor Connect:Enterprise for z/OS?
2019-12-18 Why does Control Center shows nothing on Daemon Status Monitor when pointed at a Connect:Enterprise UNIX 2.2 install? (SCI99621) Why does Control Center shows nothing on Daemon Status Monitor when pointed at a Connect:Enterprise UNIX 2.2 install? (SCI99621)
2019-12-18 Cannot connect to Connect:Enterprise node Cannot connect to Connect:Enterprise node
2019-12-18 CNCD022E Error connecting to server Error: Connection Exception! Unexpected IOException in CommunicationBuffer::Rece CNCD022E Error connecting to server Error: Connection Exception! Unexpected IOException in CommunicationBuffer::Rece
2019-12-18 What are the WARN errors in the SCC Engine log CNCD025E – SCBO001I Not authorized to issue SELect USER command What are the WARN errors in the SCC Engine log CNCD025E – SCBO001I Not authorized to issue SELect USER command
2019-12-17 How do you configure HTTPS? (SCI72073) How do you configure HTTPS? (SCI72073)
2019-12-17 Sterling Control Center causes Fatal Error in GIS noapp.log Sterling Control Center causes Fatal Error in GIS noapp.log
2019-12-17 Can not get SNMP traps to work from Sterling Control Center Can not get SNMP traps to work from Sterling Control Center
2019-12-17 Cognos problems on a cloned IBM Sterling Control Center system After cloning everything worked on Sterling Control Center except for Cognos.
2019-12-17 When I start IBM Control Center when can I know when Cognos is up and I can run reports. When I start IBM Control Center when can I know when Cognos is up and I can run reports.
2019-12-17 IBM Control Center installs IBM Cognos as a Windows Service IBM Control Center installs IBM Cognos as a Windows Service
2019-12-17 IBM Sterling Control Center Linked Rule consumes event rule incorrectly. Within IBM Sterling Control Center, a Linked Rule is coded such that upon condition 'x' occurring, it will either: 1) do nothing if condition 'y' occurs within the set time OR 2) perform action 'a' if condition 'y' does not occur within the time set A separate Rule also watches for condition 'y'. A timing problem exists such that if condition 2) is initiated and is running AND during this time, condition 'y' also occurs, the Linked Rule consumes condition 'y' thus preventing the separate Rule from run
2019-12-17 Error Running the report on Cognos Business intelligence server Unable to run reports in Sterling Control Center as Cognos is not able to build the metadata model.
2019-12-17 CGNS001E Failed to connect to the Cognos Business Cognos failed to start after upgrading to SCC v6.0.0.0. After the upgrade, we are getting errors in the Cognos Report Service log that it is unable to connect. Even after applying the v6.0.0.1 maintenance, we get the same errors.
2019-12-17 Sterling Control Center console issues with JRE 1.7 release 51 After client system JRE is updated to release 51 the Sterling Control Center Console will no longer start from the web launch.
2019-12-17 Large numbers of ORA-00001 errors per second in the IBM Control Center log Excessive number of ORA-00001 errors are being written every second to the IBM Control Center log.
2019-12-17 Control Center will not install get error from CCInstall64.bin Trying to install IBM Control Center using the command; CCInstall64.bin -i console
2019-12-17 Unable to start IBM Sterling Control Center engine with CCTR075E ERROR When running configCC to configure the IBM Sterling Control Center engine the startup fails with error CCTR075E
2019-12-17 Can no longer run reports after upgrading to on Solaris platform. After upgrading Control Center from to can no longer run Reports in Cognos or use the workspaces in the Web Console.
2019-12-17 IBM Control Center Database input Can the IBM B2B Integrator database be setup as direct input to IBM Control Center?
2019-12-17 SLCs schedules are not handling day light saving time change When there is a time change for day light saving the SLC's in Control Center are giving false alerts.
2019-12-17 Error 503: Unable to communicate with IBM Control Center engine Error 503: Unable to communicate with IBM Control Center engine when trying to log on to the Web Console.
2019-12-17 The Sterling Control Center Bad Return Code rule did not catch a process that failed on Connect:Direct z/OS no alert was issued. The Sterling Control Center Bad Return Code rule did not catch a process that failed on Connect:Direct z/OS no alert was issued.
2019-12-17 RDS PRO: Tenable Vuln. Plugin 85582 Web Application RDS PRO: Tenable Vuln. Plugin 85582 Web Application Potentially Vulnerable to Clickjacking – Middleware Security Vulnerability The remote web server does not set an X-Frame-Options response header or a Content-Security-Policy 'frame-ancestors' response header in all content responses. This could potentially expose the site to a clickjacking or UI redress attack, in which an attacker can trick a user into clicking an area of the vulnerable page that is different than what the user perceives the page t
2019-12-17 Unable to connect to the engine The engine is taking an excessive amount of time to start.
2019-12-17 Sterling Control Center stops after several hours of operation IBM Sterling Control Center shuts down after several hours of operation. It does this repeatedly and at more or less regular intervals.
2019-12-17 In Control Center, disabling non-secure listening port (58080) causes to stop working. In Control Center, disabling non-secure listening port (58080) causes to stop working.
2019-12-17 Web Console does not show results of selected options – Sterling Control Center Sterling Control Center Web Console is not showing results of selected options
2019-12-17 Unable to launch Control Center from Sterling Control Center Start Page on Windows. Unable to launch Control Center from Sterling Control Center Start Page on Windows.
2019-12-17 The message id "CCTR034E" for server down isn't showing up in the logs. Server Down rule, the message id "CCTR034E" for server down isn't showing up in the logs. It does display in the Last System Message when you open the properties of the managed node in the control console: CCTR034E Server is down. CNCD022E messages do appear in the engine log.
2019-12-17 Can Microsoft SQL Server be used as the database for Control Center? (SCI62539) Can Microsoft SQL Server be used as the database for Control Center? (SCI62539)
2019-12-17 CCL-SRV-0514 The BIBusTKServer process ran out of thread resource. Can not access Cognos from Control Center Console
2019-12-17 CSPA311E – SSL certificate verification failed, reason=unsupported certificate purpose CSPA311E – SSL certificate verification failed, reason=unsupported certificate purpose
2019-12-17 Trying to use SFG Analytics Widgets from developerWorks I am trying to upload the "SFG Analytics Widgets" that I located on the IBM developerWorks® site. There is a tutorial that walks through importing the widgets made available for SFG, when I click on the Configuration tab on the IBM Cognos Administration screen all I see is "Working".
2019-12-17 Sterling Control Center script not working for new template Attempts to create new rules with based on own templates fails to work with error CRUL008E. The full error seen is: Error performing Rule creation … com.sterlingcommerce.scc.common.RuleException: CRUL008E Rule Creation failed., CRUL001E Invalid Rule, missing element: match, Rule:
2019-12-17 Thick client will not load with Oracle Java version The Control Center thick client option from the web console will not load if the installed version of Java on the workstation is at the following: java -version java version "1.8.0_141" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_141-b15) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.141-b15, mixed mode) works on this version C:\Users\p1pmlq1>java -version java version "1.8.0_73" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_73-b02) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.73-b02, mixed mode)
2019-12-17 Exceeding the maximum number of Alerts in IBM Control Center What happens if you exceed the maximum number of Alerts in IBM Control Center?
2019-12-17 The SOA inbound BP in SI is halting on the "Sterling Control Center Service" step The SOA inbound BP in SI is halting on the "Sterling Control Center Service" step
2019-12-17 alert is trigged by wrong rule Rules were created but alert is being triggering by the wrong rule.
2019-12-17 How can I stop Control Center without supplying a user ID and password for stopEngine How can I have a script that stops Control Center without needing to supply a user ID and a password.
2019-12-17 What are the high availability and fail over options for IBM Sterling Control Center? What are the high availability and fail over options for IBM Sterling Control Center?
2019-12-17 ICC is unable to connect to Cognos Engine ICC is unable to connect to Cognos Engine after password change
2019-12-17 IBM Control Center Release Notes The IBM® Control Center V6.1.0.1 Release Notes document supplements the IBM Control Center online release documentation.
2019-12-17 Where do you find the version of the WebSphere (Liberty) Console that IBM Control Center is using? Where do you find the version of the WebSphere (Liberty) Console that IBM Control Center is using?
2019-12-17 CJDB023E Could not connect to database CJDB023E Could not connect to database
2019-12-17 Control Center is not vulnerable to CVE-2017-5638 Is Control Center vulnerable to the Apache Struts 2 vulnerability CVE-2017-5638
2019-12-17 Control Center WebSphere console.log was filling up file system. Control Center WebSphere console.log was filling up file system. We noticed a very significant increase of volume of logs in Control Center /web/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/logs/console.log There are numerous error messages, the file was increasing 7.25MB/min.
2019-12-17 Can not access Cognos reporting IBM Control Center, can not access Cognos report or Workspaces. Unable to perform an active Content Manager election on the local IP node. For more information, see the dispatcher and Content Manager detailed logs. Ensure that the local Content Manager service is started. com.cognos.pogo.bibus.CommandExecutionIOException: Failed to send HTTP request or read HTTP response
2019-12-17 Control Center will not start after upgrade due to Database Collation Error After upgrading to SCC v6.0.0.1, iFix06, on Windows Server 2008 R2, the startup failed. Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN" in the equal to operation.
2019-12-17 The Connect Control Center engine shutting down immediately upon startup (SCI91752) The Connect Control Center engine shutting down immediately upon startup (SCI91752)
2019-12-17 IBM Control Center (ICC) incorrectly displays list of Cipher Suites The list of available and/or selected cipher suites shown for a given Connect:Direct monitored node differs from those seen directly on the node itself with e.g. Secure+ Admin Tool or This issue may arise in conjunction with Connect:Direct nodes being brought to version 6.0, whether as a new installation or by upgrading from an earlier release.
2019-12-17 Sterling Control Center Instructions for disabling quick logon when logging in from webstart Sterling Control Center Instructions for disabling quick logon when logging in from webstart
2019-12-17 Sterling Control Center 6.1 FTP Agent not sending back data from GlobalScape log I installed the FTP Agent on the windows GlobalScape server and it says that I am connected to the agent on the CC side. The issue is I do not see any log event data coming across and the icon shows a ? mark like it is not connected.
2019-12-17 User password showed as PLAIN TEXT in Engine_.log file After upgrading SCC to version on RedHat Linux 64bit, and trying to update the User's password in Server Properties of Connect Direct node defined in SCC, the "Update" button has failed and said: "CCTR020E Server Service Update failed." After entering valid password with GUI, and after clicking update, in such case, the Engine log file says: com.sterlingcommerce.scc.common.SCCException: CCTR020E Server Service Update failed and the user password is displayed in plain text in the engine log
2019-12-17 Sterling Control Center does not allow two entries of the same key when setting up a filter combination. Sterling Control Center does not allow two entries of the same key when setting up a filter combination.
2019-12-17 Data Visibility Group not useable until later in day or next day Created Data Visibility Group with FG Producer matching , the user was created and assigned it to this visibility group. When logging as this new user no files were available.
2019-12-17 Sterling Control Center goes down after 5-10 minutes Newly installed copy of Sterling Control Center goes down a few minutes after starting.
2019-12-17 Multiple servers show up in web console but not GUI console There are Multiple servers show up in web console but not GUI console? How can I delete them since they don't show in the GUI Console?
2019-12-17 MQMFT Node is not auto re-connected when the coordination queue manager is restarted WebSphere MQ MQMFT Node is not auto re-connected when the coordination queue manager is restarted We restarted the coordination queue manager which has SYSTEM.FTE topic, MQMFT node uses that topic to get the transfer logs. When the restart is completed and the QM is online, MQMFT node is not auto connected to get the logs published to SYSTEM.FTE topic. We restarted Control Center to get that connected again.
2019-12-17 Cannot Launch the IBM Control Center Console Attempts to launch the Console from the Control Center launch page result in an error, The requested service is no longer available.
2019-12-17 CC Cognos report failed Monthly File Transfer Activity report fails
2019-12-17 Getting java popup error while launching the GUI console. When trying to download and launch the GUI Console from the IBM Control Center launch page get a java popup error. Application Blocked for Security. Failed to validate certificate. The application will not be executed.
2019-12-17 Enable TLSv1.2 and approved ciphers for IBM Control Center There is a requirement for IBM Control Center to be able to use TLS 1.2 to communicate with the secure ports, and use a specific list of ciphers. How is this done?
2019-12-17 Sterling Control Center Release Notes The Sterling Control Center V5.4.2.2 Release Notes document supplements the online release documentation.
2019-12-17 ICC upgraded to – exportConfig.bat fails After upgrading to IBM Control Center exportConfig.bat fails
2019-12-17 Java problem when configuring the Sterling Control Center on z/Linux Problem with java when configuring the installation of Sterling Control Center on zLinux (Redhat OS). During the configuration it gives us the error after inserting the Cognos database information. INFO StreamConsumer – CMD OUT–>Unable to locate a JRE. Please specify a valid JAVA_HOME environment variable
2019-12-17 After you apply an iFix, IBM Control Center will not start The Engine log shows that it cannot start the RuleService which is keeping the Engine from running.
2019-12-17 SLC processing is not working after upgrading to 6.1 After upgrading to Control Center SLC's are giving false alerts. Using a single Event Processor system.
2019-12-17 Trouble connecting to Cognos Did a new install of Control Center 6.1 and need assistance setting up Cognos. Linux OS working with a DB2 database.
2019-12-17 Control Center receives a Java virtual machine out-of-memory condition on 64-bit machine Control Center receives a Java virtual machine out-of-memory condition on 64-bit machine
2019-12-17 Question HTTP VERBS What HTTP VERBS are leveraged for Control Center?
2019-12-17 Control Center shuts down from a database error after globalization ERROR SQLExceptionShutdownHandler – ** About to broadcast CJDB026E, which will cause engine to shut downControl Center is running with a MSSQL 2014 database server with globalization turned on
2019-12-17 Can't connect to Cognos when web server We are able to connect to Cognos once we use the server hostname instead of the VIP 111.222.333.444 physical ipaddress when running the configCC and enter Yes for the Web Server (WebSphere Liberty) and Cognos settings. When you ask for the Engine Hostname and we enter the ipaddress instead of the hostname. CCENTER_WEB_START_HOSTNAME=111.222.333.333   111.222.333.444 – This IP is a dynamic IP address that points to Server 1 and Server 2 at a single of point of time. This configuration worked in the past and
2019-12-17 Is there anyway of disabling the Cognos Dispatcher Configuration element when running During run of you get asked for settings for Cognos. When you skip this part you run into errors and stops. You can not start Sterling Control Center
2019-12-17 Sterling Control Center does not start after you copy files in /conf folder from one installation to another Sterling Control Center does not start after you copy across some files from the /conf folder between two installs.
2019-12-17 Welcome to Liberty page displayed when attempting to launch IBM Control Center When attempting to open the IBM Control Center Java Launch page, the Websphere Application Sever Liberty Welcome page is displayed instead. Any action from that page results in a pop-up displaying the error "Context Root Not Found
2019-12-17 Does IBM Control Center support Microsoft SQL Server 2016? Is Microsoft SQL Server 2016 supported by IBM Control Center
2019-12-17 Can IBM Control Center work with SELinux enforced on the RedHat Server? Could you please clarify, if we would be required to do any configuration changes for IBM Sterling Control Center application to run without issues once SELinux is enforced on the RHEL server
2019-12-17 IBM Sterling B2B Integrator Test Now – AS2 "Certificate Information not valid" IBM Sterling B2B Integrator Test Now – AS2 "Certificate Information not valid"
2019-12-17 Getting alerts from Sterling Control Center when BP ran successfully on Sterling B2B Integrator Getting alerts when a BP ran successfully on the Sterling B2B Integrator (SI) node. The BP runs successfully, but is run with full persistence and there are a few steps that have status "JMS Queued" and "BP queued" which apparently equate to WF_STATUS 11 and 12. These statuses are apparently being passed to Sterling Control Center (SCC) as "inError true", which in turn causes a return code 8, thus causing alerts to be issued (a rule is set up to alert if return code is not 0).
2019-12-17 Cognos connection error after applying Maintenance When starting the Cognos Business Intelligent System, under the control of IBM Sterling Control Center, fails to start, error
2019-12-17 Control Center mysqld-nt.exe (MySQL) is using 100% CPU on Windows server for hours Control Center mysqld-nt.exe (MySQL) is using 100% CPU on Windows server for hours
2019-12-17 Change to email receipts not taking affect I am trying to update an action to change the recipients of a scheduled mail. When I change it from the Control Center Console and then click update, the changes are seemed to apply from both nodes and web console as well but the next day when the schedule worked, the mail is sent to the same recipients as earlier, including the ones I have removed the day earlier.
2019-12-17 Sterling Control Center (SCC) does not cause configuration file components to be deleted from Connect:Direct UNIX nodes when removed from configs, even though the configuration job appears to complete successfully. Removing a netmap entry attribute for a Connect:Direct node from within SCC does not cause it to actually be removed from the netmap of that node, despite the configuration job completing successfully.
2019-12-17 pop-up window in the GUI with slight delay due to exception thrown Get a pop-up window in the GUI with slight delay due to exception thrown. XsltTransformErrorListener – Internal XSLTC error:  A method in the translet exceeds the Java Virtual Machine limitation on the length of a method of 64 kilobytes.
2019-12-17 Total count form Sterling File Gateway Route wrong on report The total count form Sterling File Gateway Route Detail by Consumer did not match the number from SFG dash board
2019-12-17 Sterling Control Center monitoring Sterling B2B Integrator invokes SOA_MessageHandler too frequently Sterling Control Center (SCC) monitoring Sterling B2B Integrator (SBI) invokes SOA_MessageHandler too frequently.
2019-12-17 IBM Control Center Cognos Reports are not working IBM Control Center Cognos Reports are not working.
2019-12-17 How can I change the default Monitor Rest Time on all monitored servers? How can I change the default Monitor Rest Time on all monitored servers?
2019-12-17 Upgraded Control Center to from and now can not access the Web Console or Launch Page. Upgraded Control Center to from and now can not access the Web Console or Launch Page.After completing the upgrade and running configCC and starting the application, we're unable to access the url: ICC-hostname:58082
2019-12-17 SCC – What is the maximum number of records you get when creating a report SCC – What is the maximum number of records you get when creating a report
2019-12-17 It is not possible to import rules using the web console Attempting to import Rules using IBM Control Center web console produces error: "c:\users\user\appdata\local\temp\2\D:\control Center\rules\ (The filename, directory name, or volume syntax is incorrect)"
2019-12-17 Cognos not working on a backup system with IBM Control Center IBM Control Center got cloned on another system. Everything is working except for Cognos.
2019-12-17 Getting CSLC034E message for every file transfer that is transferred on time Getting CSLC034E message for every file transfer that is transferred on time
2019-12-17 Alerts for Rule Message CGIS043I display the node name incorrectly. All Control Center alerts (down or up) for Sterling B2B Integrator for perimeter server nodes are reading as "node2" even when they should be reading "node1". A report shows that the node name is also incorrect in the database.
2019-12-17 How to migrate IBM Control Center to a new database You need to reconfigure IBM Control Center to point to a new database (DB). How do you do this?
2019-12-17 Control Center Wildcard Rule not working IBM Sterling Control Center Wildcard Rule not working when configured with multiple servers
2019-12-17 JAVA error when launch the GUI Console Can not launch the IBM Control Center GUI Console from the HTTP Launch Page.
2019-12-17 Can not access the Personal Workspace in the Web Console In the Control Center Web Console when selecting the Workspace an error is returned and the page is not displayed.
2019-12-17 Control Center Cognos (Lucene) service is unable start. After upgrading from IBM Control Center v6.0.0.0 to v6.0.0.1, ifix03,
2019-12-17 IBM Sterling Control Center Web Console does not start The IBM Sterling Control Center Web Console does not start
2019-12-17 Error java ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException with Oracle JDBC driver when used with Sterling Control Center Error java ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException with Oracle JDBC driver when used with Sterling Control Center
2019-12-17 THE RECORD LENGTH OF THE TABLE EXCEEDS THE PAGE SIZE LIMIT Partitioning product tables for database fails
2019-12-17 What commands are allowed in the 'Sever Command ' field of the 'Action Properties' dialog box? What commands and their associated syntax are allowed in the 'Sever Command ' field of the 'Action Properties' dialog box from within IBM Control Center (ICC)?
2019-12-17 How to start IBM Control Center and not start Cognos at startup. How to start IBM Control Center and not start Cognos at startup.
2019-12-17 The console auto-refresh for settings do not work. The console auto-refresh for settings do not work for the Web console as in earlier releases.
2019-12-17 Oracle ORA-01000 errors in Control Center logs WARN BulkDataMover – ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded Stack Trace: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
2019-12-17 The CompletedFiles API returns no results if the start and end date are set to the same value. The CompletedFiles API returns no results if the start and end date are set to the same value. However, if changing the end date to +1 days returns results from the same day as the start value. Since no time values are used, would expect if the start and end dates are set to the same value, the API call would return results from midnight to current time.
2019-12-17 How to integrate Sterling Control Center (SCC) users in LDAP ? How to integrate Sterling Control Center (SCC) users in LDAP ?
2019-12-17 Automated Reporting is not working. Management Automated Report stopped working, Only modifications made to CC were for Out of memory issues and some fine tuning recommended by IBM support.
2019-12-17 Which port do you use to monitor Connect:Enterprise node? Which port do you use to monitor Connect:Enterprise node?
2019-12-17 DB re-init results in drop table EVENTS_EXT SQL Error code = -669 Attempts to re-initialize a z/DB2 using IBM Sterling Control Center v5.3.04 results in the error ERROR DB_Init – An error occurred while executing SQL command. drop table EVENTS_EXT SQL Error code = -669 Error code : InstallErrorCodeList.4008 ERROR DB_Init – DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-669, SQLSTATE=42917, SQLERRMC=0001, DRIVER=3.66.46 Error occurs while re-initializing the DB in configCC
2019-12-17 Are alerts stored in the control center database Are alerts stored in the control center database, and if so which table and how long do the records remain in the table(s)?
2019-12-17 How to monitor Control Center for poor data base performance. How to monitor Control Center for poor data base performance. Control Center 6.1 needs good database performance to run well, as it is much more reliant on the database than previous versions.
2019-12-17 Unable to connect to database following migration from Oracle 11g to Oracle 12c After data migration from Oracle 11g to Oracle 12c Revision 2 (SCC was stopped, data was exported from Oracle 11g and imported to Oracle 12c) , an error occurred while configuring the connection to new DB through <installdir>/bin/ The connection to database works fine from clients like "sqlplus" and required permissions were granted on new database.The provided conenction details, host, port, user credential etc. are all correct.For Oracle 12c the driver ojdbc8.jar was used. After the fail
2019-12-17 Installation failed when the check for temporary diskspace failed During the installation of IBM Control Center, the installation program will check and see if there is enough temporary space to perform some of its operations during the installation. When there is insufficient space, the installation program will abort and stop.
2019-12-17 In the Advanced server properties, what does the option to enable tracing do and what are the performance issues if turned on? In the Advanced server properties, what does the option to enable tracing do and what are the performance issues if turned on?
2019-12-17 OS versions no longer supported in CC 6.1.1 In Version, Control Center deprecated support for Solaris on SPARC and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), and announced plans to discontinue support in a future release.
2019-12-17 Missing data from IBM Sterling B2B Integrator in IBM Control Center IBM Control Center Service level criteria (SLCs) are sending alerts that the Business Process data did not arrive in Sterling B2B Integrator (SI).
2019-12-17 Unsupported level of Linux 6 Unsupported level of Linux 6
2019-12-17 Unable to connect Cognos reporting from Control Center Unable to connect Cognos reporting from Control Center
2019-12-17 The file count on the Control Center Dashboard more than Sterling File Gateway. The file count on the Control Center Dashboard more than Sterling File Gateway.
2019-12-17 Is it possible  to modify SNMP Traps? (SCI97261) Is it possible  to modify SNMP Traps? (SCI97261)
2019-12-17 Unable to connect to managed Sterling B2B Integrator server using the long DNS name IBM Control Center is unable to connect to a managed IBM Sterling B2B Integrator server using the long DNS name. If the IP address or short DNS name is used there is no problem connecting to the server.
2019-12-17 What information is stored in the Sterling MIB ( Management Information Base ) ? What information is stored in the Sterling MIB ( Management Information Base ) shipped with IBM Sterling Control Center ?
2019-12-17 Need upgrade instructions for IBM Control Center Where do you find upgrade instructions for Control Center?
2019-12-17 IBM Control Center 6.1.1 Release Notes The IBM® Control Center V6.1.1 Release Notes document supplements the IBM Control Center online release documentation.
2019-12-17 Adding new EPs and get an error trying to start the new Engine New EP Engine will not start the Engine log shows and error
2019-12-17 Error CCTR035E failure connecting to Connect:Enterprise server on Sterling Control Center logs. Error CCTR035E failure connecting to Connect:Enterprise server on Sterling Control Center logs.
2019-12-17 SCC Dashboard (PMR 24307,442,000) Dashboard does not show history beyond a certain date
2019-12-17 When launching IBM Control Center, a web page for IBM WebSphere Application Server is unexpectedly displayed You are trying to install IBM Control Center, and when you access the web page you receive a page referring to IBM WebSphere Application Server.
2019-12-17 What is SLC Recovery? What is SLC Recovery and how does it work?
2019-12-17 IBM Control Center Release Notes The IBM® Control Center V6.0.0.2 Release Notes document supplements the IBM® Control Center online release documentation.
2019-12-17 Can not run Cognos reports from the Web Console The Web Console is saying Cognos is not available but from the SWING GUI Console Reports can be run. The Web Console is also reporting the Event Processor is down, but the SWING GUI Console is available.
2019-12-17 Can't access the Cognos Reports Trying to access the Cognos reporting service and getting 404 not found
2019-12-17 SNMP traps not being sent for IBM Control Center IBM Control Center (ICC) is set to monitor for alerts on an IBM Sterling File Gateway (SFG) instance, and generate SNMP traps for them. Monitoring systems are not receiving the SNMP traps from ICC.
2019-12-17 IBM Control Center 6.1 Release Notes The IBM® Control Center V6.1 Release Notes document supplements the IBM Control Center online release documentation.
2019-12-17 Is Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition supported by IBM Sterling Control Center? Is Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition supported by Sterling Control Center? What are the supported and/or recommended editions of Microsoft SQL Server 2008?
2019-12-17 CUTL017E Update failed due to exception When trying to update a calendar from the SWING GUI Console in Control Center an error is thrown. The calendar can be updated from the Web Console.
2019-12-17 We are seeing very high memory usage 96% of 32GB We are seeing very high memory usage 96% of 32GB in our UAT env and 95% of 64GB in our prod environment.
2019-12-17 Attempting to update Secure+ configuration fails. It is not possible to update Secure+ configuration of a Unix node via IBM Control Center. IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Unix 4.1.03 in use on the Unix node.
2019-12-17 Message "User is already logged into IBM Control Center." from SWING Console. When logging into the SWING Console seeing the following pop-up message. User "name" is already logged into IBM Control Center. User profile information, e.g. column ordering, column width, etc. will not be saved for this session.
2019-12-17 CC 6.1Fix03 When to begin moving data option is grayed out for Run Every xx minutes.
2019-12-17 Using runBatchSecure How do I use runBatch in a secure connection?
2019-12-17 Sterling Control Center – database not purging The Sterling Control Center Production Database keeps growing in size, and no records are showing in the Staging Database. Production and Staging Database are on Microsoft SQL Server.
2019-12-17 Recent File Transfer Activity widget is not populated with the file transfers from Sterling B2B Integrator Recent File Transfer Activity widget in IBM Control Center Dashboard is not populated with the number of file transfers from Sterling B2B Integrator.
2019-12-17 Control Center can no longer attach to Cognos After upgrading from Control Center to iFix03 we can no longer attach to Congos and run reports from Control Center.
2019-12-17 CJDB027E Control Center required tables are not up-to-date at the target DB Upgraded Sterling Control Center from 5.3.x to and SCC will no longer start.
2019-12-17 PartnerWorld Remote e-mail support for Sterling Contro Unable to logon using the Web Console
2019-12-17 Sterling Control Center Lost Connection to Connect:Direct Server after Keycert Change Sterling Control Center Lost Connection to Connect:Direct Server after Keycert Change
2019-12-17 Control Center API is not showing the error description for the failed transfers Control Center API 'completedFiles' does not display the Message ID or Message Text for failed transfers. The columns are not returned. It is difficult to identify the issue with out these columns.
2019-12-17 Can Sterling Control Center monitor Connect Direct Unix platforms with an account without login permission? Can Sterling Control Center monitor Connect Direct Unix platforms with an account without login permission?
2019-12-17 Cannot remove server group with zero (0) servers A right click on a user created server group does not present the option to remove the group if there are zero (0) servers within the group. Option to remove group is available if at least one server is in the group and removal is performed as expected.
2019-12-17 Problems selecting holidays in a Calendar – IBM Control Center When you attempt to set up holidays in your calendar and save the changes, then when you go back in to the calendar the day that you marked has shifted to two days earlier
2019-12-17 C:D servers keep changing from active to ? to active About every 60 seconds the C:D servers go from active to ? to active.  On configuration management screen for a specific server when this happens the server id disappears from the panel.
2019-12-17 Unable to run reports from a new install of Sterling Control Center 5.4 From the Sterling Control Center Console clicking on reporting gives the error; The connection with the Cognos Business Intelligence Server has not been established.
2019-12-17 SBI Connect:Direct adapter does not trigger an SCC rule when it goes down. A Sterling B2B Integrator (SBI) adapter is being monitored by a wildcard rule configured in Sterling Control Center (SCC), however when the adapter is brought down, the wildcard rule which should alert to this fact does not fire. The rule should fire based on the first 2 characters of the adapter's name, for example 'AB'
2019-12-17 Control Center can not launch Cognos Report. Can not launch Cognos Reporting from Control Center.
2019-12-17 Sterling B2B Integrator server reported as down on Sterling Control Center Console Sterling B2B Integrator (SI) server is being reported as down by Sterling Control Center (SCC) Console, when it is up and running.
2019-12-17 Secure connection fails with: "Netscape cert type does not permit use for SSL server" Secure connection fails with: "Netscape cert type does not permit use for SSL server"
2019-12-17 Execution of some migrated reports from Sterling Control Center 5.2 or 5.3 fails on Sterling Control Center 5.4 with error message codes CGNS007E and RSV-CM-0005 In a Sterling Control Center 5.4, when running a Report whose XML configuration was migrated from a Sterling Control Center 5.3 or a Sterling Control Center 5.2 and the Report has multiple consecutive blank spaces in the middle of the Report Name, the execution fails.
2019-12-17 Unable to log in as admin after copying configuration After configuring it with vanilla settings and making sure it works we then proceeded to copy the conf folder from a different installation of the same version
2019-12-17 How to handle a Connect:Direct (C:D) server being down at engine startup as well as afterwards? How to define a rule that will handle the eventuality that a monitored C:D node is down at the time the Sterling Control Center engine is started?
2019-12-17 IBM Sterling Control Center crashes. IBM Sterling Control Center crashes. Too many open files.
2019-12-17 System log shows SQLCODE: -911, SQLSTATE: 40001, SQLERRMC: 68 on restart after disaster system power off System log shows SQLCODE: -911, SQLSTATE: 40001, SQLERRMC: 68 on restart after disaster system power off
2019-12-17 Does Sterling Control Center v5.4.2 provide SNMP v3 support? Does Sterling Control Center (SCC) version 5.4.2 provide support for Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) version 3 traps?
2019-12-17 Unable to get services to start once the ../conf directory is added to the Control Center root directory Unable to get services to start once the ../conf directory is added to the Control Center root directory
2019-12-17 Getting an error when trying to sign into GUI Getting the following error when trying to sign into GUI. org.apache.openjpa.persistence. PersistenceException: ORA-28001: the password has expired
2019-12-17 CDIS033E & CNCD022E when testing new server connection with SCC console CDIS033E & CNCD022E when testing new server connection with SCC console
2019-12-17 Unable to access Web Console I can access the GUI console but not the web console. when I enter ID and Password, I get an error
2019-12-17 Connect:Direct Process Statistics Details Report shows no bytes transferred The Connect:Direct Process Statistics Details Report is not reporting the bytes transferred when I run the report.
2019-12-17 SCC 6.0 – This page can t be displayed Get error – This page can't be displayed from launch page
2019-12-17 Configuration Questions Is there a way to use control center to monitor system performance such as memory utilization, disk space usage, cpu utilization, etc?
2019-12-17 IBM Control Center Release Notes The IBM® Control Center V6.1.0.2 Release Notes document supplements the IBM Control Center online release documentation.
2019-12-17 Using the Web Console for Session with a Server does not work. Using the Web Console for Session with a Server does not work.
2019-12-17 CJDB027E Control Center required tables are not up-to-date at the target DB Server. Control Center will not start after applying iFix03 and choosing to initialize the database when running configCC.
2019-12-17 SLC are not working in IBM Control Center V6.1 Setting up SLC's to run in IBM Control Center but not getting any messages from the SLC positive or negative.
2019-12-17 Cannot change format of report from Cognos Viewer – IBM Control Center When you try to view a report sent to IE11 browser in a different format like PDF, nothing is returned but a blank window. When you use the email option an error DPR-ERR-2079 is returned in a pop-up window from Cognos.
2019-12-17 IBM Control Center Cognos error : user already authenticate to all namespaces error IBM Control Center is getting errors trying to use Cognos Reporting. ERROR: user already authenticate to all namespaces error.
2019-12-17 "Remote host closed connection during handshake" message for Sterling Control Center API secure connection I am trying to establish secure connection between our program (API) and Sterling Control Center (SCC) server but we receive message "Remote host closed connection during handshake". A non-secure connection works fine but how do I setup secure connection between an API client and a SCC server? .
2019-12-17 When to use the convertB2BData Utility How can I tell if we need to run the convertB2BData.bat/sh utility in our environment?
2019-12-17 usage not possible after upgrade Upgraded IBM Sterling Control Center. Then, works but does not run.
2019-12-17 —> nested CSVC001E Initialization failed.  Service: Rule Service (SCI62753) —> nested CSVC001E Initialization failed.  Service: Rule Service (SCI62753)
2019-10-29 The admin Classic console is coming up fine but having issues with web console. Error Page Exception SRVE0260E: The server cannot use the error page specified for your application to handle the Original Exception printed below. Original Exception: Error Message: javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: com/sterlingcommerce/scc/agent/install/InstallationInfo.HTTPS_STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY Error Code: 500 Target Servlet: manage Error Stack: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: com/sterlingcommerce/scc/agent/install/InstallationInfo.HTTPS_STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY at com.sterli
2019-05-15 Server Status Monitor and Web Console Monitor Queued Processes always show as a maximum 250 processes A monitored IBM Connect:Direct node is having more than 250 non-exec processes within TCQ.Server Status Monitor and Web Console Monitor Queued Processes show as a maximum 250 non-exec processes.The same problem shows up disregarding on which platform IBM Connect:Direct is running.

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