Price Change(s):2022 Global Price Harmonization

Announcement Number:322-015

Announcement Date:Aug 11 2021

Effective Date:Jan 01 2022


Effective January 1, 2022, IBM® is making modest price changes which will improve worldwide price harmonization across the software product portfolio. Passport Advantage® Express Suggested Retail Prices (SRP) and Passport Advantage Suggested Volume Prices (SVP), as applicable, for the following categories of products, are included in this announcement:

- Passport Advantage Eligible Products from the IBM Automation, IBM Data and AI, Collaboration Solutions, Transaction Processing Software, Internet of Things, IBM Security, Talent Management Solutions, Watson Customer Engagement, Watson Health and Watson Platform Brands.

- Media and documentation packs associated with the Passport Advantage Eligible Products.

- Selected other non-Passport Advantage Products

For most products, the following price harmonization changes will apply: 3% increase Worldwide.

For a small number of products, price harmonization adjustments will deviate slightly from the assumptions above. In some cases there will be a higher price increase or a price reduction, but overall most of the price changes will not exceed plus or minus 5%.For affected eligible products and their associated media and documentation packs, price harmonization changes are applicable for all eligible product offerings, including Software License and 12-months Software Subscription & Support (S&S), Software S&S Renewal, Software S&S Reinstatement, and Trade up License and 12-months Software S&S, and Subscription Licenses.

Price changes are applicable for Software S&S Renewals pertaining to coverage period beginning on or after January 1, 2022 regardless of when payment is received. Announced pricing will be available on September 8, 2021 from IBM or from your IBM Business Partner.

Marketing Channels

IBM Business Partner - Distributors for Workstation Software

IBM Business Partner - Resellers for Workstation Software

Product Number(s)

See the file attached.

Affected Countries:

These price changes are globally applicable.

Marketing Action Required

Review these changes with affected customers as appropriate. Update outstanding quotations, bids and proposals, along with any related financial analyses, and notify customers accordingly.

Customer Letter Section



IBM, PartnerWorld, Passport Advantage, Rational and WebSphere are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

Additional Information/Attachments

Prices If prices are provided in this announcement, they are provided for your information only. Dealer prices may vary, and prices may also vary by country. Prices are subject to change without notice. For additional information and current prices, contact your local IBM representative.

List of Price ChangesGPH_2022_Approved_Parts.xlsx