Home AI and ML Cloud Pak for AIOps Unlock the power of AIOps
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Build an integrated, AI-driven toolchain for DevOps management

Deploy advanced, explainable AI throughout your entire IT operations (ITOps) toolchain to confidently assess, diagnose and resolve incidents across mission-critical workloads. IBM Cloud Pak® for AIOps takes a unique application-centric approach to ITOps that helps you automate labor-intensive IT processes and proactively mitigate high-impact events.

Event grouping
Identify root causes and see similar incidents for faster fixes When any event occurs, automatically group events to identify other existing events that share the same root cause. When an incident arises, automatically view the top-ranked incidents that are similar to the given event description, focusing your efforts and ability to zero in on the correct resolution faster.
Anomaly detection
Use automatic parsing for earlier detection in logs and alerts Automatic parsing detects anomalies earlier than rule-based alerts. When an anomaly is detected, the story service generates a ticket, chat or alert in your chat service of choice, which is then populated with historical ticket and evidence data from domain tools. That means prescriptive remedies arrive in a single experience rather than from monitoring multiple screens, delivering the context teams need to manage environments proactively.
Natural language processing
Leverage natural language processing to enhance predictive operations Automatically process input data from unstructured sources like logs, tickets and chats, extracting the most informative texts to enrich the predictive alerts gained from analyzing your operational data.
Incident localization
Quickly find root causes, reducing outage time and impact Derive the root fault component and blast radius of affected components to understand the context, isolate and resolve problems in real time using the right prescriptive advice and automated remediation action.
Prescriptive actions for teams
Fix issues before they affect users Employ explainable AI that advises teams based on inputs across DevOps, potentially helping teams fix an outage faster by arming them with learnings from prior outages or incidents.
Change-risk remediation
Validate policies during development with AI-driven risk reports Code and configuration changes are the largest contributing factors in IT incidents. IBM’s deep learning models discover the relationships between changes and provide risk predictions, with operators receiving proactive alerts that include evidence based on historical data.
Tool integration
Integrate with your existing toolchain Connect application data from both structured and unstructured sources across your entire stack, regardless of vendor or underlying infrastructure.
Infrastructure automation
Eliminate toil and optimize IT team performance Automate IT provisioning, workload management, orchestration, tasks and events. Implement self-service for your IT team, continuously discover the latest state of your environment, enforce compliance and optimize the performance and the utilization of your environment through chargebacks and reporting.

Automation foundation

Build once and reuse

A set of common AI and automation components power each IBM Cloud Pak and provide security-rich integrations between them—so you can build once and then reuse across your business and IT operations. Key components include:

  • Process mining to identify trends, patterns and details of how a process unfolds
  • Task mining to find low-hanging RPA opportunities
  • Robotic process automation to automate repetitive tasks
  • Unified asset repository to store and share reusable automation artifacts
  • Single event hub to process event data in real time and feed machine learning

Personal, interactive AI

Give workers their own interactive AI—in tools they already use, like email, calendars and Slack® collaboration software—to help them perform routine and mission-critical tasks faster. Initiate work easily through chat and then a powerful AI engine goes to work combining prepackaged skills based on organizational knowledge and prior interactions.

Deploy anywhere

The automation foundation and IBM Cloud Paks are containerized software that run on Red Hat® OpenShift®, an enterprise-ready Kubernetes platform. Such containers are ready to deploy anywhere: hybrid cloud, multicloud and edge. Red Hat Open Shift offers one point of control to simplify orchestration across all of your environments.

IBM certifies and manages the container templates to automate the software lifecycle from configuration to monitoring, scaling, compliance and patching. Security hardening techniques reduce the chance of even common vulnerabilities.

Take the next step

See how our AIOps capabilities can enhance your IT operations.


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