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IBM provides a full range of SAP consulting and technology solutions. Deep industry expertise coupled with a uniquely collaborative approach ensures the delivery of next-generation, AI-infused SAP solutions on an open hybrid cloud.

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Why IBM and SAP 10,000+
SAP customers over 50 years have trusted IBM to deliver and run their SAP systems

SAP S/4HANA projects implemented by IBM Consulting in the past 5 years


products tailored to SAP across IBM Cloud, IBM Software and IBM Systems; over 1,000 different bespoke solutions for SAP proposed by IBM Consulting each year


IBM Consulting for SAP solutions Delivering SAP for your enterprise, from strategy and discovery through implementation to long-term maintenance. IBM Consulting covers every SAP software product, with over 38,000 IBM consultants across 80 countries and over 6,000 certified SAP S/4HANA practitioners. Learn more

IBM Cloud® for SAP Run SAP software worldwide with high performance and low cost, across the industry’s widest array of SAP-certified IaaS: -Bare metal servers with Intel and Intel Optane Persistent Memory -Virtual machines with Intel or IBM POWER® -VMware SDDC fully customized or fully automated Learn more about IBM Cloud for SAP

IBM Systems for SAP Run SAP software worldwide on the most trusted and highest-performance hardware that keeps the finance and supply chain processes of the largest enterprises in continuous operation. Get up to 32 TB SAP HANA scale-up resources designed to support both high performance and cost optimization simultaneously. Learn more about IBM Systems for SAP

IBM Security® for SAP Secure SAP software transactions worldwide, with holistic security analysis from your business processes down to your infrastructure layer. Learn more about IBM Security for SAP

The Weather Company® for SAP IBM Research® for SAP
Enable SAP software with weather-driven insights that drive tangible benefits for supply chain and sustainability initiatives within every enterprise.
IBM Research® for SAP
Enable SAP software with weather-driven insights that drive tangible benefits for supply chain and sustainability initiatives within every enterprise.

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