Rhapsody Technical Notes Our support team maintains articles to assist users with product information, support policies, and common issues. This page contains a searchable list of all Rhapsody technical notes.

This list of technical support articles was updated on July 05, 2024.
Last Updated Title Abstract
2024-07-04 Could not run external diff tool – side-by-side configuration is incorrect error in DiffMerge While using IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody DiffMerge, you encounter the error: This can occur in versions 8.4, 9.0, 9.0.1, 9.0.2 and 10 of IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody.
2024-05-10 Expanding Requirements folder results in "Loading …" messages for all requirements In IBM Engineering System Design Rhapsody – Developer for C++ Eclipse client, after expanding Requirements folder, all requirements are displayed as "Loading … https://<elm_server>:<elm_server_port>/rm/resources/<resource_uuid>"
2024-04-29 How rhapsody determines to build the framework . When attempting to compile your code in Rhapsody, you may notice that it initiates the framework build process before compiling the user code. This prompts the question: How does Rhapsody decide the sequence for building the framework?
2024-03-26 How to update the IBM SDK for Java of Engineering Lifecycle Management products How do you update the IBM SDK for Java (JRE) for existing IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) applications?
2024-03-05 Test Case Coverage table view of TestConductor Test Profile calculate req coverages only for Local Requirements (in SyssML domain) but not for Remote DOORS NG requirements Why Test Case Coverage table view of TestConductor Test Profile calculate req coverage sonly for Local Requirements (in SyssML domain) but not for Remote DOORS NG requirements?
2024-03-05 Why you are not able to generate constraint blocks (or any constraints) from Rhapsody using Sysml in Java Language Why you are not able to generate constraint blocks (or any constraints) from Rhapsody using Sysml in Java Language?
2024-03-05 Release information for IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody This document contains a list of the release information documents for releases of IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody.
2023-12-15 Do oxf.jar and oxfInstMock.jar support Java 21? Do oxf.jar and oxfInstMock.jar support Java 21?
2023-11-27 Cannot find symbol error when building RiJ Framework When attempting to build or rebuild the framework for IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody in Java, you encounter an error in the RiJSimpleTimer code.
2023-07-22 Requirements import from Doors cause Doors Conversion Problem. When trying to update the requirements in Requirement Tracing (requirements imported from DOORS via Gateway) for all documents, I receive a message 'DOORS conversion Problem'
2023-07-19 XMI export of Components and import to a new project results in classes. When exporting a Rhapsody Component to XMI and then importing the XMI file into a new Rhapsody project, the Component gets imported as a Class and not as a Component.The option to "Export Rhapsody Profiles" was not selected.
2023-07-19 What is the impact of screen resolution and display scale on Rhapsody diagrams? How are diagrams in IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody affected by changes of screen resolution or Microsoft Windows display scaling?
2023-07-19 Why you not able to add operation to activity diagram with argument direction is "Inout" Why you not able to add operation to activity diagram with argument direction is "Inout"?
2023-02-02 What are the expected values of the RMM index positions at the end of a Rhapsody project file? The RMM web client or EWM Eclipse client indicates that the index positions in a file are not correct. Either the delivery of the file to the server is prevented or delivery has succeeded but the file is not visible or accessible in the web client.
2023-01-19 file missing from Rhapsody 9.0.1 iFix003 The file is missing from the <Share>\Profiles\SysML\SysMLProfile_rpy folder of your IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody installation. Models and profiles with a dependency on this file do not behave as expected.
2022-11-07 Unable to see custom types in the features window for attributes, variables and arguments. Your model includes one or more custom types but you are not able to assign that type in IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody because it does not appear in the list of types that can be assigned.
2022-10-20 How to fix unresolved and unloaded references How do you correct for unresolved and unloaded references in an IBM Rational Rhapsody model?
2022-10-12 How to use licenses with IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody? How do you administer licenses with IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody?
2022-08-19 Rational product support for Leap Second What is the support status for Leap Second with different products in the IBM Rational brand?
2022-08-01 Runtime Error when using DiffMerge's Export Report function Runtime Error when using DiffMerge's Export Report function
2022-07-29 Consumer key error in IBM Engineering Systems Design while accessing models from IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody Model Manager Unable to connect to IBM Engineering Systems Design Model Manager (also known as RMM) from Rhapsody client to fetch and work on models hosted on RMM server.
2022-05-27 Overview of Rhapsody versions to save a model with "Save As" To which version can a Rhapsody model be saved with "Save As" function?
2022-05-27 Rhapsody 'ATG is not applicable' error reported when you create a TestArchitecture When you try to create a TestArchitecture for a model and then select 'Apply ATG', error is reportedATG is not applicable
2022-05-27 Special symbol like "?" observed on Browser and diagrams for Stereotypes in IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody You might observe that special symbol like "?" is seen instead of "<<", ">>" symbol of the stereotype on Rhapsody model browser as well as various diagrams.
2022-05-27 "Your Rhapsody installation does not include the Rhapsody Model Manager add-on" error when opening an RMM model. You attempt to open a model in the IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody client that has Rhapsody Model Manager profile added to it and get the error "Your Rhapsody installation does not include the Rhapsody Model Manager add-on"
2022-05-27 Using dual monitor configuration with IBM Rhapsody shows incomplete dialog windows Using IBM Rhapsody on a Microsoft Windows machine with dual monitors connected, shows dialog windows with missing icons or input fields on the 2nd monitor.
2022-05-27 Why Java Plugin menu is not showing in case of Remote requirement artifacts. There is one Java plugin developed to perform a particular task for Remote requirement package but why it is not showing while using in IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody.
2022-05-27 IBM Rhapsody build process fails with: "NMAKE : fatal error U1052" IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody building generated C++ or C code fails with: NMAKE : fatal error U1052
2022-05-27 Which editions of Rhapsody can integrate with Model Manager? Which editions of IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody can integrate with IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody Model Manager?
2022-05-27 How to synchronize Rhapsody links in IBM DOORS using Gateway Rhapsody dependencies create links in DOORS when synchronizing with Gateway. When you delete dependencies in Rhapsody, then not all links in DOORS are deleted. How to correctly synchronize links?
2022-05-27 How to stop generating the main function in IBM Engineering System Design Rhapsody Is it possible to configure IBM Engineering System design Rhapsody not to generate the MainDefaultComponent.cpp and MainDefaultComponent.h files when project does not have “main” function?
2022-05-27 IBM Rational Rhapsody offline help is not displaying any content. Why offline help IBM Rational Rhapsody is not displaying any content after starting the server?
2022-05-27 Unable to access IBM Help after configuring it to open in an external browser The IBM Help tool is configured to display the help contents in an external browser and it no longer starts. The Help application splash screen is briefly visible when the help is invoked, but not content is displayed.
2022-05-27 Why does Rhapsody browser show illegal characters for stereotypes How to prevent IBM Rhapsody from displaying illegal or corrupted characters for stereotypes double angle brackets in the browser?
2022-05-27 IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody® compliance with Windows 10 Applocker Is IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody® in compliance with Windows® 10 Applocker?
2022-05-27 Use JAVA API to find referenced sequence diagrams I have a sequence diagram and need to use the JAVA API to find all of the other sequence diagrams that are referenced in the current sequence diagram.
2022-05-27 Why are there no requirements listed in the OSLC Picker when launched from Rhapsody? When invoking the OSLC Picker in the IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody client to link a model element to a remote requirement, the interface shows the expected folders and modules but they appear to be empty.
2022-05-27 Undefined reference linker error when targetting a IBM® Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody® build on a linux environment You successfully build the IBM® Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody® Object Execution Framework libraries on the remote target but your application project fails to link to those libraries with an error:undefined reference to `OXF::start(bool, int)
2022-05-27 Executable pauses during runtime when terminal/console window is clicked Why does the launched executable pause during runtime when terminal/console window is clicked
2022-05-27 HTTP ERROR 403 when launching the IBM Help application inside Rhapsody or DOORS You are unable to view the internet-based help in the IBM Help application. The content is not loaded, and only the error Problem accessing /help/topic/ is displayed.
2022-05-27 IBM Rhapsody type name expansion conflicts with C/C++ printf format specifier IBM Rhapsody model element types use %s so that the type name can be referenced in code generation.On the left the name of the model element type is expanded using %s in the generated code. On the right the %s used in the printf is also erroneously expanded causing the name of the type to be hardcoded in the macro output, instead of the intended #fun argument.
2022-05-27 Why is hstart.exe included with Rhapsody TestConductor? IBM Engineering System Design Rhapsody includes a hstart.exe file that is required by the TestConductor add-on. Why is it included and can it be removed?
2022-05-27 Displaying Operations within a class of a Rhapsody® model How can I display operations in a Class or Block in a Rhapsody® diagram?
2022-05-27 Retrieving attributes inherited from the base class using a IBM Rhapsody project and IBM Publishing Document Studio How to retrieve attributes inherited from the base class using a IBM Rhapsody project and IBM Publishing Document StudioAuthor: Chris Sutton
2022-05-27 Rhapsody client accessing Remote Artifacts Package results in error When you access Remote Artifacts Package from a Rhapsody client, the following error is displayed:Consumer key <consumer_key> needs to be approved on remote server TRS 2.0 for DOORS Next Process Resources(https://<elm_server_url>:<port>/rm/rootservices).
2022-05-27 Retrieving attributes inherited from the base class using the Rhapsody Java API How to retrieve attributes inherited from the base class using the Rhapsody Java APIAuthor: Chris Sutton
2022-05-27 How to set a default value of event's argument? When you open the feature dialog of an event's argument, you can notice that the 'Default Value' textbox is disabled and cannot be edited.How to set or change the default value of event's argument?
2022-05-27 Why are Actions not a listed element type when building queries or tables in Rhapsody? How to I query on Actions when I build a query or table in IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Does IBM Rhapsody generate new code for all files when selecting Re Generate Does IBM Rhapsody generate new code for all files when selecting Re Generate from Code menu or when using the -cmd=regenerate switch from command line in RhapsodyCL?
2022-05-27 IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody is not able to connect to Remote requirement packages. IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody is not able to connect to Remote Requirement Packages and it is not allowing to enter the credential to the server.
2022-05-27 Not seeing CG and CPP_CG properties in a Rhapsody Harmony project Why don't you see the properties for CG and CPP_CG in a Rhapsody project when you use the HarmonySE toolkit profile?
2022-05-27 Which OSLC artifacts are displayed in the Rhapsody browser Which OSLC artifacts are displayed under the "Remote Artifact Packages" section of the IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody client?
2022-05-27 IBM Knowledge Center® server application fails to start with "Unable to create javax script engine for javascript" error Launching the IBM Knowledge Center® server application from the commandline "startKC.bat" script file fails to start the server.
2022-05-27 Rhapsody Gateway export does not create links in DOORS Exporting Rhapsody® model elements via Gateway to DOORS® does not create links in the DOORS® module.
2022-05-27 During execution, your animated statechart does not animate While using IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody, the animated statechart for your instance is visible but greyed out during the execution of your application. You do not see it react to events or transition between states.
2022-05-27 Rhapsody Gateway error: Conversion problem (exception of server 'gatewayExportToXml2') When you are exporting a Rhapsody model to Gateway, the error exception of server 'gatewayExportToXml2'is shown.
2022-05-27 When you attempt to open Help of IBM Rational Rhapsody , it gives error message. What is a possible scenario that you get an error while attempt to open Help of IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 FlexNet licensing error -103: Terminal Server remote client not allowed You see this error message when you run IBM Rhapsody with a node-locked license and you connect to that machine by Remote Desktop (RDP), or when you run IBM Rhapsody on a Terminal Server.
2022-05-27 Character sets supported by IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody Which all character set are supported by IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody
2022-05-27 How to open a project list and select an active project using the Rhapsody API It is not possible to use the RhapsodyCL tool to open project list files (*.rplx). For example, run the following command:RhapsodyCL -cmd=open ProjectList.rplxWhile RhapsodyCL appears to open the file, only the active project is opened. No plug-ins can be run from the active project and it is not possible to switch active project from the projects in the project list file (*.rlpx).
2022-05-27 Troubleshooting issues with Rhapsody PCE and Matlab Here are some ways you can troubleshoot the integration between the IBM Rhapsody® PCE add-on and Mathworks® MATLAB.
2022-05-27 Displaying the description of a parallel state within a statechart diagram. How do you display the description of a state within a parallel state on a statechart diagram?
2022-05-27 Cannot login to Remote Artifact Packages in Rhapsody. I am not able to log in to the Remote Artifact Packages when using the Rhapsody Model Manager The links display, but when I right-click and select login nothing happens in the client and the resource does not log in. There are no error messages reported.
2022-05-27 Aggregations result in "ill-formed link across composite boundaries" code generation error The model is comprised of the following relations. Note, ModuleA and ModuleB are using aggregations.This results in the following error when code generation is attempted:Warning: Link will not be instantiated – ill-formed link across composite boundaries in Package: Default in Block: BlockA connector: BlockA-BlockB
2022-05-27 AppLocker blocks execution of SWT DLLs while using Rhapsody When you attempt an operation in IBM® Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody®, Microsoft® AppLocker informs you that it blocked the execution of a DLL used by the Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT). The operation in Rhapsody® fails, or does not start at all.
2022-05-27 How Rhapsody Gateway intermediate files work How do the Rhapsody Gateway intermediate files work with synchronizing data with Rhapsody and DOORS?
2022-05-27 IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody no longer informs the user when duplicate GUID's exist within a model. When opening an IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody model a window opened stating that there is another element with the same ID.If you select the option, "Don't ask me again. Use my current reply as default.", then this setting will be applied to all subsequent openings of this model and all other models.
2022-05-27 Opening Visual Studio IDE from IBM Rational Rhapsody results in "Failed to connect Visual Studio" error Attempts to launch Visual Studio IDE from IBM Rational Rhapsody result in "Failed to connect Visual Studio" error.
2022-05-27 DDS Tutorial: SubscriberPkg_WaitingSet::MySubscriber_Synchronous::on_data_available() is not reacting to published topics in IBM Rational Rhapsody DDS Tutorial: SubscriberPkg_WaitingSet::MySubscriber_Synchronous::on_data_available() is not reacting to published topics in IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 Compiler Error: "OMThread() : Candidate expects 4 arguments, 5 provided" when trying to use Rhapsody SXF profile Create an active thread named CTask100ms with below properties: task name: "CTask100ms" priority: OMOSSpecific::getNormalPriority() stacksize = 500 eventQueueLength = 10 When I generated code, it generates an additional 5th argument "false". //## class CTask100ms CTask100ms::CTask100ms(void) : OMThread("Task100ms", OMOSSpecific::getNormalPriority(), 300, 10, false) When building the code in rhapsody under SXF framework settings it shows error: "OMThread() : Candidate expects 4 arguments, 5 provided"
2022-05-27 Sequence Diagram Condition Mark elements with the Rhapsody COM API Is it possible to use the Rhapsody COM API to modify the condition data and / or the realization of a condition mark element in a sequence diagram?
2022-05-27 How to clone elements with new GUIDs in Rhapsody How do you generate new GUIDs for model elements in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to use the Activity::General::AutoSelectControlOrObjectFlow and Activity::General::SimulationMode properties in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do I set the default type of flow when creating activity diagrams in IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 How to create a Rational DOORS attribute of type Text in Rational Rhapsody Gateway export How can I export an IBM Rational Rhapsody Tag of type String from Gateway to DOORS and create a DOORS Attribute of type Text instead of type String?
2022-05-27 How to use the API with MicroC profile in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do I access the Initial Values data using the API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to automatically adjust the dimensions of diagram elements to fit their contents using the Rational Rhapsody API How do you automatically adjust the dimensions of diagram elements to fit their contents using the IBM Rational Rhapsody API?
2022-05-27 Configuring Visual Studio 2015 with IBM Rational Rhapsody results in a failure to highlight error messages when they are double-clicked in the output window. Normally when you double-click an error message in the Rhapsody output window, the cause of the error message (source code or features window showing the model element) is highlighted to assist you in resolving the error. However, when using Visual Studio 2015 this appears to no longer highlight the cause of the error.
2022-05-27 Performing an IBM Rational Rhapsody repair & uninstall operation hangs when executed from setup.exe Attempts to perform modifying, repairing, or removing IBM Rational Rhapsody from setup.exe result in InstallShield wizard hangs and not responding for excessively long time.
2022-05-27 IBM Rational Rhapsody help does not open on Red Hat 7 On computers running Red Hat 7, the Rhapsody help application does not open when run.
2022-05-27 How to use multicasting with SysML1.2 standard ports in Rational Rhapsody How do you use multicasting with SysML1.2 standard ports in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Brackets of stereotypes («, ») are shown with an extra character («, ») Brackets of stereotypes («, ») are shown with an extra character («, »)
2022-05-27 Using the same operation in IBM Rhapsody to act as both synchronous and asynchronous. Is there a way to use same operation to act both as synchronous and asynchronous depending on the parameter that is passed to it in IBM Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to generate an IBM Rational Rhapsody warning while class name and package name are same through a JAVA API? How to generate warning while class name and package name are same through a JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to resize all objects in a diagram to fit all text in Rhapsody How do you resize all objects in an IBM Rational Rhapsody diagram to fit all text?
2022-05-27 System memory benchmarks for IBM Rational Rhapsody ReporterPLUS 32bit/64bit What are the system memory benchmarks for IBM Rational Rhapsody ReporterPLUS 32bit/64bit?
2022-05-27 How to use OTScript to extract model properties using IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you use OTScript to extract properties from my project in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody ReporterPLUS results in "Error occurred in setting word template file" Attempts to launch ReporterPLUS from Rhapsody and follow its dialogs to set the parameters result in the error "Problem reported by Ms-Word: Error occurred in setting word template file C:\Rhapsody\\reporterplus\Templates\" when you press the finish button.
2022-05-27 How to create an Activity diagram using the Rhapsody API How do you create an Activity diagram using the IBM Rational Rhapsody API
2022-05-27 Configuring Simulink 2015 code generation with IBM Rational Rhapsody Generated code from a Simulink model can be successfully imported into a <SimulinkBlock> but the code will not compile within IBM Rational Rhapsody.
2022-05-27 How to make the requirement unique if you have similar object id in two different modules in the IBM Rational DOORS You might have multiple requirements which are defined in multiple modules having similar object id. Hence IBM Rational Rhapsody consider this as a duplicate requirement and import only one of these as requirement.
2022-05-27 Using the IS_COMPLETED statechart macro in IBM Rhapsody How do you use IS_COMPLETED statechart macro in IBM Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Error: "Unable to obtain license to read SCM related data" when managing connected IBM ESD Rhapsody Model Manager project areas After upgrading licenses, the end user tries to open a project area from one of the /am repository connections in IBM Engineering Workflow Management / RTC. The following error is shown in the IBM Engineering Workflow Management / RTC client:
2022-05-27 I don't see Action Pins in Toolbar in IBM Rational Rhapsody using HarmonySE Profile You might have applied HarmonySe profile to IBM Rational Rhapsody.
2022-05-27 Only Labels are being shown within the Rhapsody model When trying to modify the display options for various elements within Rhapsody, the Display Options:Display name feature stops working. The label is displayed regardless of what the setting was previously. If you change the setting, it has no effect and no change on the diagram. If the Display Options are opened again, the Display Name setting shows as Label.
2022-05-27 In an IBM Rational Rhapsody sequence diagram, lifeline operations/messages are moving and/or resizing When drawing operations/messages on a lifeline in IBM Rational Rhapsody, other lifeline operations/messages are moving and/or resizing. The messages that are created are ones that calls itself (see below). Also in this specific scenario, one is trying to show different operations happening on different lifelines simultaneously, at class creation.
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody Version Release Information The release information for IBM Rational Rhapsody contains information about fixes to the version 7.6 release, pointers to important documentation, and provides a list of known problems.
2022-05-27 Reporter PLUS: Report generation takes several mins and I receive several errors including "Out of Memory" Reporter PLUS: Report generation takes several mins and I receive several errors including "Out of Memory"
2022-05-27 Using JOptionPane in Java API plugins with IBM Rational Rhapsody results in Rhapsody application freezing in the background JOptionPane is a Java object that allows a quick way to add simple dialogs to your Java application. However, when using this dialog object with the Rhapsody Java API, the dialog obscures the view of the Rhapsody applications graphical user interface.
2022-05-27 Why diagrams cannot be modified and why the drawing toolbar is grayed out in Rational Rhapsody Why can't a diagram like an object model diagram, be modified, and why is the drawing icon toolbar grayed out in Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Property CG::Operation::Animate and the effect on animation in IBM Rhapsody Why is the IBM Rhapsody property CG::Operation::Animate not having an effect on the animation of an operation?
2022-05-27 How to create custom Predefined Keywords in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you create custom Predefined Keywords in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Troubleshooting Rhapsody profile helpers A specific profile command is not working. For example, when you use the HarmonySE profile, the "generate sequence diagram" command does not launch its user interface and nothing appears to run.
2022-05-27 How to turn off animation for an operation. I want to stop certain operations from animating (i.e. appearing in an animated sequence diagram). I was expecting CG::Operation::Animate unchecked to do this but it doesn't seem to have an effect.
2022-05-27 Rhapsody Code Generation with dependencies takes longer on single processor Attempts to run code generation with dependencies against the same model from same environment using IBM Rationa Rhapsody version 8.0 or above might result in taking much longer time than previous version.
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody version Release Information The release information for IBM Rational Rhapsody contains information about fixes to the version 7.5 release, pointers to important documentation, and provides a list of known problems.
2022-05-27 Importing EA XMI to Rhapsody in silent mode doesn't create few port related information Importing EA XMI to Rhapsody in silent mode doesn't create references to ports. The same are visible while importing XMI from the GUI.
2022-05-27 Traced requirements in Rhapsody are not being recognised in Gateway Traced requirements in Rhapsody are being shown as derived in Gateway
2022-05-27 Using GCC5.x with IBM Rational Rhapsody In C results in compiler or linker errors When rebuilding the C language OXF framework with IBM Rational Rhapsody, you might experience this build error, "conflicting types for 'select'" or when trying to build/simulate your C language project you might observe multiple linker errors reporting missing Rhapsody OXF framework symbols.
2022-05-27 Types of Statechart Inheritance What are the different types of inheritance available for statecharts?
2022-05-27 Clicking 'create Harmony Project' submenu does not respond in Rhapsody Clicking 'create Harmony Project' submenu does not respond in a newly installed IBM Rational Rhapsody.
2022-05-27 Accessing the Knowledge Center from the Help menu in Rational Rhapsody 8.3.1 (Linux version) In the Linux version of Rational Rhapsody 8.3.1, the Help > Help Contents menu item takes you to the 8.3.0 version of the Knowledge Center, rather than the 8.3.1 version.
2022-05-27 Auto-initialize data attributes, of StaticArray, which contain Reference to a type in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do I get code to auto-initialize data attributes when the attribute references a type in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Refactoring or Moving of Internal Block Diagram results in failure in Rational Rhapsody Attempts to refactor (rename) or move Internal Block Diagram (IBD) to different package structure results in no success in IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 Missing usage dependency in IBM Rational Rhapsody DDS Tutorial causes compiler error: C1083 DDSMyTopicStructLib.h Missing usage dependency in IBM Rational Rhapsody DDS Tutorial causes compiler error: C1083 DDSMyTopicStructLib.h
2022-05-27 An example Java application for connecting to RhapsodyCL in socket mode How do you make a remote client connection to RhapsodyCL using socket mode?
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody TestConductor and Rational Quality Manager integration fails with protocol exception: 403 Access forbidden Attempts to integrate IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor and IBM Rational Quality Manager results in the error " Failed to send data" caused by " PUT [403].
2022-05-27 Fixing Rhapsody COM API registration errors You receive errors when running custom API scripts/plugins or when using specific tools within Rhapsody. E.g. Harmony, AUTOSAR, etc…
2022-05-27 How to build framework with Rational Rhapsody Designer for Systems Engineers How do you build the framework libraries when using IBM Rational Rhapsody Designer for Systems Engineers (Rhapsody Systems Designer) edition?
2022-05-27 What to know when saving a model in IBM Rational Rhapsody with "Save As" that contains a Gateway configuration What should I take into account when saving a model in IBM Rational Rhapsody with "Save As" into a new folder or under a new project name, when this project contains a Gateway configuration (.rqtf and.rqtfimage files)?
2022-05-27 Use an external editor to edit IBM Rational Rhapsody generated code How to use an external editor to edit Rational Rhapsody generated code?
2022-05-27 How to generate dependencies in makefile for external files in Rational Rhapsody How can I generate dependency in makefile for an external file in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Attempt to launch IBM Rhapsody on a Remote system reports error: All license files searched for features: <ServerName> Unable to run IBM Rational Rhapsody on a remote system.
2022-05-27 Roundtripping causing code to be moved to Description field of Operation with Visual studio integration in IBM Rational Rhapsody You will have integration setup between IBM Rational Rhapsody and Visual Studio. The initial Synchronize works well and all Code generation works fine. Some code that is entered in SpecificationProlog is also displayed as desired in Visual Studio IDE. However, if there is any modification done in Visual Studio and the Code Rountripped/Resynchronized, then the SpecificationProlog value gets placed in the Description field of Operation
2022-05-27 How to modify HTML Exporter template to include diagrams located under classes in IBM Rational Rhapsody ReporterPLUS How do you modify HTML Exporter template to include diagrams located under classes in IBM Rational Rhapsody ReporterPLUS?
2022-05-27 About the model files produced with Rhapsody now ending with an "x" Why are the model files produced with Rhapsody now ending with an "x"?
2022-05-27 User-defined method in Table column fails to compile A simple user-defined method implementation returns a string argument to the table column This results in the following error from the output window: ========================== Compiling Table Layout: tablelayout_1 ========================== Error: TableLayout tablelayout_1 in _default, Column 1 (Implementation…): Exception: NullPointerException null TableLayout tablelayout_1 in _default, Column 1 (Implementation…): Compilation failed with 1 errors and 0 warnings. TableLayout U
2022-05-27 About the Active Code View Sensitivity within Rhapsody What is the Active Code View Sensitivity within Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 New Support Community launching for IBM Continuous Engineering products What is changing in the Support experience?
2022-05-27 Configuring TLS1.2 for OSLC connections in Rhapsody client Is there a way to add TLS1.2 for OSLC connection in Rhapsody client?
2022-05-27 How to determine the default naming of flows between objects and classes in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you determine the default naming of flows between objects and classes in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to update an already loaded Rhapsody model in Rhapsody Gateway How can I manually update an already loaded IBM Rational Rhapsody model in Gateway and why is it not updating automatically?
2022-05-27 Linking an Action to another Activity diagram with Call Behavior Actions Is it possible to drag and drop an Action from one block into an Activity diagram of another block?
2022-05-27 IBM Rhapsody® crashes when running plugin using multiple threads IBM Rhapsody® crashes if the user plugin implemented with the Java API uses multiple threads.
2022-05-27 IRPApplicationListener.onElementsChanged method does not trigger when using IBM Rational Rhapsody The IRPApplicationListener plugin contains several "call back" methods that are triggered by specific user actions within the IBM Rational Rhapsody user interface. However, users will find that one method – onElementsChanged – will not trigger as expected.
2022-05-27 Flowports only show data flow when data value is changed The model consists of two classes with flow ports describing the data flow: Data is sent via the flow port by using the mutator API, provided by the auto-generated Rhapsody code: During animation, it is observed that the data value is only sent when the value is changed:
2022-05-27 Removing Timestamp metadata from model files in IBM Rhapsody How do you prevent timestamp metadata from being automatically added to model files?
2022-05-27 Running DDS::MySubscriber component in IBM Rational Rhaposdy results in message "failure creating participant" Running DDS::MySubscriber component in IBM Rational Rhaposdy results in message "failure creating participant"
2022-05-27 DDS Tutorial: SubscriberPkg_Listener::dataReaderListener is not reacting to published topics in IBM Rational Rhapsody DDS Tutorial: SubscriberPkg_Listener::dataReaderListener is not reacting to published topics in IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 About the Rhapsody 0XF.h header files and their purpose What are the Rhapsody 0XF.h header files and what are their purpose?
2022-05-27 IBM Rational Rhapsody CPP_CG::Configuration::DefaultSpecificationDirectory appears limited with CodeCentric settings How can I get all the header files into a single defined directory in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to send a value over SysML 1.2 Flow ports in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you send a value over SysML 1.2 Flow ports in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Sending the Client Feedback Module data to support Is it possible to send the data from the Client Feedback Module or Generate Support Request feature to IBM Support?
2022-05-27 Requirements in an RM collection do not load in Rhaposdy RMM client In the IBM Rational Rhapsody 8.3.1 client with the Rational Rhapsody Model Manager (RMM) / Architecture Management (AM) client installed, you have opened a model stored in RMM, but requirements from a collection are not loading.
2022-05-27 The notice for the deprecated "Video Capturing" feature in Rational Rhapsody v8.1.4 for Non-English Edition What can you use to record videos to share with others including IBM Rhapsody Technical Support.?
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody Software, Version 7.5.3 Release Information IBM Rational Rhapsody Software, Version 7.5.3 contains new features, enhancements, and fixes to the version 7.5 release.
2022-05-27 I need to add the SysML perspective toolbar to a Rhapsody project that has already been created. How can I get the toolbar? I need to add the SysML perspective toolbar to a Rhapsody project that has already been created. How can I get the toolbar?
2022-05-27 Rhapsody 8.4 API deleteOSLCLink() Not Deleting OSLC Links When using the deleteOSLCLink() method in the COM API to delete a set of established OSLC trace links from Rhapsody model elements to DOORS objects, you do not receive any compile or runtime errors. However, the links remain after code is run.
2022-05-27 RTIDDSGEN.bat is not called when building topic domainParticipant which results in a linker error in IBM Rational Rhapsody Full IBM Rational Rhapsody output window: []Building ———— MyTopicStructLib.lib ———— Executing: ""C:\Rhapsody802\Share"\etc\msvc10make.bat MyTopicStructLib. mak build x86" Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 x86 tools. Building library MyTopicStructLib.lib LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'DDSMyTopicStructLib. obj' NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\BIN\link.exe"' : return code '0x49d' Stop. Build Done[]
2022-05-27 Adding new function causes code to be generated in different order in IBM Rational Rhapsody Why does adding a new function in IBM Rational Rhapsody cause the order of the function prototypes to be located later in the code.
2022-05-27 How to work best with browser view on a query in Rhapsody When using a query which returns, for example classes only, and I set this query as browser view, then I only see classes and its parent elements. How can I expand the classes to see all contained elements in the browser, such as attributes and functions?
2022-05-27 How to add a Value Property in a SysML project with the API using IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you add a Value Property in a SysML project with the API using IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to configure Cygwin compiler configuration for Rhapsody How do you configure Cygwin compiler for IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Using TOKEN with parallel activity diagram flows How can you use TOKEN with parallel activity diagram flows?
2022-05-27 How to show inherited attributes within a class diagram. How do I show inherited attributes within a class diagram for Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Error 'symbol is not found' during code compilation from Rhapsody Error 'symbol is not found' during code compilation from IBM Rational Rhapsody if the order of header file is incorrect
2022-05-27 Why events at default transions are ignored in generated code in Rational Rhapsody Why are events in Rational Rhapsody modelled in a statechart at a default transition ignored in generated code?
2022-05-27 Compile Rhapsody generated code outside of Rhapsody How to use an External Compiler for Rhapsody generated code for example: Microsoft Visual Studio?
2022-05-27 How to use IBM Rational Rhapsody API plug-ins with third-party runtime libraries. How do I configure third-party runtime libraries with IBM Rational Rhapsody API plug-ins?
2022-05-27 IBM Rational Rhapsody Java API for RoundTrip ignores changes made in code Calling RoundTrip from IBM Rational Rhapsody Java API results in code changes not being imported into the model as expected.
2022-05-27 How to add "subactivity" from the diagram tool for an Activity diagram How can I add "subactivity" from the diagram tool for an Activity diagram?
2022-05-27 How to manage the Rhapsody process from within a JavaFX application How do I properly terminate the IBM Rational Rhapsody process from within a JavaFX application?
2022-05-27 How to Install IBM Rational Rhapsody with IBM Installation manager using response file. What are the steps to install IBM Rational Rhapsody 8.1.3 using the Installation Manager on Linux using a response file?
2022-05-27 How to draw a statechart via IBM Rational Rhapsody JAVA API How do you draw a statechart including State, Transition, Default Transition using IBM Rational Rhapsody JAVA API?
2022-05-27 Automatically setting links for objects with multiplicity I have an object with multiplicity 2. This class has an associations with other 2 classes. However, when I am setting links between them its not functional. when I am trying to setup links like below, the links are getting overwritten with last pointed association. For Example: Class B with object[2] has association with class C named itsclassC. Class C has its own 2 parts itsC1 and itsC2. However in link diagram when I try : object[0]-&gt;itsClassC = itsC1 object[1]-&gt;itsClassC = itsC2 both instances of
2022-05-27 Compatibility between different versions of IBM Rhapsody Will our team be able to design a Rhapsody model with users having different versions of the software.
2022-05-27 Building DDS MySubscribingApplication in IBM Rational Rhapsody results in error C2065 MyTopicStructDataReader: undeclared Identifier Building DDS MySubscribingApplication in IBM Rational Rhapsody results in error C2065 MyTopicStructDataReader: undeclared Identifier
2022-05-27 Customizing the file path for where Rhapsody generates code Can I customize the file path per developer?
2022-05-27 Why the Active Component field is grayed out in the tool bar of Rational Rhapsody After opening a Rhapsody project the field for current component in the tool bar is grayed out and it does not show the active component. How to explain this behavior?
2022-05-27 Deleting Orthogonal state in Rational Rhapsody leads to error Attempts to delete Orthogonal state from statechart diagram in IBM Rational Rhapsody results in the following error "Cannot delete orthogonal states"
2022-05-27 How to create arrays from bounded elements using the DDS profile in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you create arrays from bounded elements using the DDS profile in IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 Using the HarmonySE Toolkit "Generate Sequence Diagram" helper results in error "Action has multiple outgoing pins – Cannot continue." Attempts to use the HarmonySE Toolkit "Generate Sequence Diagram" from IBM Rational Rhapsody helper results in error "Action has multiple outgoing pins – Cannot continue."
2022-05-27 Installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package with IBM Rational Rhapsody IBM Rational Rhapsody fails to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package.
2022-05-27 How to restore missing Eclipse files after ifix002 update of IBM Rational Rhapsody 8.2 How do you restore missing Eclipse files after ifix002 update of IBM Rational Rhapsody 8.2
2022-05-27 Moving from IBM Rational Rhapsody to another application and back to Rhapsody causes performance problems. Why does Rhapsody take so long to respond when returning from another application?
2022-05-27 Significance or purpose and use of the '//##' prefixed comments in Rhapsody C++ generated code? What is the significance or purpose and use of the '//##' prefixed comments in Rhapsody C++ generated code?
2022-05-27 Configuring IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway Types Files for Global Usage How do I make a Gateway types file available globally?
2022-05-27 How to manage name/label binding in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you enable/disable the binding of model element names/labels in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody Version 7.6.1 Release Information The release information for IBM Rational Rhapsody 7.6.1 contains information about fixes to the version 7.6 release, pointers to important documentation, and provides a list of known problems.
2022-05-27 How to implement a Singleton design pattern in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do I implement a Singleton design pattern in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to change the load order of API Plugins in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you change the load order of API Plugins in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Exporting a model containing sub-Blocks with ActivityDiagrams to Simulink causes linker errors When you export a model to simulink, if the model contains sub/nested blocks with Activity Diagrams, the compiler reports multiple linker errors. []error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual __cdecl OMActivityManager::~OMActivityManager(void)" (??1OMActivityManager@@UEAA@XZ) error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual __cdecl OMActivityContext::~OMActivityContext(void)" (??1OMActivityContext@@UEAA@XZ) error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __cdecl
2022-05-27 Importing of DOORS data to Rhapsody Gateway takes several hours Why does importing of DOORS data to Rhapsody Gateway take several hours, also in the case of a small module?
2022-05-27 How to use multiplicities with SysML1.2 standard ports in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you use multiplicities with SysML1.2 standard ports in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 System Exception: Error when generating report in ReporterPLUS Attempts to generate an IBM Rational Rhapsody report in ReporterPLUS result in the error "No model has been loaded in Rhapsody. Please load the model and try again".
2022-05-27 How to capture metrics on user code contributions using the Rhapsody API How do you capture metrics on user code contribution using the IBM Rational Rhapsody API?
2022-05-27 How to edit Model / Graphical Properties with the Rational Rhapsody API Author: Chris SuttonHow do you edit Graphical Properties with the IBM Rational Rhapsody application programming interface (API)?
2022-05-27 Why the external code simplifier plug-in suddenly fails to run in Rhapsody Why does the external code simplifier plug-in suddenly fail to run in Rhapsody when generating code?
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody Version 7.6 Release Information IBM Rational Rhapsody version 7.6 contains new features, enhancements, and fixes.
2022-05-27 How to set the timer resolution for a model in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you set the timer resolution for a model in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Prevent an IBM Rhapsody model from being saved Is there a mode to prevent an IBM Rhapsody model from being saved?
2022-05-27 Rulecomposer project fails to compile after upgrade After you upgrade an existing Rhapsody Rules Composer project, it fails to compile with many errors.
2022-05-27 Can I add a full stop / period character to a model element name? In IBM Rational Rhapsody, you want to add a "." character to a model element name, for example: "My.Class"
2022-05-27 Installing IBM Rational Rhapsody 8.2 ifix2 ReporterPLUS 64bit edition results in "Error 1316 Network error" Installing IBM Rational Rhapsody 8.2 ifix2 ReporterPLUS 64bit edition results in "Error 1316 Network error"
2022-05-27 How to add user file to an ADA Component in IBM Rational Rhapsody Adding a .c file in the same folder as ADA generated ads and adb.
2022-05-27 Using Multi IDE with IBM Rational Rhapsody results in error "Cannot load IDE dll file" Attempts to connect IBM Rational Rhapsody with GHS Multi IDE results in error "Cannot load IDE dll file"
2022-05-27 Convert a C to C++ project or viceversa Can we convert a C to C++ project or viceversa?
2022-05-27 How to integrate an external editor spell checker for non- English Language with IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you integrate external editor in IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 How to configure Rational Rhapsody 8.x to use the Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 compiler How do you configure IBM Rational Rhapsody 8.1 to use the Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 compiler?
2022-05-27 Customized helpers are disappearing from an IBM Rhapsody project Why am I not able to see the helper I created the next time I open Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How can I disable power management options for my VxWorks target when using IBM Rational Rhapsody How do I disable power management options for my VxWorks target when using IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 How to export MatrixView or TableView from an IBM Rhapsody model as an image onto the report How do you manage to export MatrixView or TableView from IBM Rhapsody model as an image using Rhapsody ReporerPlus or Rational Report Engine?
2022-05-27 Creating a log file to verify that a plug-in is loaded into the IBM Rational Rhapsody model How can I troubleshoot whether a plug-in gets loaded into an IBM Rational Rhapsody model?
2022-05-27 Have Rhapsody utilize a specific initialization file. How can I have IBM Rhapsody read a specific rhapsody.ini file?
2022-05-27 Is it possible to use the IRPPluginWindow Class in the Rhapsody COM API? Is it possible to use the IRPPluginWindow Class in the Rhapsody COM API that is listed within the Javadoc documentation for the API?
2022-05-27 How to use RiCGEN_PORT_I and OUT_PORT macro in Rhapsody C How do you use RiCGEN_PORT_I and OUT_PORT macro to call operations and events on the other side of interface via ports?
2022-05-27 Why Test Architecture in IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody test conductor does not contain all the test component and dummy driver always When you create test architecture using Directed association relation, you get test architecture which contains test component of block A, B,C and also dummy driver. However, when you create test architecture using association relation, you get test architecture which contains only test component of block A,B,C.When you create test architecture using any other relation, say composition or aggregation, you get test architecture which contains only the dummy driver.Also, when you use harmony profile then
2022-05-27 Error: "Rhapsody MFC application has stopped working" when trying to load a model into 64 bit version of Rhapsody IBM Rhapsody crashes with error "Rhapsody MFC application has stopped working" when trying to load a model into 64 bit version of Rhapsody.
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody Version Release Information IBM Rational Rhapsody Version contains enhancements, and fixes to the version 7.5 release.
2022-05-27 How to add custom properties to Rhapsody using various options How do I add custom properties to IBM Rational Rhapsody using various options?
2022-05-27 How to create Instance Specifications and Slots using the Rational Rhapsody API How do you create Instance Specifications and Slots using the IBM Rational Rhapsody API?
2022-05-27 How to modify the Z order in Rational Rhapsody diagrams How do you modify the Z order in IBM Rational Rhapsody diagrams?
2022-05-27 Using forward declarations with containers Can I use forward declarations with containers?
2022-05-27 How to access argument of an event using Rational Rhapsody in Java How do you access argument of an event when it triggers a transition using IBM Rational Rhapsody in Java?
2022-05-27 Rhapsody roundtrip reports parsing error if terminator is missing in macro statement inside of preserve code block Attempts to round-trip a preserve block added to the code generated by IBM Rational Rhapsody result into a parsing error "Rhapsody has found parsing errors as a result of your changes".
2022-05-27 How to visualize relations among components using User Defined Method and Table Layout How do you use IBM Rational Rhapsody tables to show dependencies among components?
2022-05-27 Unable to view the recently opened Projects in Project History of Rational Rhapsody Attempts to access the Project history in IBM Rational Rhapsody results in non-population of the recently opened projects in a Windows User account
2022-05-27 How to remove the Includes of user defined Header file in Rational Rhapsody How do you remove Header file Includes which are generated for Files in IBM Rational Rhapsody using a post processing script?
2022-05-27 Are nested nodes supported in a deployment diagram in IBM Rational Rhapsody? IBM Rational Rhapsody: Are nested nodes supported in a deployment diagram?
2022-05-27 How to initialize objects with unique IDs in Rational Rhapsody How do you initialize an object having multiplicity with a unique ID in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to remove unneeded IBM Rhapsody from the integration of Microsoft Visual Studio How do you remove an unneeded version of IBM Rhapsody from the Microsoft Visual Studio integration?
2022-05-27 Building Rhapsody Test Conductor auto generated source files results in Compile errors (C4047/C4028) Attempts to build IBM Rational Rhapsody in C model files which are automatically created by Rhapsody Test Conductor Add-on result in Compile error (C4047/C4028).
2022-05-27 How to RoundTrip attribute initial value into Rhapsody model How do you RoundTrip initialization info of attribute elements back to IBM Rational Rhapsody model?
2022-05-27 How to copy an Activity Diagram from one project to another using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you copy an Activity Diagram from one project to another using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Property to control display of namespace containment in Rational Rhapsody What is the property that can used to control display of namespace containment in IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 Green Hills Adapter for integration with Rational Rhapsody Where can you find the Green Hills Adapter for integration with IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Action xxx is in a swimlane that is not represented by a model element, during Allocate Operation from swimlanes in the IBM Rational Rhapsody SE-Toolkit Modeling Toolbox Action xxx is in a swimlane that is not represented by a model element, during "Allocate Operations from Swimlanes" in the IBM Rational Rhapsody SE-Toolkit Modeling Toolbox
2022-05-27 How to visually distinguish elements having a specific stereotype is applied How can you distinguish elements having a specific stereotype applied from other ordinary UML models placed on diagrams in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to list Rational Rhapsody applied stereotypes as attributes in Rational DOORS How do you list IBM Rational Rhapsody applied stereotypes as attributes in IBM Rational DOORS?
2022-05-27 Unable to Conjugate a flow port for SysML in Rational Rhapsody Can the direction of flow for a non-flow specification flow port be reversed for Systems Modeling Language (SysML) in IBM Rational Rhapsody when the Conjugated checkbox is greyed-out?
2022-05-27 Create free shapes on diagrams using Rhapsody API Can you create free shapes, such as polyline and ploygon, on diagrams using IBM Rational Rhapsody java API?
2022-05-27 How to search for unresolved elements in Rational Rhapsody How do you search for unresolved and unloaded elements when no selection for unresolved elements is shown in the advanced search dialog of a model in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to apply Rhapsody query diagrams in the model How do you apply IBM Rational Rhapsody Query to diagrams in your model?
2022-05-27 How to change order of types generated in the code in Rational Rhapsody How do you change order of types generated in the code and displayed in the browser of IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to change internal text editor setting for guard and action fields in Rhapsody How do you change internal text editor setting for guard and action fields in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Results of importing SysML XMI files are not consistent before and after Rhapsody v8.0.3 Attempts to import XMI files written for SysML using IBM Rational Rhapsody v8.0.3 (or newer) results into different representation of models as compared to the ones imported from pre-v8.0.3 releases.
2022-05-27 Difference among "ignore", "preserve" and "auto-generated" annotation used in the code generated by Rhapsody How do you know when to use different annotations effectively in IBM Rational Rhapsody, and what considerations should be given to use these annotations manually in your code?
2022-05-27 How to use Rhapsody Java API to retrieve the model element set in a tag How do you use IBM Rational Rhapsody Java API to retrieve the model element which is set in a tag element?
2022-05-27 How to import ARXML file from another application to Rational Rhapsody using Java API How do you import ARXML file from another application (OEMs) to IBM Rational Rhapsody using Java API?
2022-05-27 Purpose and usage of Source Artifact in Rational Rhapsody What is Source Artifact and how is it used in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to generate virtual accessor (getter) in Rational Rhapsody How do you generate virtual accessor in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Access to the Rational Rhapsody Modeling perspective in Eclipse results in "Problems opening perspective" error Attempts to access the IBM Rational Rhapsody Modeling perspective using the Eclipse Platform integration results in the error "Problems opening perspective: ''".
2022-05-27 How to copy a Statechart Diagram from one project to another using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you copy a Statechart Diagram from one project to another using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 A child class will always inherit a state chart from its parent class Can a child class be configured to not inherit a state chart from its parent class in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Launching Rational Rhapsody model results in "VBA Initialization Failed" error Attempts to launch IBM Rational Rhapsody model fails with error "VBA Initialization Failed"
2022-05-27 How to get the attribute value of the base class using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you get the attribute value of the base class using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Building an IBM Rational Rhapsody model gives error "Cannot open include file: 'myfile.h': No such file or directory. " What could cause "Cannot open include file: 'myfile.h': No such file or directory." error when building an IBM Rational Rhapsody model?
2022-05-27 How to create an Internal Behavior element for AUTOSAR_40 profile in Rational Rhapsody How do you create an Internal Behavior element for AUTOSAR_40 profile in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Configuring Rational Rhapsody TestConductor to create Unit and Integration tests with C Modules/Files How do you configure IBM Rhapsody TestConductor to create Unit and Integration tests using C Modules/Files?
2022-05-27 Reverse Engineering in Rational Rhapsody causes "Failed to open file…cg_info for write" error Using Reverse Engineering causes "Failed to open file…cg_info for write" error in IBM Rational Rhapsody.
2022-05-27 A Statechart does not start any more in Rational Rhapsody How do you make a Statechart start when it doesn't start any more in Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to apply a color based stereotype to a model element in Rational Rhapsody How do you apply a color based stereotype to a model element (say Object) in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to convert C++ package unit to ADA package unit in Rational Rhapsody How do you convert a C++ language package unit to ADA language package unit in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Alternative to have pointers for non-composition Association in Rational Rhapsody What is the configuration option in IBM Rational Rhapsody to have an alternate to pointers for non-composition Association?
2022-05-27 Usage of an Association class in Rational Rhapsody What is the purpose of an Associstion class in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to generate Interop.rhapsody.dll when calling Rhapsody COM API How can you generate Interop.rhapsody.dll when calling IBM Rational Rhapsody COM API?
2022-05-27 How to extract dependency and metaclass information using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you extract dependency and metaclass information using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to access SysML FlowItems from a Flow using the Rational Rhapsody API How do you access SysML FlowItems from a Flow using the IBM Rational Rhapsody API?
2022-05-27 Creating C++ template functions in Rational Rhapsody causes Microsoft Visual C++ compiler errors C2667 and C2668 Generated code causes compiler errors C2667 and C2668 when creating C++ template functions in IBM Rational Rhapsody.
2022-05-27 Installing Rational Rhapsody results in "Error 1935: An error occurred during installation …" Attempts to install IBM Rational Rhapsody leads to "Error 1935: An error occurred during installation of assembly component …"
2022-05-27 Creating a stereotype applied to Enumeration in Rational Rhapsody Can you create a stereotype applied to Enumeration in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to create a dependency between object types in Rational Rhapsody How do you create a dependency between object types in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody Flowports are marked as deprecated in the official SysML 1.3 documentation Will future versions of IBM Rational Rhapsody still have Flowports, even though they are marked as deprecated in the official Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.3 documentation?
2022-05-27 How to set the tag type in the Rational Rhapsody API How do you set the type of a tag to a specific meta class using the Application Programming Interface (API) for IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Why does the connection fail even though the VxWorks Target Server is running? Why does the connection fail even though the VxWorks Target Server is running?
2022-05-27 License server system does not support this version of this feature When do you get the error that the license server does not support the version of the feature
2022-05-27 Rhapsody tm() function is not precise Problem with tm() timer in IBM Rational Rhapsody being accurate.
2022-05-27 Opening a project in Rational Rhapsody Ada results in "Cannot find Java Virtual Machine (JVM.dll)" error Attempts to open IBM Rational Rhapsody in Ada results in the error "Cannot find JVM.dll".
2022-05-27 Organization of Rational Rhapsody RPE Schema to address different Types How is the IBM Rational Rhapsody Schema organized to address different types?
2022-05-27 How to automatically set the default setting values present within the "Display options" dialog in Rational Rhapsody How do you automatically set the default setting values present within the "Display options" dialog in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to increase the RER crash sensitivity in Rational Rhapsody How do you increase the RER crash reporting sensitivity in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to find unresolved elements in the model using Java-API How do you find unresolved elements in the model using Java-API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Descriptions for Ada code generation properties not visible in property help pane on Linux When running IBM Rational Rhapsody Developer for Ada on Linux, the descriptions for Ada code generation properties are not displayed in the property help pane
2022-05-27 IBM Rational Rhapsody gives error when logging into Rational Synergy: Error occurred while getting SCC Context Why does IBM Rational Rhapsody gives error when logging into Rational Synergy: Error occurred while getting SCC Context?
2022-05-27 How to enable the missing Rational Rhapsody Gateway Option in the project context menu How do you enable the missing IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway Option in the project context menu?
2022-05-27 Socket Implementation in IBM Rational Rhapsody How to implement 'Sockets' in Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 "Invalid Class String" and "The system cannot find the file specified" messages displayed in IBM Telelogic Rhapsody Gateway Cannot connect to the Doors Database from the Gateway browser.
2022-05-27 Drag and Drop of a component element in Rational Rhapsody results in "One or more Elements can't be pasted" error Attempts to drag and drop a component element in IBM Rational Rhapsody results in the error "One or more Elements can't be pasted to current Diagram".
2022-05-27 XMI Toolkit in IBM Rational Rhapsody does not start You try to run the XMI toolkit from Rational Rhapsody 'Tools' menu but nothing happens.
2022-05-27 XMI import/export helpers in IBM Rational Rhapsody are grayed out under Tools Menu XMI import/export helpers grayed out under Tools Menu
2022-05-27 Command line invocation of Java API How do you invoke an IBM Rational Rhapsody Java API from the command line?
2022-05-27 Exporting diagrams From IBM Rational Rhapsody to Reporter Plus How can diagrams from Rhapsody to Reporter Plus be exported effectively?
2022-05-27 How can I reorder elements in IBM Rational Rhapsody 7.5? How is one able to change the order of tags, preconditions, triggers, postconditions, main flows, alternative flows, and exception flows in a UML model in Rhapsody? Can you reorder elements while in Gateway?
2022-05-27 How to set the Initial Flow line style to rectilinear for all Sysml projects in Rational Rhapsody How do you set the Initial Flow line style to rectilinear for all Sysml projects in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to add a clickable hyperlink in the description field using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you add a clickable hyperlink in the description field of an element using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to disable the Roundtrip pop up for a project in Rational Rhapsody How do you disable the Roundtrip pop up for a project in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to setup VxWorks Real Time process environment within Rhapsody? How to setup VxWorks Real Time process environment within Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to create a class link port using Java API in Rational Rhapsody How do you create a class link port using Java Application Programming Interface (API) in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to disable the VBA component in Rational Rhapsody How do you disable the VBA component in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Setting up IBM Rational Rhapsody DiffMerge for IBM Rational Synergy How to get IBM Rational Synergy to invoke the IBM Rational Rhapsody DiffMerge instead of the text tool.
2022-05-27 Semaphore implementation in IBM Rational Rhapsody How to implement 'Semaphore' in Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to set a Permanent Image in a Controlled File In IBM Rhapsody Developer How can you set the image of a Controlled File to be permanently displayed when you drag it from the browser onto a diagram in Rhapsody (without using the Display Options menu)?
2022-05-27 Setting the DOORS_SCRIPT and DOORS_SERVER variables for IBM Rational Rhapsody How can I set the DOORS_SCRIPT and DOORS_SERVER variables for IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to see selected Source Artifacts after in a project in Rhapsody How do you enable selected "Source Artifacts" in a project in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 What is the Silentmode.log file What is the Silentmode.log file?
2022-05-27 Checking Out package with descendants in Rational Rhapsody results in error "Unit not found in archive" Attempts to perform a Checkout operation on a package with descendants in Rhapsody results in Error: "Unit not found in archive, archive checkout of 'by reference' unit cancelled."
2022-05-27 CPP_CG:Attribute:EnableInitializationStyleForStaticAttributes becomes nonfunctional for attributes if set to False above in hierarchy CPP_CG:Attribute:EnableInitializationStyleForStaticAttributes becomes nonfunctional for attributes if set to False above in hierarchy in IBM Rational Rhapsody.
2022-05-27 Alternatives for Migrating IBM Rational Rhapsody VBA macros What are the options to migrate macros in Rational Rhapsody that use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)?
2022-05-27 Invalid class string error when starting Gateway I tried opening up Gateway the usual way—by right-clicking on the project name in the browser, then selecting “Rational Rhapsody Gateway”. When I did, I got the following error message: Invalid class string
2022-05-27 How to execute the 'Export to DOORS' operation in batch mode under Rational Rhapsody Gateway How do you execute the 'Export to DOORS' operation in batch mode under IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway?
2022-05-27 Error "Msmake.bat is not recognized as an internal or external command" when building a Rational Rhapsody sample C/C++ project What does the error "Msmake.bat is not recognized as an internal or external command" mean and what could one do to overcome the error?
2022-05-27 How to install Rhapsody Architect, Designer and Developer on the same machine How do you install IBM Rational Rhapsody Architect for Software, Architect for Systems Engineers, Designer for Systems Engineers and Developer edition on the same machine?
2022-05-27 How to convert to new color scheme following an "Add to Model" in Rational Rhapsody How do you convert the Color Scheme on performing "Add to Model" from an old model in IBM Rational Rhapsody which has the old icons?
2022-05-27 How to disable roundtrip option in Rational Rhapsody How do you disable the roundtrip option by editing the site.prp file in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to remove single line comment style from file header information generated for tag values using post processing script in Rational Rhapsody How do you remove '//' (single line comment style) from file header information generated for tag values using post processing script in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Sharing the Rhapsody "share" directory between platforms In IBM Rational Rhapsody, can you share the same "share" directory between multiple platforms?
2022-05-27 How do we set the Configuration Management tool as Synergy to be accesed by Rhapsody? How do we set the Configuration Management tool as Synergy to be accesed by Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Error: 'No Configuration Management tool is set' in Synergy-Rhapsody integration Error: 'No Configuration Management tool is set' in Synergy-Rhapsody integration.
2022-05-27 OutOfMemoryError using Rational Rhapsody Add-ons Attempts to use Java add-ons in IBM Rational Rhapsody results in java.lang.OutOfMemoryError.
2022-05-27 How to display information in a tag in Rational Rhapsody How do you display information of Class parameters such as In, Out, InOut on a tag in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to remove the packages PredefinedTypes(REF)/PrdefinedTypedCpp(REF) from the project in the browser view? How to remove the packages PredefinedTypes(REF)/PrdefinedTypedCpp(REF) from the project in the browser view?
2022-05-27 Creating test architecture using Rational Rhapsody results in "Did not find plugin" error Attempts to "Create Test Architecture" in IBM Rational Rhapsody results in the error "Did not find plugin: "RTC".
2022-05-27 Support for the containment icon or containment in IBM Rational Rhapsody In IBM Rational Rhapsody, is there support for the Containment icon or Containment?
2022-05-27 Increasing virtual memory in IBM Rational Rhapsody How to increase Rational Rhapsody to use more virtual memory?
2022-05-27 Rhapsody Obfuscator does not encrypt (REF) elements in the model When you use the Obfuscator to "encrypt" the content of an IBM Rational Rhapsody model, Rhapsody does not encrypt remote elements added by reference (REF).
2022-05-27 Re-analyzing a Rational DOORS module results in "Analysis error (Fatal error: exception Failure)" in Rational Rhapsody Gateway Attempts to re-analyze the IBM Rational DOORS module results in "Analysis error (Fatal error: exception Failure("Buffer.add: cannot grow buffer"))" in IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway.
2022-05-27 Enabling Webify for use with IBM Rational Rhapsody on 64 bit Linux How to enable Webify for use with IBM Rational Rhapsody on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 64 bit?
2022-05-27 How to create an object in Rational Rhapsody using Java API How do you create an object in IBM Rational Rhapsody using the Java API?
2022-05-27 Decision nodes in Activity Diagram do not appear in Rhapsody ReporterPlus Decision nodes in Activity Diagram do not appear in IBM Rational Rhapsody ReporterPlus Model View.
2022-05-27 Queue Implementation in IBM Rational Rhapsody How to implement 'Queue' in Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How do you define a Parameterized Macro within Rhapsody? How do you define a Parameterized Macro within Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Make returns an "Exit Code 0x01" error How can I correct the Make error "Exit Code 0x01"?
2022-05-27 How to color class nodes in a diagram using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you color class nodes in the diagrams using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to use "No Framework" with Statechart implementation in Rational Rhapsody How do you use "No Framework" with Statechart implementation in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Why do some GUIDs sometime change when you generate new code in Rational Rhapsody When generating new code in IBM Rational Rhapsody, why do some GUIDs in the repository files (such as package files) sometimes change?
2022-05-27 How to create Fork or Join Sync Bar elements in a StateChart using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you create Fork or Join Sync Bar elements in a StateChart using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to get the recursion enabled for a container to get the nested packages from Rational Rhapsody model using the script in Rational Publishing Engine How do you get the recursion enabled for a container to get the nested packages from IBM Rational Rhapsody model using the script in IBM Rational Publishing Engine?
2022-05-27 How to set the table border automatically while generating a report using ReporterPLUS. How to set the table border automatically while generating a report using ReporterPLUS.
2022-05-27 How to add Tags in Rational Rhapsody using Java API How do you add tags in a IBM Rational Rhapsody model using JAVA API?
2022-05-27 Purpose of CGCompatibilityPre profiles in Rational Rhapsody What is the purpose of CGCompatibilityPre76Cpp and CGCompatibilityPre761Cpp profiles added to a model when opening projects created in lower versions of IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Required license FEATURES for the IBM Rational Rhapsody product suite editions What license FEATURES are required for Rational Rhapsody Architect for Software, Rational Rhapsody Architect for System Engineers and Rational Rhapsody Designer for System Engineers?
2022-05-27 Can you change the intermediate file location in Rhapsody Gateway Can you change the folder where the intermediate file is beeing generated in IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway?
2022-05-27 Linux workaround for metrics and OSLC linking The IBM Rational Rhapsody RCP Browser requires a compatible XULRunner on Linux.
2022-05-27 Configuring Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 as a compiler for Rational Rhapsody 7.6 How do you configure Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 as a compiler for use with IBM Rational Rhapsody version 7.6?
2022-05-27 Showing links, full resolution diagrams, and allow activity diagrams in the Rational Rhapsody ReportPLUS output How to show links, full resolution diagrams and allow activity diagrams in the IBM Rational Rhapsody ReportPlus output?
2022-05-27 Silent installation options in Rational Rhapsody What are the available options for silent installation using a batch file in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 System Exception: Access Violation error when generating report in ReporterPLUS Attempts to generate an IBM Rational Rhapsody report in ReporterPLUS result in the error "System Exception: Access Violation".
2022-05-27 Error while creating JVM, Error -4 when loading large models in IBM Rational Rhapsody Why loading large models sometimes gives "Error while creating JVM, Error -4" error
2022-05-27 How to generate CORBA IDL files for Classes containing <<Class Interface>> stereotype in Rational Rhapsody How do you generate CORBA interface definition language (IDL) files for Classes containing stereotype in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to model communication between the components (ComponentPrototypes) of an AUTOSAR composition (CompositionType) How do you use IBM Rational Rhapsody to model communication between the components of an AUTOSAR composition?
2022-05-27 How to activate the Thread Window view in Rational Rhapsody How do you activate the Thread window view in an model under IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Unable to view images in HTML reports in Mozilla Why are images in HTML reports generated by Reporter Plus not displayed correctly in Mozilla?
2022-05-27 How to achieve pointer type modeling for attribute types using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you achieve pointer (*) type modeling for attribute types using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to invoke Rhapsody API effectively using Windows shortcut and Java KeyListener How do you call your frequently used or your favorite operations quickly and easily in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Default value for property CPP_CG:Type:ReferenceImplementationPattern Why is the default value of the property CPP_CG:Type:ReferenceImplementationPattern in IBM Rational Rhapsody a '*' and not '&' ?
2022-05-27 License package required to work with IBM Rational Rhapsody in Ada Developer Which license package is required to work with IBM Rational Rhapsody in Ada Developer?
2022-05-27 Launching Rational Rhapsody client results in "The desired vendor daemon is down" with Flexlm error -97,121 Attempts to launch IBM Rational Rhapsody client results in the error “The desired vendor daemon is down” with Flexlm error -97,121
2022-05-27 Porting Rhapsody generated code from Windows to Linux How to generate code on windows and port it to Linux?
2022-05-27 How to disable Animation for certain packages only How do you disable animation for a particular IBM Rational Rhapsody package?
2022-05-27 Setting the stack size in IBM Rational Rhapsody How can the stack size be increased or adjusted in Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Changing multiplicity values on ReadOnly Rhapsody diagrams results in values being not changed Attempts to use IBM Rational Rhapsody with Read Only components results in no change in a diagram when you change the multiplicity of an association end.
2022-05-27 How do I Control Table Columns Width in a generated document? How do I Control Table Columns Width in a generated document?
2022-05-27 How to insert a blank space between '.' and '*' in the Rational Rhapsody generated code using post processing script How do you insert a blank space between '.' and '*' in '.*/' of the IBM Rational Rhapsody generated code using post processing script?
2022-05-27 How to change the default rhapsody.exe.ini for multiple users How do you change the default IBM Rational Rhapsody rhapsody.exe.ini for multiple users?
2022-05-27 How to save a Referenceunitpath as a relative or absolute path How do you save a Referenceunitpath as a relative or absolute path in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to Reverse Engineer Simulink files using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you Reverse Engineer Simulink (.m) files using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Using Java API to delete a model element from the project that has references in Read-Only unit file How to delete a model element from the project that has references in a read-only unit file using Java API?
2022-05-27 DXL Error Incorrect Arguments for function (findObjectWithParent) When we export documents from Rhapsody Gateway to DOORS the incorrect argument for function error/ undeclared variable error pop’s up.
2022-05-27 How to use an external code editor with Rhapsody How do you use an external code editor with IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Getting "RG menu" for navigation to Rational Rhapsody and Gateway to appear in Rational DOORS Sometimes after upgrading or new installing Rational Rhapsody or Rational DOORS, the menu entry "RG " to navigate to Rational Rhapsody and Rhapsody Gateway disappears from the menu of the Rational DOORS modules.
2022-05-27 How to Integrate Rhapsody with VxWorks 6.2? How to Integrate Rhapsody with VxWorks 6.2?
2022-05-27 How to add a realization between classes using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you add a realization between classes using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to generate code for Activity Diagrams in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you generate code for Activity Diagrams in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to reduce size of the generated code in Rational Rhapsody How do you reduce the size of the generated code in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 The Block Definition Diagram frame in Rhapsody does not resize automatically When elements are deleted in the IBM Rational Rhapsody version 7.5.1 Block Definition Diagram, the frame containing the elements does not resize itself.
2022-05-27 How to customize the class diagram toolbar in Rational Rhapsody How do you customize the Class Diagram Toolbar in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to set up the Telelogic license server on Microsoft Windows How do set up the Telelogic license server on Microsoft Windows?
2022-05-27 What license is needed to import DoDAF data from IBM Rational System Architect to IBM Rational Rhapsody? What license is needed to import DoDAF data from IBM Rational System Architect to IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Making Helpers File visible to Rhapsody How do you make a helpers file (.hep) visible to IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Running an Animation in Rational Rhapsody results in Connection port not unavailable error Attempts to run an animation in IBM Rational Rhapsody results in error "DefaultComponent.exe could not be animated. Connection port unavailable".
2022-05-27 IBM Rational Rhapsody autosave configuration and file location How can I configure the autosave mechanism and where will I find the files in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to determine the Metaclass for a Rhapsody element How can you determine the metaclass for an element within IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to move packages using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you move packages using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to apply diagram properties to existing diagram elements using Java script in Rational Rhapsody How do you apply diagram properties to existing diagram elements using Java script in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Building models in Rational Rhapsody results in "Cannot open file msvcirtd.lib" error Attempts to build a model in IBM Rational Rhapsody result in "Cannot open file msvcirtd.lib" when using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.
2022-05-27 Error "fatal error C1083: Cannot open compiler generated file: 'OMDefaultMulticastOutBound.obj': Permission denied NMAKE" in IBM Rational Rhapsody When I rebuild the framework in Rational Rhapsody why do I keep getting the "fatal error C1083: Cannot open compiler generated file: 'OMDefaultMulticastOutBound.obj': Permission denied NMAKE" error?
2022-05-27 How to make a *.prp file project specific in Rational Rhapsody How do you make a *.prp file specific to a project in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 The FEATURE name RPCM with version 2010.0314 cannot be found Attempts to use Configuration Management utility from IBM Rational Rhapsody v7.5.1.1 results in a license error "FEATURE name RPCM with version 2010.0314 cannot be found"
2022-05-27 How to change the names of Accessor and Mutator using Post Processing script in Rational Rhapsody How do you change the names of Accessor and Mutator using Post Processing script in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to insert user code to the configuration main file in Rational Rhapsody How can you insert user code in the configuration main file before the function call OXF::initialize() or OXF::init() in Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Viewing constraint specifications inside constraint property for Rational Rhapsody parametric diagrams How to view the constraint specifications inside constraint property for Rational Rhapsody parametric diagrams?
2022-05-27 How can I add a description to an Association in IBM Rational Rhapsody How can I add a description to an Association?
2022-05-27 How to use the bind stereotype to instantiate a Template class in Rational Rhapsody How do you use the bind stereotype to instantiate a Template class in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to get complex parameters like enum or struct to show their values in animated sequence diagrams Using parameters such as enum or struct during animation will result in their values not appearing in the animated sequence diagrams. The animator only understands the types defined in the rawtypes.h in Rhapsody\Share\Lang\oxf. So how do we get the enum values like {blue, green, yellow} instead of 0,1,2
2022-05-27 Working with Rational Rhapsody 7.6 on Citrix results in missing rhapsody.ini file When working with IBM Rational Rhapsody 7.6 on Citrix, there is no rhapsody.ini get replicated for individual users.
2022-05-27 Changing the call OXF::start() to OXF::start(true) and the effect on IBM Rational Rhapsody Would changing the call OXF::start() to OXF::start(true) in Rhapsody main() affect the program?
2022-05-27 How to implement word wrap feature for Rational Rhapsody comments using C++ COM API How do you implement word wrap feature for IBM Rational Rhapsody comments using C++ COM API?
2022-05-27 Eclipse/ IBM Rational Rhapsody Android application terminates unexpectedly before initializing After launching the Android emulator, the app fails to initialize and instead mysteriously terminates.
2022-05-27 How to get all the objects being applied with same stereotype using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you get all the objects being applied with same stereotype using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to achieve pointer type modeling for argument types using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you achieve pointer (*) type modeling for argument types using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to manually uninstall Rational Rhapsody from Windows 7/XP How can you manually uninstall IBM Rational Rhapsody from Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows XP?
2022-05-27 How to achieve array parameter type modeling for argument types using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you achieve array parameter type modeling for argument types using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Cannot reorder attributes or operations in a Rhapsody model IBM Rational Rhapsody will not allow me to reorder attributes or operations. I receive the following message: "Class_X is mapped to a component file. Changing order of its descendants will not have any effect on generated code.
2022-05-27 How to setup the Network for VxWorks? How to setup the Network for VxWorks?
2022-05-27 How to use Recurrent Timeouts from Reaction in State in Rational Rhapsody How do you get recurrent timeouts from Reaction in State in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to generate AUTOSAR macros using Post Processing script in Rational Rhapsody How do you generate AUTOSAR macros using Post Processing script in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Returning timer event is delayed in IBM Rational Rhapsody When the timer task is activated, the event is sent, but not received until a significant period has elapsed.
2022-05-27 Memory allocation failure during heavy code generation Attempts to generate code from an entire model within a very large IBM Rational Rhapsody project results in memory allocation errors.
2022-05-27 Using Rhapsody with No-Framework Using Rhapsody with No-Framework
2022-05-27 Setting up Rational Publishing Engine to generate report from IBM Rational Rhapsody 7.5.1 How to setting up Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) to generate report from IBM Rational Rhapsody 7.5.1
2022-05-27 How to enable the VBA menu option in Rational Rhapsody How do you enable the Visual Basic Application (VBA) option in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to borrow Rational Rhapsody licenses from a client machine How do you borrow IBM Rational Rhapsody licenses from a client machine?
2022-05-27 How to change relation type from OMCollection to OMList How do you change a relation type from OMCollection to OMList in code generated for IBM Rational Rhapsody in C?
2022-05-27 Overview of the log files in IBM Rational Rhapsody What is the purpose of the log files that are found in Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Cannot find Java Virtual Machine file error when opening Rational Rhapsody IBM Rational Rhapsody shows a JVM error on every time opening a Rhapsody instance. This could potentially hamper features like XMI Import Export if not fixed.
2022-05-27 How to use mlongcall while using PPC604 as the target. How to use mlongcall while using PPC604 as the target.
2022-05-27 How to control the style of include statements in Rational Rhapsody How do you control the style of #include statements in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Opening project in Rational Rhapsody results in "Error initializing VBA" Attempts to open a project in IBM Rational Rhapsody results in "Error initializing VBA".
2022-05-27 Help Application fails to start on Red Hat Enterprise Linux The Help application does not start when executed from a prompt or from the Help -> Help Contents menu item in IBM Rational Rhapsody. A blank dialog is displayed.
2022-05-27 Can IBM Rhapsody 7.5.x in C++ preserve C Style Block comments after Reverse Engineering? Can Rhapsody in C++ reverse in, then roundtrip and preserve C-style block comments, For example: /* Here is a comment associated with class A */ class A {…}; ?
2022-05-27 How to increase the error description level in the XMI Toolkit log file How do you increase the error description level in the IBM Rational Rhapsody XMI Toolkit log file?
2022-05-27 Unable to import an ARXML file into IBM Rhapsody Why am I unable to import a large ARXML file into IBM Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Launching Rational Rhapsody with dongle license keys results in "Flexnet error -9,57 invalid host" error Attempts to launch IBM Rational Rhapsody 8.0.3 with dongle license keys results in the error "Flexnet error -9,57 invalid host".
2022-05-27 How to control order of include statements in Rational Rhapsody How do you control order of include statements in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to borrow IBM Rational Rhapsody/Doors licenses from a client machine using LMTOOLS utility How do you enable license borrowing from your client machine using LMTOOLS utility as an alternative to IBM Rational License Borrower Tool (borrow_tool.exe) ?
2022-05-27 Why do I receive the compiler error: 'cannot open program database (pdb)'? Why do I receive the compiler error: 'cannot open program database (pdb)'?
2022-05-27 How to use WriterTemplate introduced in Rhapsody 8.0.6 for advance code formatting How do you use WriterTemplate feature introduced in IBM Rational Rhapsody 8.0.6 in order to achieve advanced code formatting over multi-lining, spacing, indentation, positioning and more?
2022-05-27 What are the supported parameters or flags to access Rational Rhapsody Gateway from the command line What are the supported parameters or flags when trying to access IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway from the Microsoft Windows command line?
2022-05-27 Executing a project in IBM Rational Rhapsody results in slow animation performance. Attempts to execute a project in IBM Rational Rhapsody results in slow animation performance.
2022-05-27 How to make Rational Rhapsody Gateway Add On recognize and analyze user-defined types of Requirement Elements How do you make IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway Add On analyze user-defined types of Requirement elements in the same way as tool's pre-defined Requirement types?
2022-05-27 Using in/out/inout direction modifiers to control the argument type signature in operations. Using in/out/inout direction modifiers to control the argument type signature in operations.
2022-05-27 How to add comments to Guard field of Statechart in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you add coments to Guard field of IBM Rational Rhapsody Statechart Diagarm.
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody Software, Version Release Information IBM® Rational® Rhapsody® Software, Version contains enhancements and fixes to the version 7.5.1 release.
2022-05-27 How to change the line style appearance of Control Flow for SysML in a Rational Rhapsody Activity Diagram How do you change the appearance of the line style of Control flow for SysML in an IBM Rational Rhapsody Activity Diagram?
2022-05-27 Enabling Custom Views disables the diagram workspace in Rational Rhapsody Why does enabling of Custom Views disable the diagram workspace in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 What are the major differences between OXF and SXF in Rational Rhapsody What are the major differences between OXF and SXF in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody Gateway reports error: Method 'xyz' is not defined in class 'Kernel When using your own OT Scripts (.br script files), Rhapsody Gateway reports an error "Method 'xyz' is not defined in class 'Kernel'".
2022-05-27 How to get the current selected element of Rational Rhapsody in Java API How do you get the current selected element of IBM Rational Rhapsody in Java API?
2022-05-27 How to use Gateway OTScript with IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you extract properties from the model using Gateway OTScript with IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Generate or Regenerate does not generate new code in Rational Rhapsody Attempts to generate or regenerate does not generate new code or report errors in IBM Rational Rhapsody.
2022-05-27 How to determine the IBM JRE version supplied with IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you determine the IBM JRE version supplied with IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Example for Importing CSV files into Rhapsody How do you import a CSV File into IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 Maintenance missing in the Rational License Key Centre Why is the latest maintenance renewal not booked in the Rational License Key Centre?
2022-05-27 How to prevent the "Metrics" feature warning when opening a model in IBM Rational Rhapsody How to prevent the warning which says that the "Metrics" feature is not supported any more in Rational Rhapsody 8.2 and later
2022-05-27 Running force roundtrip to a class which souces are not changed results in updated Unit file Attempts to run a force roundtrip to a class element which includes a constractor or destractor in IBM Rational Rhapsody results in the unit file being updated even if the source code is not changed.
2022-05-27 How to generate unnamed (anonymous) namespace from Rhapsody model How do you use IBM Rational Rhapsody to generate unnamed namespace in source file?
2022-05-27 How to set the OMROOT variable in Rational Rhapsody using Rational Rhapsody CL utility How do you set the OMROOT variable in IBM Rational Rhapsody using IBM Rational Rhapsody CL utility?
2022-05-27 Why is the bidirectional option for pins greyed out? How can you make a pin bidirectional when the option to do so is greyed out?
2022-05-27 Setting the tab size for the code editors per the IBM Rational Rhapsody install (globally) instead of per model Is there a way that you can set the tab size for the code editors per the IBM Rational Rhapsody install (globally) instead of per model?
2022-05-27 How to name a package with spaces in Rational Rhapsody How do you name a package with spaces / slashes or dashes in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to write into the Rhapsody output window using Java API How do you write information into each tab of the output window in IBM Rational Rhapsody using the Java API?
2022-05-27 How to use the STL Container with IBM Rational Rhapsody How do I use the STL Container with IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to connect to a specific Rhapsody instance using Java API How do you use Java API to connect to a specific Rhapsody instance when there are multiple IBM Rational Rhapsody instances with different version are running at the same time from the clients?
2022-05-27 How to remove Rational Rhapsody generated Annotations How do you remove the Annotations that are generated by IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 License features incorporated in "Tools and Utilities" key while generating Rational Rhapsody licenses What are the features incorporated with the "Tools and Utilities" License key for IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 About embedding an image into the description field of a model element in Rhapsody Can an IBM Rational Rhapsody model element contain an image in the Description field? Is it possible to embed an image into the description field of a model element in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to generate enum state variable in IBM Rational Rhapsody C with MICRO C. How can I generate enum state variable in IBM Rational Rhapsody C with MICRO C?
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody 8.0.3 reports that Telelogic License Server's FLEXNet library is not valid Attempts to use the Telelogic License Server with IBM Rational Rhapsody v8.0.3 results in the error: "There is a version mismatch between this application's FLEXNet library and the license server version."
2022-05-27 How to prevent the error when saving a Rhapsody model ("Failed to open file ….rpw for write) Why does an error occurs when saving the Rhapsody model ("Failed to open file ….rpw for write)?
2022-05-27 How to force processing of symbol and macro definitions within "ignore" annotations in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you force processing of symbol and macro definitions within "ignore" annotations in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 I need line numbers in Rhapsody generated code for navigation. I need line numbers in Rhapsody generated code for navigation.
2022-05-27 Building Rational Rhapsody project results in compilation error C2039 Attempts to build the IBM Rational Rhapsody project results in compilation error "C2039: 'FlowProperty' : is not a member of 'Flow_Port'".
2022-05-27 Import of referenced ARXML files in Rational Rhapsody Do referenced ARXML files automatically get imported when the main ARXML file is imported into IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Does Rhapsody Support the use of relative paths for hyperlinks? Does Rhapsody Support the use of relative paths for hyperlinks?
2022-05-27 Testing API plugin execution with the RhapsodyCL command line application Will the RhapsodyCL application allow plugins to complete before exiting?
2022-05-27 Launching Rhapsody results in crash Attempts to launch IBM Rational Rhapsody result in the error "Rhapsody has encountered a problem and needs to close."
2022-05-27 Attempts to open Eclipse with IBM Rhapsody platform integration plugin causes JDT BundleException Attempts to open Eclipse with IBM Rational Rhapsody platform integration plugin causes JDT BundleException
2022-05-27 How to download IBM Rational Rhapsody 8.0.4 from IBM Fix Central How to download IBM Rational Rhapsody 8.0.4 from IBM Fix Central
2022-05-27 How to use the Rhapsody API to find unresolved elements and unresolved references. How do I find all unresolved elements and unresolved references using the IBM Rational Rhapsody API?
2022-05-27 How to enable the Drawing tool menu in Rational Rhapsody 7.6.x How do you enable the Drawing toolbar menu in IBM Rational Rhapsody 7.6.x?
2022-05-27 Overriding OMReactive::processEvent in the IBM Rational Rhapsody OXF Framework How do you override OMReactive::processEvent in the IBM Rational Rhapsody OXF Framework?
2022-05-27 How to use Rational Rhapsody with NoFramework How do you use IBM Rational Rhapsody with NoFramework?
2022-05-27 How to implement a Publish/Subscribe design Pattern in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you implement a Publish/Subscribe design Pattern in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to prevent Rhapsody from creating a separate .omd file, when creating a new object model diagram? How to prevent Rhapsody from creating a separate .omd file, when creating a new object model diagram?
2022-05-27 How do I declare a class as abstract or final in Rhapsody in J? How do I declare a class as abstract or final in Rhapsody in J?
2022-05-27 How to make Rhapsody generate class constructor parameters on multiple lines How do you make IBM Rational Rhapsody generate parameters of class constructor on multiple lines?
2022-05-27 Rhapsody integration with Workbench 2.6/VxWorks 6.5 Rhapsody integration with Workbench 2.6/VxWorks 6.5
2022-05-27 How to create a file of dependency list using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you create a file of dependency list using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to add the description as a comment in the Implementation file (.cpp) for a class, instead of adding it to the .h in IBM Rational Rhapsody In Rational Rhapsody, you can add descriptions for classes and you want to have the descriptions added to the .cpp file as comments.
2022-05-27 Using Cygwin to compile IBM Rhapsody project results in error: "ansidecl.h: No such file or directory" Using Cygwin to compile IBM Rational Rhapsody project results in error: "Share/LangCpp/osconfig/Cygwin/omosconfig.h:35:22: fatal error: ansidecl.h: No such file or directory. compilation terminated. ".
2022-05-27 Importing a Rational Rhapsody project into Eclipse results in error "unable to load class" Attempts to open IBM Rational Rhapsody project import wizard in Eclipse results in " was unable to load class…bundle…ui 385" error.
2022-05-27 OnSelectionChanged callback method return value in IBM Rational Rhapsody Can you use the OnSelectionChanged callback method return value in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Relations/References window shows wrong contents in IBM Rational Rhapsody When attempting to open the Relations/References window from selected elements in a search results window by shortcut CTRL+R, then the References window does not contain the correct results.
2022-05-27 Can you recursively extract sub-states or sub-statecharts in IBM Rational Rhapsody ReporterPLUS? Can you recursively extract sub-states or sub-statecharts in IBM Rational Rhapsody ReporterPLUS?
2022-05-27 How to schedule the execution order of tasks for MicroC projects in Rational Rhapsody How do you schedule the execution order of tasks for MicroC projects in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Gateway Export and Navigate to DOORS launches a new Rational DOORS instance In IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway you attempt to export to DOORS or you select Navigate to DOORS, and while Rational DOORS is already running in the background, every time a new DOORS instance is started you get a login window.
2022-05-27 How to manually add Rational Rhapsody toolbar in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 How do you manually add IBM Rational Rhapsody toolbar in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010?
2022-05-27 How to hide or show ports in a diagram using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you hide or show ports in a diagram using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to put the Variable definition before the Type definition when Reverse Engineering code How to put the Variable definition before the Type definition when Reverse Engineering code
2022-05-27 iFixes for Rhapsody and Design Manager integration Which iFixes do you need for the IBM Rational Rhapsody and IBM Rational Rhapsody Design Manager integration?
2022-05-27 How to add high level requirements with enumerated value on Attributes to Rational Rhapsody How do you add high level requirements with enumerated value on Attributes in IBM Rational DOORS to IBM Rational Rhapsody using the IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway?
2022-05-27 IBM Rational Rhapsody warning: Link will not be instantiated – ill-formed link across composite boundaries I am getting the following warning message for links between objects in my model in IBM Rational Rhapsody: Warning: Link will not be instantiated – ill-formed link across composite boundaries Why am I getting this message and what does it mean?
2022-05-27 How to set an Environment variable to reference the Rational Rhapsody installation directory How do you set an Environment variable to reference the IBM Rational Rhapsody installation directory?
2022-05-27 Uninstalling Rational Rhapsody leads to error "“Error opening installation log file…" Attempts to uninstall IBM Rational Rhapsody results in error "“Error opening installation log file. Verify that the specified location exists and is writable.”
2022-05-27 Running IBM Rational Rhapsody on 64 bit Linux gives error "ccrc_xcleardiff: error while loading shared libraries:" When running Rational Rhapsody 8.0.2 on SuSE Linux (64 bit), you get the following error: /opt/IBM/Rhapsody/8.0.2/Share/etc/ccrc_diff/linux/ccrc_xcleardiff: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2022-05-27 How to run Rational Rhapsody Architect for Software in Java How can you configure Rational Rhapsody for Software to run and develop models in Java?
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody Software, Version 7.5.2 Release Information IBM® Rational® Rhapsody® Software, Version 7.5.2 contains new features, enhancements, and fixes to the version 7.5 release.
2022-05-27 Loading 6.0 project using OpenProject() API call into Rhapsody 6.1 fails. Loading 6.0 project using OpenProject() API call into Rhapsody 6.1 fails.
2022-05-27 Change friend dependency and typedef declarations order of inner classes How do you change the order of friend dependency and typedef declarations of inner classes using code respect and source artifacts in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How do I get Rhapsody to work with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005? How do I get Rhapsody to work with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005?
2022-05-27 How to get the OMROOT using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you get the OMROOT using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How do you automatically generate a #include file.h for a class? How do you automatically generate a #include file.h for a class?
2022-05-27 How do I use API interface "IRPMessagePoint" in IBM Rational Rhapsody How canI use API interface "IRPMessagePoint" in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to specify which version of IBM Rational Rhapsody to launch when double-clicking .rpy How do you specify which version of IBM Rational Rhapsody to launch when you double-click the Rhapsody model file(.rpy) when multiple versions of Rhapsody are installed in the same environment.
2022-05-27 How to reverse engineer an enumeration type in Rational Rhapsody How do you reverse engineer C code which contains an enumeration type in Rational Rhapsody, to create a type of kind enumeration with literals?
2022-05-27 The Welcome Page and About Rhapsody windows show as blank in IBM Rational Rhapsody on Windows 10 When opening IBM Rational Rhapsody, the HTML contents of the welcome page and about Rhapsody windows are shown as blank white spaces.
2022-05-27 Command Line to regenerate code of multiple components with dependencies in Rational Rhapsody What parameters you need to pass using Command Line to generate multiple components with dependencies in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How does the Scope setting work in a Table View in IBM Rational Rhapsody Why does a Table View show Rhapsody elements which are not contained in the selected scope?
2022-05-27 How to open IBM Rational Rhapsody .rpy file which is saved in path which contains a space. You might have saved the Rhapsody project in a path which contains a space. For example: C:\temp\MyModels -1. Then while double click on the rpy file it does not open the project.
2022-05-27 Is there a way to disable code generation of the Default Constructor? Is there a way to disable code generation of the Default Constructor?
2022-05-27 What is the difference between structure diagram and OMD? Should we have both in a project? What is the difference between structure diagram and OMD? Should we have both in a project?
2022-05-27 ARXML error "Ambiguous reference" with AUTOSAR 4.3.0 profile in Rational Rhapsody When exporting a Rhapsody AUTOSAR 4.3.0 model to an ARXML file then you get an error message: "Ambiguous reference [initValue, timeoutSubstitutionValue]", the tags are not exported.
2022-05-27 Primary differences between Flat and Reusable Statecharts in Rational Rhapsody What are the Primary differences between Flat and Reusable Statecharts in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Rebuilding the framework for vxworks using the gnu or diab. Rebuilding the framework for vxworks using the gnu or diab.
2022-05-27 How to remove redundant IBM Rational Rhapsody addins from Visual Studio How do you remove redundant IBM Rational Rhapsody addins from Visual Studio?
2022-05-27 Launching Rhapsody leads to crash in ot1200as.dll Attempts to launch IBM Rational Rhapsody result in the error "Rhapsody has encountered a problem and needs to close."
2022-05-27 How to add a custom <<Usage>> dependency and share it across project teams How can you create and add a custom dependency (with a different icon) to the tool box of Object Model Diagram, and make it available across your project teams with IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 About hiding predefined stereotypes in the Rhapsody UI Is it possible to hide predefined stereotypes in the Rhapsody UI? Can stereotypes such as Friend or Subsystem which are predefined in IBM Rational Rhapsody be hidden or removed from the UI?
2022-05-27 Rhapsody on Linux does not release Animation socket after exit. Rhapsody on Linux does not release Animation socket after exit.
2022-05-27 Adding a SysML Block Definition Diagram using the Rhapsody Java API How do you add a SysML Block Definition Diagram using the Rhapsody Java API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody Help window shows error: HTTP error 403 When opening Rational Rhapsody Help window, it shows the following error message: HTTP error 403
2022-05-27 How to import images from a Rational DOORS requirement module to Rational Rhapsody How do you import images from an IBM Rational DOORS module to IBM Rational Rhapsody using the IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway?
2022-05-27 How to change comment location in Rational Rhapsody generated code using post processing script How do you change the position of comments in IBM Rational Rhapsody generated code using a post processing script?
2022-05-27 Unable to use Cut, Copy and Paste for an Internal Block Diagram in Rational Rhapsody Attempts to use Cut, Copy and Paste on an IBD (Internal Block Diagram) in IBM Rational Rhapsody results in the commands being grayed out.
2022-05-27 How do I create a bit field structure in Rhapsody? How do I create a bit field structure in Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Does the Rhapsody Simulink export support Proxy Ports? Does IBM Rational Rhapsody support the export of Proxy Ports when exporting to Simulink?
2022-05-27 Include directory not generated for Package code on using the usage dependency in Rational Rhapsody Attempts to generate the #include directory for package code fails though usage dependency has been used in IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 How to list the enumeration literal options when writing code in Rhapsody How can you bring up the enumeration literal options when coding in Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Building projects Rational Rhapsody results in "rtwtypes.h missing" error Attempts to build IBM Rational Rhapsody project results in the error "rtwtypes.h missing".
2022-05-27 How to enable Action Language for use in Rhapsody 64-bit How can you enable Action Language for use in Rhapsody 64-bit?
2022-05-27 How to send events across address spaces with Rhapsody model How do you send events accross address spaces with IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 My Rhapsody plug-in crashes when exiting with system.exit My Java API plug-in for IBM Rational Rhapsody crashes when it should be exiting the plug-in due to the system.exit call.
2022-05-27 How to change the default browser font in Rational Rhapsody How can you change the default font in the browser of IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Building Rational Rhapsody project results in error "C2385: ambiguous access of 'setActiveContext'" Attempt to realize an interface and inheriting a class with triggered operation result in error “C2385: ambiguous access of ‘setActiveContext’" while building IBM Rational Rhapsody project.
2022-05-27 Clicking "Next" on the XMI Export for IBM Rational Rhapsody results in "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException" error Attempts to select "Next" on the XMI Export for IBM Rational Rhapsody results in the error "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException".
2022-05-27 Where are the license paths stored for Rhapsody on Linux? Where are the license paths stored for Rhapsody on Linux?
2022-05-27 Build Errors following upgrade to 6.0 or later with reusable statecharts. Build Errors following upgrade to 6.0 or later with reusable statecharts.
2022-05-27 Using Imported Types when importing a Simulink model into IBM Rational Rhapsody Using Imported Types when importing a Simulink model into IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 How to remove the implicit dependency to a package in the code of a Rational Rhapsody Developer for C project How do you remove the implicit dependency to a package in the code of a IBM Rational Rhapsody Developer for C project?
2022-05-27 Configuration Management operations get a 'Server Busy' dialog in Rational Rhapsody and Microsoft Team Foundation Server integration Attempts to perform Configuration Management(CM) operations within IBM Rational Rhapsody fails with a 'Server Busy' dialog when connected to Microsoft Team Foundation Server(TSF) using the Source Code Control(SCC) interface.
2022-05-27 The Perspective view is disabled in Rational Rhapsody Why is the Perspective toolbar is not shown in a Rational Rhapsody SysML model, and the Perspective view selection is greyed out?
2022-05-27 How to create a Sequence Diagrams with Java API in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you create a Sequence Diagram and add a realized message between two classifier roles?
2022-05-27 Differences between Rhapsody Action Language and Action Language for Foundational UML (Alf) What are the differences between Rhapsody Action Language and Action Language for Foundational UML (Alf)?
2022-05-27 How to use AnimUseMultipleSerializationFunctions property to handle a complicated type in RiC How can you realise multiple serialization/unserialization functions to handle different types (In, Out, InOut) of 'class' arguments in IBM Rational Rhapsody for C (RiC)?
2022-05-27 General information of Deep and Shallow History Connector in Rhapsody What are the differences between Deep and Shallow history Connector in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to use Rhapsody Java API to set value to a tag How do you use IBM Rational Rhapsody Java API to set value to a tag?
2022-05-27 Starting Rhapsody on Linux results in "Failed to start Core Services" error Attempts to launch IBM Rational Rhapsody in a Linux environment results in the error "failed to start Core Services: Failed to launch rpcss".
2022-05-27 How to add duplicate elements in IBM Rational Rhapsody with JAVA API. How to add duplicate elements in IBM Rational Rhapsody with JAVA API?
2022-05-27 If you define any user defined types in a Profile – Rhapsody generates code for them and your model won't compile. If you define any user defined types in a Profile – Rhapsody generates code for them and your model won't compile.
2022-05-27 How do I deploy my application on a Linux target? How do I deploy my application on a Linux target?
2022-05-27 How to use the Actor Pins in Activity Diagram in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you use Actor Pins in an Activity Diagram within IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 IBM Rational Rhapsody and Add-On registration and registry key access when switching between versions Users have no administration rights on the PC so it is important to know what needs to be read-write in the registry especially when switching between different IBM Rational Rhapsody versions, and what product add-ons need re-registering
2022-05-27 What is the method for importing external elements? What is the method for importing external elements?
2022-05-27 How to generate Code Coverage using Test conductor in Rational Rhapsody How do you perform Code Coverage using Test Conductor in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to determine MISRA C/C++ coverage in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you determine MISRA C/C++ coverage in IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 How to change the header file inclusion order using Post Processing script in Rational Rhapsody How do you change the header file inclusion order using Post Processing script in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to use Rhapsody Java API to identify dependencies drawn to a specific requirement How do you write Java API in IBM Rational Rhapsody in order to identify all the dependencies drawn to a specific requirement?
2022-05-27 Why the check box checkbox 'Include Descendants' vanishes in IBM Rational Rhapsody table view Why does the checkbox 'Include Descendants' vanish in IBM Rational Rhapsody table view when assigning a table layout?
2022-05-27 How to get Activity Diagram elements information using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you get Activity Diagram elements information using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Defining environment variables to be used with Rhapsody How do you define the environment variables to be used with IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 WTX Error 0x10034 (LOADER_RELOCATION_OFFSET_TOO_LARGE) message while downloading modules to processor WTX Error 0x10034 (LOADER_RELOCATION_OFFSET_TOO_LARGE) message while downloading modules to processor
2022-05-27 How to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with Rational Rhapsody version 7.5.3 How do you use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with IBM Rational Rhapsody version 7.5.3?
2022-05-27 How to configure Gateway to show compound requirements as "covered" in the coverage analysis report In IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway Add-on (Gateway), how can you configure the default setting so that a compound requirement will be shown as "covered" in the coverage analysis report even if all of its sub-requirements are not satisfied?
2022-05-27 How to import Excel tables present as OLE objects into Rational Rhapsody Gateway How do you import Excel tables present as OLE objects into IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway?
2022-05-27 XMI Toolkit package not available in Rational Rhapsody installation directory Attempts to use the XMI toolkit and its features cannot be achieved due to the absence of the toolkit package in the IBM Rational Rhapsody installation directory.
2022-05-27 Prevent addition of CGCompatibilityPreCpp Profiles to a Rhapsody model How to prevent addition of CGCompatibilityPreCpp profiles to an IBM Rational Rhapsody model while upgrading to a later version.
2022-05-27 How to change the default date format in Rhapsody ReporterPlus template How do you change the default date format (DD/MM/YYYY) in Rhapsody ReporterPlus template?
2022-05-27 How to use the API to access the modified operation arguments displayed in a call operation preview in Rhapsody How do you use the API to access the operation arguments displayed in a call operation preview in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to enable Cut/Copy/Paste options for Internal Block Diagrams in Rational Rhapsody How do you enable Cut/Copy/Paste menu options for Internal Block Diagram In IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Executing a Rational Rhapsody in Ada model using GNAT 2010 Compiler in Animation mode results in the error "gnatmake: *** link failed" Attempts to execute Dishwasher model in Animation mode using IBM Rational Rhapsody for ADA configured with GNAT 2010 compiler results in the error gnatmake: *** link failed.
2022-05-27 Difference between Object Model Diagram and Class Diagram in Rational Rhapsody What is the difference between an Object Model Diagram and a Class Diagram in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 What is the difference between using OXF::end() and OMOS::endApplication()? What is the difference between using OXF::end() and OMOS::endApplication()?
2022-05-27 How to apply stereotype on a new Rational Rhapsody project How do you apply a stereotype by default on a new project in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How do remove existing profile and load a new profile in Rhapsody? How do remove existing profile and load a new profile in Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Handling unconsumed events with IBM Rational Rhapsody MicroC Framework (MXF) Can you use the RiCHandleEventNotConsumed callback function in the IBM Rational Rhapsody MicroC Framework(MXF)?
2022-05-27 Borland free compiler error: Fatal: Unable to open file 'C0X32.OBJ'. Borland free compiler error: Fatal: Unable to open file 'C0X32.OBJ'.
2022-05-27 How to set the default language for Rational Rhapsody integrated with Rational Team Concert How do you set default language for IBM Rational Rhapsody integrated with IBM Rational Team Concert?
2022-05-27 How to use Guide Me in Rational Rhapsody Version 8 How can you create your own Guide Me file in order to provide a step-by-step guidance to your users?
2022-05-27 Why Do I Get Compiler Warning C4250, inheritance via dominance? Why Do I Get Compiler Warning C4250, inheritance via dominance?
2022-05-27 How to create customized submenu using property files in Rational Rhapsody How do you create a customized submenu in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to convert a Rational Rhapsody model from C to C++, or from C++ to Java How can you convert a IBM Rational Rhapsody model from one language to another language, for example, from C to C++, or from C++ to Java?
2022-05-27 "Rhapsody MFC Application has stopped working" error at start Rhapsody Starting IBM Rational Rhapsody, any edition, version 8.0.3 or newer results in error message "Rhapsody MFC Application has stopped working" before the client finished loading.
2022-05-27 How to start work with Rhapsody Interrupt-Driven Framework How do you start work with IBM Rational Rhapsody Interrupt-Driven Framework (IDF) ?
2022-05-27 Generating report with Rhapsody ReporterPLUS causes crash or "out of memory" error Generating report with IBM Rational Rhapsody ReporterPLUS causes crash or "out of memory" error
2022-05-27 How to check out a Rational Rhapsody package from Rational ClearCase using JAVA API How do you check out the IBM Rational Rhapsody package from IBM Rational ClearCase using JAVA API?
2022-05-27 Using Active Code View results in incorrect code displayed for model elements in Rational Rhapsody Attempts to use the Active Code View window results in incorrect code displayed for updated or newly created elements in an IBM Rational Rhapsody model.
2022-05-27 How to enable ReporterPLUS error logging in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you enable ReporterPLUS error logging in IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 Using IBM Rhapsody C/C++ with the Raspberry Pi How do you use IBM Rhapsody C/C++ with the Raspberry Pi?Note, this profile creates executable and static libraries for the Raspberry Pi OS environment. For Linux/Darwin and shared library support, please refer to Using Rhapsody with GNU/LLVM toolchains on Linux/Darwin targets.
2022-05-27 How to get messages in a sequence in the Rational Publishing Engine report of a sequence diagram in Rational Rhapsody How do you get messages in a sequence in the IBM Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) report of a sequence diagram in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to terminate an application in a normal way inside the main function using Rational Rhapsody How do you create a model to terminate an application in a normal way inside the main function using IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to use Collaboration Diagrams in Rational Rhapsody How can I use Collaboration Diagrams in Rational Rhapsody 8.x?
2022-05-27 How to use New Term stereotypes with the Rhapsody API How do you use New Term stereotypes with the IBM Rational Rhapsody API
2022-05-27 How to find and remove wrong <<interface>> stereotypes from ports in Rational Rhapsody How do you identify and remove wrong stereotypes from ports in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to send an event over SysML 1.3 Proxy Ports How do you send an event over SysML 1.3 Proxy Ports using IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to inherit from an external class in Rhapsody How to inherit from an external class in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Receiving a ReporterPlus COM error when using Microsoft Office 2003 Receiving a ReporterPlus COM error when using Microsoft Office 2003.
2022-05-27 Design Manager client extension ifix fails to complete installation in IBM Rhapsody client When logging in to the Rhapsody Design Manager server from the Rhapsody client, you are informed that the client and server version are out of sync and then prompted to install an ifix. However, after restarting the client, the installation has silently failed and you are presented with the same message again.
2022-05-27 How to add user profile to Actively Managed model using Rhapsody rich client How do you add user profiles to Actively Managed models using version 8.0.2 or later of the IBM Rational Rhapsody rich client?
2022-05-27 How to get Attribute declaration generated in Interface Header of Rational Rhapsody How do you get Attribute or FlowProperty declaration generated in Interface Header of IBM Rational Rhapsody code?
2022-05-27 How to update association relation after reverse engineering using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you update association relation after reverse engineering using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Cannot modify read only element errors during animation Cannot modify read only element errors during animation
2022-05-27 Invoking ReporterPlus from the command line How can you invoke ReporterPlus from the command line of IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to generate report for Activity Diagram in IBM Rational Rhapsody Reporter Plus How can I generate report for Activity Diagram in IBM Rational Rhapsody Reporter Plus?
2022-05-27 How to generate operation descriptions to implementation file from Rhapsody model How do you generate operation descriptions to implementation file from IBM Rational Rhapsody model?
2022-05-27 Some common DrawingToolbar icons disappear on the IBM RhapsodyHarmonySE model After applied IBM Rhapsody HarmonySE profile to SysML model, many previously accessible icons are not showing on diagram DrawingToolbar.
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody Software, Version 7.5.1 Release Information IBM® Rational® Rhapsody® Software, Version 7.5.1 contains new features, enhancements, and fixes to the version 7.5 release.
2022-05-27 Building of model by using Friend stereotype in Rational Rhapsody results in "not allowed outside of a class definition" error Attempts to build a model by using the Friend stereotype in IBM Rational Rhapsody results in the error "not allowed outside of a class definition".
2022-05-27 Setting the diagram layout when using the populateDiagram() API method How do you set the diagram layout when using the populateDiagram API method with IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to create Graphical User Interface(GUI) for a Plug-in using Rational Rhapsody API How do you create Graphical User Interface(GUI) for a Plug-in using IBM Rational Rhapsody API?
2022-05-27 How to Configure Rhapsody Help on Linux How do you configure IBM Rational Rhapsody Help on Linux ?
2022-05-27 How do you initialize a static array by assignment? How do you initialize a static array by assignment?
2022-05-27 How can I configure Rhapsody to generate a *.h file (where some variables can be declared)? How can I configure Rhapsody to generate a *.h file (where some variables can be declared)?
2022-05-27 How to use $name macro in properties using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you use $name macro in properties not supporting the macro using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Does Rational Rhapsody Modeler require a license key Do you need a license to use IBM Rational Rhapsody Modeler?
2022-05-27 OXF members and function are not found when using IBM Rational Rhapsody Eclipse Platform Integration OXF members and functions "could not be resolved" when using IBM Rational Rhapsody Eclipse Platform Integration
2022-05-27 How to change default compiler from Visual Studio 2010 to Visual Studio 2008 in Rational Rhapsody How do you configure Microsoft Visual Studio (VS) 2008 compiler in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to debug IBM Rational Rhapsody project source code using Microsoft Visual Studio How do you use Microsoft Visual Studio to debug IBM Rational Rhapsody project source code?
2022-05-27 How to improve performance importing from Rational DOORS to Rational Rhapsody Gateway How can performance be improved when importing requirements from IBM Rational DOORS to Rational Rhapsody Gateway when the Rational DOORS databank is lokated on a remote server?
2022-05-27 In IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway, selecting the .rqs file gives the COM error: Can't create a 'ReqPro40.Application'. Application may not be installed Why do I get the errors below when I try to select a .rqs file (IBM Rational RequisitePro file). Error: Document 'Document1 RequisitePro'.Document '\\folder378\c$\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\RequisitePro\Projects\xxxRequirements\xxxRequirements.rqs' type is 'RequisitePro'. Error: COM error (Can't create a 'ReqPro40.Application'.Application may not be installed) Error: Conversion problem (file '\\folder378\c$\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\RequisitePro\Projects\xxxRequirements\xxxRequirements.rqs'
2022-05-27 How to import IBM Rational DOORS attributes into IBM Rational Rhapsody tags How do you extract a system attribute from IBM Rational DOORS and export it as a tag into IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to Initialize member of a structure in Rational Rhapsody How do you initialize member of a structure in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Configuring Rational Rhapsody 8.x to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 compiler How do you configure IBM Rational Rhapsody 8.x to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 compiler?
2022-05-27 How do I turn off initialization of pointers to NULL in constructor? How do I turn off initialization of pointers to NULL in constructor?
2022-05-27 How to change the line style of a flow on an IBM Rhapsody diagram through JAVA API You might want to change the Line Style of a flow in diagram to (dotted, dashed, …).
2022-05-27 Using API method IRPApplication.openProject() results in project opening and then closing. Using API method IRPApplication.openProject() results in project opening and then closing in IBM Rational Rhapsody.
2022-05-27 How to eliminate the include dependency to Ric.h in the code of a Rational Rhapsody Developer for C project How do you eliminate the include dependency to Ric.h in the code of an IBM Rational Rhapsody Developer for C project?
2022-05-27 How can I add a custom type to the list of predefined types built into Rhapsody? How can I add a custom type to the list of predefined types built into Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to find a nested model element using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you find a nested model element using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 I receive "can not find dev_ed" error even though that feature is present in Rhapsody language Pack. I receive "can not find dev_ed" error even though that feature is present in Rhapsody language Pack.
2022-05-27 How to export table views to Gateway and Rational DOORS How do you export Rhapsody tables (table views and matrix views) to Gateway and Rational DOORS?
2022-05-27 IBM Rational Rhapsody, IBM RationalSynergy, and MSSCCI integrations 2.1.x and 7.2: .Net Framework 2003 needed on Microsoft Windows 7 64-bits The MSSCCI integration might fail to start IBM Rational Synergy on modern systems (such as Microsoft Windows 7 64-bits) because some older DLLs are missing. A workaround is to install the .Net Framework 2003.
2022-05-27 How to set exported images to scalable vector images When exporting to HTML, how do you set the exported diagrams as scalable images?
2022-05-27 Dynamic creation of Rhapsody objects in C# results in multiple rhapsody.exe processes Attempts Dynamic creation of IBM Rational Rhapsody objects by calling "new" operator in C# results in multiple rhapsody.exe processes on Windows Task Manager.
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody versions for each File/Archive version Which IBM Rational Rhapsody version saves the model in which file / archive version?
2022-05-27 Java certificate revocation message when opening model report generated with ReporterPLUS When you open an IBM Rational Rhapsody model report that was generated with ReporterPLUS, using HTML as the output, you may encounter a message that indicates that the Java certificate was revoked.
2022-05-27 How to add Action Block to Activity diagram in Rational Rhapsody in C++ How do you add Action Block to Activity diagram in IBM Rational Rhapsody in C++?
2022-05-27 I get the error message "CG ERROR: External code generator was not created" using Rhapsody in Ada. I get the error message "CG ERROR: External code generator was not created" using Rhapsody in Ada.
2022-05-27 I need to declare a copy constructor but not define it. I need to declare a copy constructor but not define it.
2022-05-27 The option Unit -> Unload Package is greyed out in Rational Rhapsody Why is the option Unit -> Unload Package greyed out in the context menu of IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to include Rational Rhapsody external source files into configuration MakeFile How can you configure the default setting of IBM Rational Rhapsody Developer Edition for C++ (RiC++) in order to include external source files into MakeFile?
2022-05-27 Cannot assign an Event as the Trigger for a Transition You cannot locate a recently added Event in the Trigger combo box for a Transition in IBM Rational Rhapsody.
2022-05-27 How to deploy help of various Rational products on intranet using Application Server How do you configure and deploy help of various IBM Rational products independently on intranet using Application Server?
2022-05-27 How to create custom properties in the Rational Rhapsody User Interface How do you create a custom property in the user interface in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to use Gateway OTScript with IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you extract stereotypes from an object using Gateway OTScript with IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Rhapsody Platform Integration for Eclipse fails to start After installing the Rhapsody Platform Integration in Eclipse, you are unable to create a Rhapsody project.
2022-05-27 General information regarding enhancements made for Initializer List in Rhapsody v8.0.6 What are enhancements made for Initializer List in IBM Rational Rhapsody v8.0.6?
2022-05-27 How to create a part with type of a nested block in IBM Rational Rhapsody using Java API How do you create a part with type of a nested block in IBM Rational Rhapsody by using Java API.
2022-05-27 Installing Rhapsody in Java with a new version of the JDK. Installing Rhapsody in Java with a new version of the JDK.
2022-05-27 How do I use a GUI with Rhapsody in J? How do I use a GUI with Rhapsody in J?
2022-05-27 Some buttons on Zoom, Layout, Format, and Standard toolbars do not work in 64-bit version of Rational Rhapsody 8.0.3 A number of buttons on the Zoom, Layout, Format, and Standard toolbars do not work correctly in the 64-bit version of Rational Rhapsody 8.0.3. The problematic buttons are: Zoom toolbar: Zoom In, Zoom Out, Pan, Specification/Structured view Layout toolbar: Grid, Snap To Grid, Rulers, Page Breaks Format toolbar: Italic, Bold, Left, Center, Right, Bullet Standard toolbar: Format Painter
2022-05-27 How to convert an OXF-based project to an SXF-based project with IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you convert an OXF-based project to an SXF-based project with IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 How to get an instance from an implicit object dependent using API method IRPDependency.getDependent() with IBM Rational Rhapsody? How do you get an instance from an implicit object dependent using API method IRPDependency.getDependent() with IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Error message "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException" reported when you launch XMI tool in Rhapsody The XMI tool in IBM Rational Rhapsody fails to launch and reports an error message "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException".
2022-05-27 How to get default Structured View in Rational Rhapsody How do you get default Structured View in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to add a userdefined property for a Flowport in Rational Rhapsody How do you add a userdefined property for a Flowport in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody fails to launch with error 0xc0150002 Rational Rhapsody fails to launch with error code 0xc0150002.
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody Software, Version Release Information IBM® Rational® Rhapsody® Software, Version contains new features, enhancements, and fixes to the version 7.5 release.
2022-05-27 How to color ports with Java API in Rational Rhapsody How do you color ports using the Java API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Rhapsody model experiences runtime exception on call to getOutBound. Rhapsody model experiences runtime exception on call to getOutBound.
2022-05-27 How to complete all relations using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you complete all relations using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Launching Rational Rhapsody on Linux results in “Error: File not found” Attempts to launch IBM Rational Rhapsody on Linux results in “Error: File not found”.
2022-05-27 How to return a value from activity diagram in Rational Rhapsody How do you return a value from activity diagram in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to remove model elements through Gateway OTScript How do you remove model elements from the view through Gateway OTScript with IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to draw an Activity Diagram in Analysis Mode in Rational Rhapsody How do you draw an activity diagram in "Analysis Mode" when the selection is not shown in the general tab of the feature dialog in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Problem Management Records (PMR) can no longer be submitted via the Client Feedback Module. Why can you not create PMR's via the Client Feedback Module?
2022-05-27 How to record and playback videos in Rational Rhapsody How do you utilize IBM Rational Rhapsody to record and playback videos?
2022-05-27 Setting thread priority and thread policy with IBM Rhapsody on the Linux operating system How do you set the Linux thread priority in IBM Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to prevent users from introducing unresolved (U) elements in Rhapsody? When working with a configuration management tool, users can introduce Unresolved (U) elements into their IBM Rational Rhapsody models. How can this be prevented?
2022-05-27 IBM Rational Rhapsody gives error when checking out from PerForce. Error "Error detecting installed SCC tool or no SCC tool installed" Why does IBM Rational Rhapsody give the following error, when checking out from PerForce. Error "Error detecting installed SCC tool or no SCC tool installed"
2022-05-27 About Rhapsody window is blank or empty when using IBM Rhapsody About Rhapsody window is blank or empty when using IBM Rhapsody
2022-05-27 Set project-wide properties in Rational Rhapsody What is the best way to set default properties in an IBM Rational Rhapsody model?
2022-05-27 How to customize Rational Rhapsody Welcome Screen How do you customize the Welcome Screen in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to include user headers before #include guard automatically generated by Rhapsody How do you control the way IBM Rational Rhapsody generates #include statements so that you can ensure a particular header you want to include gets included prior to any other headers automatically generated by Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to add Execution Occurrences to sequence diagrams via the API in Rational Rhapsody How do you add an Execution Occurrence to a sequence diagram if there is no IRPCollaboration.addExecutionOccurrence() method in the Application Programming Interface (API) in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Why all Check Model checks are not executed when generating code in Rational Rhapsody When generating code in Rational Rhapsody why aren't all Check Model checks are executed, unlike when a manual Check Model is run from the Tools menu?
2022-05-27 Using the API to cleanup redundant unit files in IBM Rhapsody Using the API to cleanup redundant unit files in IBM Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Enabling floating point support for task creation with IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you enable floating point support for task creation with IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 How to connect ports in IBM Rational Rhapsody using Java API How do you connect ports in IBM Rational Rhapsody model using JAVA API?
2022-05-27 How to extend OMEvent abstract class defined in the IBM Rational Rhapsody framework How do you extend OMEvent abstract class defined in the IBM Rational Rhapsody framework and use it in your model?
2022-05-27 How do you run a VBA macro from the command line? How do you run a VBA macro from the command line?
2022-05-27 How to add variable length argument list for the function or operation in Rhapsody How do you add a variable length argument list so that it looks like "void abc(int,…)" for the function or operation in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 IBM Rhapsody installation aborts with error "RhpTcSEAddInWrpr.dll Failed to Register" IBM Rhapsody installation aborts with error "RhpTcSEAddInWrpr.dll Failed to Register"
2022-05-27 How do I create stereotypes of my own in IBM Rational Rhapsody? How do I create stereotypes of my own in Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Location of rhapsody.ini file in a Linux installation of Rational Rhapsody Where can you locate the rhapsody.ini file for IBM Rational Rhapsody in a Linux installation?
2022-05-27 "Undefined Reference" at building project 64bit Cygwin Attempting to build a project with 64-bit Cygwin and IBM Rational Rhapsody results in "Undefined Reference" linker errors.
2022-05-27 How to make Rhapsody user profile override model property on project level How do you make IBM Rational Rhapsody user profile to override model property on project level?
2022-05-27 Does Rhapsody DiffMerge support RTF text? Does IBM Rational Rhapsody DiffMerge handle RTF (rich text formatting) during merges?
2022-05-27 How to use inheritance with new term stereotypes with IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you use inheritance with new term stereotypes with IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 Installing Rational Rhapsody Application Help Server from Release 8.1.4 How do you install the IBM Rational Rhapsody Knowledge Center Application to work without an External Browser, from release 8.1.4 onwards?
2022-05-27 Preventing the creation of Unreferenced elements in IBM Rhapsody How can I prevent the creation of Unreferenced elements in Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to use special characters to name an element in Rational Rhapsody How do you use special characters like open bracket ( [ ), close bracket ( ] ) and dot (.) in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to use basic data types with AUTOSAR 4.x in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you use basic data types with AUTOSAR 4.x in IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 Custom View cannot be created in Rational Rhapsody The usage of Custom View in IBM Rational Rhapsody browser has no effect, also a new filter cannot be created.
2022-05-27 Attempts to synchronize a join sync bar with a transitions from another state results in unexpected behavior Attempts to connect a transition without guard condition to a join sync bar from a state which has another transition with guard condition, results in unexpected behaviour such that the join sync bar does not synchronize with a transition from another state in IBM Rational Rhapsody.
2022-05-27 The meaning of the ModelSize parameter in the ReporterPLUS section of the rhapsody.ini file What is the meaning of the ModelSize parameter in the ReporterPLUS section of the rhapsody.ini file?
2022-05-27 How to use Template Class Specialization in Rational Rhapsody How do you use Template Class Specialization in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to prevent the codeUpdateCGTime timestamp from being added to model unit files in Rational Rhapsody How do you disable the codeUpdateCGTime timestamp in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to configure PCE to understand MATLAB mathematical expression specified in constraints How do you evaluate a constraint containing MATLAB mathematical expression (such as laplace) using PCE (Parametric Constraints Evaluator) without having the error ""XYZ" contains unsupported functions {laplace}" shown on Constraint View window?
2022-05-27 How to disable spell check in IBM Rational Rhapsody How can I disable spell check in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to perform multiple calls to startBehavior method in Rational Rhapsody How do you perform multiple calls to startBehavior method in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 About linking Rhapsody model elements to RQM Can IBM Rational Rhapsody model elements, such as packages, have OSLC links to test cases or test plans in IBM Rational Quality Manager (RQM)?
2022-05-27 How to integrate IBM Rhapsody with MATLAB when multiple versions of MATLAB installed How do you switch the version of MATLAB to integrate with IBM Rhapsody when multiple versions of MATLAB installed in your environment?
2022-05-27 Using the command line to discover the installed versions of IBM Rational Rhapsody How do you discover the installed versions of IBM Rational Rhapsody from the command line?
2022-05-27 How to set relative paths for referenced units in a model in Rational Rhapsody How do you set relative paths for referenced units in a model in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to set the type and multiplicity of tags using Visual Basic API in Rational Rhapsody How do you set the type and multiplicity of tags using the Microsoft Visual Basic API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 No forward declaration generated for class having object with multiplicity grater than 1 Why is no forward declaration generated for class having object with multiplicity grater than 1?
2022-05-27 How to extract operations from specific packages using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you extract operations from specific packages using JAVA Application Programming Interfaces (API) in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to get the ports for a Link or Connector using Java API in Rational Rhapsody How do you get the ports for a Link or Connector using Java API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to activate Auto Inheritance of Descriptions in Operations of the child class in Rational Rhapsody How do you keep the description text of inherited methods in synchronization with that of virtual operations of its base class in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to add dependencies to the compartments list in Rational Rhapsody How do you add dependencies which is not available in the default compartments list in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Automating code generation and build process using the IBM Rational Rhapsody API How to automate code generation and build process using the Rational Rhapsody API ?
2022-05-27 IBM Rational Rhapsody support for multiprocessors Does Rational Rhapsody support Multiprocessors?
2022-05-27 Statechart Macros in IBM Rational Rhapsody What are the various statechart macros in IBM Rational Rhapsody in C/C++ ?
2022-05-27 Calling dll plugins for from command prompt in IBM Rational Rhapsody How to call a .dll plugin from command prompt ?
2022-05-27 IBM Rational Rhapsody license interface features and definitions What product interfaces does IBM Rational Rhapsody support and what do the individual license features mean?
2022-05-27 How to change the limit of infinite loop iterations in Rational Rhapsody How do you increase the number of iterations IBM Rational Rhapsody will take through an infinite loop of NULL transitions before terminating?
2022-05-27 How to extract overridden properties using Rational Rhapsody Java API How do you extract overridden properties using IBM Rational Rhapsody Java API?
2022-05-27 Rational Rhapsody Gateway option does not show up in context menu of Rational Rhapsody Rational Rhapsody Gateway option does not show up in context menu when right clicking on the IBM Rational Rhapsody project.
2022-05-27 Missing 'libeng.dll' when incorporating Simulink Model into Rational Rhapsody Attempts to import Simulink code into IBM Rational Rhapsody results in the error "This application has failed to start because libeng.dll was not found.".
2022-05-27 Execution of Project executables in Rational Rhapsody Cygwin environment fails Attempts to execute the project executables in IBM Rational Rhapsody Cygwin environment fails without any errors.
2022-05-27 Displaying the contents of a Controlled File in Reporter PLUS How to display the contents of a controlled File in IBM Rational Rhapsody ReporterPLUS?
2022-05-27 'Invalid Command Line' error while invoking Visual Studio 2008 from Rhapsody 7.5.2 Attempts to select the menu option Code > Open IDE from an IBM Rational Rhapsody project results in the error "Invalid Command Line. Unknown Switch : data".
2022-05-27 "Error registering Rhapsody.tlb" when installing IBM Rational Rhapsody Installation of Rhapsody at later stages on Microsoft Windows Vista before completion leads to the "Error registering Rhapsody.tlb" message.
2022-05-27 Debuging Java code using Rational Rhapsody-Eclipse Integration throws failed to connect error Attempts to debug java code using IBM Rational Rhapsody-Eclipse Integration results "Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection refused. Connection refused: connect" error
2022-05-27 Registry error installing Rhapsody on Windows 7 Installing IBM Rational Rhapsody version 7.5.2 on a Windows 7 machine (this machine contained an install of Visual Studio 2008) might present problems including error messages and registry exceptions.
2022-05-27 How to change the browser display icon of a model element or diagram in Rational Rhapsody How do you change a browser display icon of a model element/diagram in IBM Rational Rhapsody
2022-05-27 Installing Eclipse integration plugin results in "This trust engine is read only" error Attempts to installing Eclipse integration plugin in IBM Rational Rhapsody results in the error "Cannot connect to keystore. This trust engine is read only. Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found."
2022-05-27 License features needed to work with Rational Rhapsody What are the license features required to work with different editions of IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Building a model in Rational Rhapsody results in linker error "Can't find file: crt0.o" Attempts to build a model in IBM Rational Rhapsody results in linker error "Can't find file: crt0.o".
2022-05-27 Error: Rhapsody cannot create Socket Opening more than one instance of IBM Rational Rhapsody displays a warning message "Rhapsody cannot create socket".
2022-05-27 How to create Arrays with Java in Rational Rhapsody How do you generate a Java array instead of a list object for an Association in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Significance of WeakCGTime and StrongCGTime in Rational Rhapsody What is the significance of WeakCGTime and StrongCGTime handles in the unit files of IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Registry problems when installing IBM Rational Rhapsody 7.5.3 ReporterPLUS on Microsoft Windows 64bit OS After installing Rhapsody 7.5.3 and starting ReporterPLUS, the user is prompted for the following: – Installation Path – Schema file – Tagged Value File Also no options are given in the subsequent ReporterPLUS wizard.
2022-05-27 How to install Rational Rhapsody on Microsoft Windows 7 with all installation files in a single folder structure How do you install IBM Rational Rhapsody on Microsoft Windows 7 with all installation files in a single folder structure?
2022-05-27 How to know command to RhapsodyCL socket mode completed How do you determine whether a command sent to a remote instance of IBM Rational RhapsodyCL in socket mode has executed?
2022-05-27 When starting IBM Rational Rhapsody, I receive the error "Failed to start Core Services" The following error is seen when starting Rhapsody: "Failed to start Core Services"
2022-05-27 License feature required to launch RulesComposer from Rational Rhapsody What is the License feature required to launch RulesComposer from IBM Rational Rhapsody ?
2022-05-27 How to specify the edition of IBM Rational Rhapsody being used in Eclipse With Rational Rhapsody 7.5.1 now supporting both Rhapsody Designer for Systems Engineers and Rhapsody Architect for Systems Engineers in Eclipse, as well as Rhapsody Developer, how do you specify which edition of Rhapsody to be used?
2022-05-27 How to draw aggregation relationship with referenced classes in Rational Rhapsody How do you draw an aggregation relation from a class within a package to a class within a referenced package in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Setting a compiler as default in IBM Rational Rhapsody How to set a compiler as default in Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Flow property direction in IBM Rational Rhapsody How do I display Flow Property directions using a VBA macro?
2022-05-27 How to extract dependency information using JAVA API in Rational Rhapsody How do you extract dependency information [ both to / from] using JAVA API in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 How to use the property DefaultDirectoryScheme correctly in Rational Rhapsody Why are folders not created for existing packages in a Rational Rhapsody model, when you change the property General::Model::DefaultDirectoryScheme from 'Flat' to 'PackageAsDirectory'?
2022-05-27 How to use property CG:File:InvokePostProcessor in Rational Rhapsody How do you use property CG:File:InvokePostProcessor in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Export XMI/Import XMI menu option are missing in the tools menu Export XMI and Import XMI menu options are not available / grayed out in the tools menu.
2022-05-27 Loading .dll plugins into IBM Rational Rhapsody project How to load dll plugins into a Rhapsody project ?
2022-05-27 How to create a hierarchical directory structure in Rhapsody How do you create a hierarchical structure from a flat directory structure in IBM Rational Rhapsody?
2022-05-27 Building the IBM Rational Rhapsody WebServices Library How do I build the IBM Rational Rhapsody WebServices library for different environments?

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