Home Case Studies An e-commerce provider embraces the cloud An e-commerce provider embraces the cloud
Moving beyond on-premises servers helps a growing business in Turkey
Close up shot of Bosporus Bridge over clear sky in Istanbul

About 15 years ago, T-Soft saw that e-commerce was key to economic development in Turkey. Shortly after its founding, the company was recognized as a leader in e-commerce within the country, and it sought to help other businesses achieve success.

As part of the “Open the Wings of Turkey” initiative, T-Soft met with entrepreneurs and business leaders in 30 different cities throughout the country and talked about the employment and economic benefits of e-commerce.


Increased Cloud consumption


Increased cloud consumption by 300% in just 2 years

Cloud at Scale


Provides the flexibility, resilience and scalability

IBM Cloud provides the scalability we need to help our e-commerce customers respond to changing usage needs. Avni Arikan Chief Technical Officer T-Soft

T-Soft helps its customers create e-commerce solutions, and it provides an ecosystem of other integrated solutions, including social media, communications and business intelligence offerings. But choosing the right technology platform for its e-commerce solution proved to be challenging. E-commerce is an incredibly dynamic industry, with massive spikes in demand due to holidays such as Ramadan, Black Friday and Christmas.

Business continuity is essential. Any downtime on an e-commerce site means lost revenue. Plus, T-Soft’s customer base is constantly growing and changing. On-premises servers failed to provide the scalability that the company needed. T-Soft needed a flexible, resilient and scalable platform so that it could respond to its customers’ changing needs.

Strong local support

T-Soft determined that a cloud platform would provide the features it needed. However, when the company had tried working with other cloud platform vendors in the past, it was unable to find the local support it needed. When the company reached out to IBM, it found that IBM had a strong local presence in Turkey.

Working with the local IBM team in Turkey, T-Soft moved its e-commerce platform to IBM Cloud® Virtual Machines. The cloud platform provides the flexibility, resilience and scalability that the company needs to meet the constantly changing needs of T-Soft’s customers. T-Soft provides a choice of platforms to its customers, and the IBM Cloud platform is offered as a higher-tier solution with better service level agreements (SLAs).

The technical support from IBM helps us get through anything. We plan to keep growing together. It’s a great partnership. Avni Arikan Chief Technical Officer T-Soft
Scalability and flexibility

In the past two years, T-Soft has increased its cloud consumption by 300%. The scalability of IBM Cloud helps T-Soft adapt to the changing consumption needs of its customers. Plus, as T-Soft continues to grow its customer base and add to its product portfolio, it plans to use the services available on IBM Cloud to help with product development. For example, T-Soft is currently running a proof of concept (POC) of the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service. “Containers are the most flexible technology and use fewer resources than other options. Plus, they can be managed remotely,” says Avni Arikan, Chief Technical Officer at T-Soft.

Running the technology platform for thousands of customers isn’t easy, says Arikan. “The technical support from IBM helps us get through anything,” he says. “We plan to keep growing together. It’s a great partnership.”

T-soft logo
About T-Soft

T-SoftExternal Link was founded in 2003 by three brothers. The company serves approximately 3,000 customers, providing e-commerce infrastructure solutions along with an ecosystem of other integrated solutions, such as social media, communications and business intelligence offerings. The business has approximately 200 employees and is based in Istanbul, Turkey.

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