July 6, 2020 By Josh Mintz 2 min read

Modernize applications and migrate expensive legacy databases to the IBM Cloud with the power of PostgreSQL and compatibility with Oracle. 

We are thrilled to announce the release of IBM Cloud Databases for EnterpriseDB (EDB) as a native constituent of the IBM Cloud platform for immediate consumption in all IBM Cloud multi-zone regions (MZRs). 

EDB PostgreSQL Advanced Server joins a broad suite of powerful database technologies on the IBM Cloud Databases platform as fully managed, production-ready, DBaaS built from the ground up for scale and security of enterprise workloads. 

EDB supercharges the PostgreSQL experience with security and performance features. According to John Murphy, EDB Senior VP of Products: “Offering EDB as a service on IBM Cloud is a great opportunity to extend the IBM ecosystem to current Postgres users. We’re looking forward to expanding our collaboration so more teams can feel the benefits of a fully integrated cloud experience.” 

A quick snapshot of provided features

  • Compatibility with Oracle: Offers compatibility for schemas, data types, indexes, users, roles, partitioning, packages, views, PL/SQL triggers, stored procedures, functions, and utilities.
  • Productivity boost: Over 200 prepackaged utility functions, user-defined object types, autonomous transactions, nested tables, synonyms, and advanced queueing.
  • Security: Password policy management, session tag auditing, data redaction, SQL injection protection, and procedural language code obfuscation.

Modernizing your data with IBM Cloud Databases like Databases for EnterpriseDB enables you to save costs, gain efficiencies, and power innovation for new applications. 

On top of all these features, Databases for EDB deploys automatically with the following: 

Serverless consumption model

Users are able to scale storage, RAM, and vCPU seamlessly and independently without being constrained by the limits of server sizes. There is no downtime for scaling events, allowing clients to start small and grow as their business grows on IBM Cloud or scale down operations for seasonal applications. The databases deploy in minutes, are billed hourly, and are a simple API call away. For more information on pricing, please review our examples

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