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Pershing Technology Services Corporation + IBM
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ESG coordination meets complications

Pershing Technology Services Corporation (PTSC) is a business that takes its corporate social responsibility seriously. For years, the organization has given back to the community and embraced sustainable operations—working with universities, summer camps, charity organizations, social volunteering programs and more to make Taiwan a better place. And as part of this effort, the business wanted to improve the effectiveness of its environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives.

One of the primary issues of its existing operations was the lack of unified global standards regarding ESG metrics and reporting frameworks. This absence often led to ambiguity and inconsistency in assessing and benchmarking ESG performance across different regions and industries.

In addition, PTSC faced the task of managing different expectations from various stakeholders. These stakeholders—ranging from investors to customers to regulatory bodies—often had different priorities and preferences regarding ESG practices, making it challenging to navigate and prioritize their varying demands effectively.

The increasingly complex global supply chain posed another significant challenge. With operations spanning multiple countries and involving numerous suppliers and partners, ensuring adherence to ESG principles throughout the supply chain proved to be a formidable task.

Furthermore, the dynamic nature of the ESG landscape, marked by ever-evolving regulations and emerging trends, presented a perpetual challenge. Keeping abreast of these changes and adjusting strategies accordingly demanded constant vigilance and adaptability from PTSC.

Let the AI figure out what’s working

A strategic partner of IBM, PTSC carried out an investigation of its existing ESG efforts within the company using IBM® watsonx.ai™ technology. Previously, the limited availability of investigation resources—despite the company-wide importance—had artificially restricted the depth and breadth of similar efforts. But now, backed by AI, Pershing can complete more complex investigations much more quickly.

In particular, the organization used the watsonx.ai technology to review and train its advanced large language model (LLM) algorithms. And from these efforts, PTSC ultimately developed a new ESG Due Diligence Assistant that empowers staff, auditors and investors to conduct due diligence efforts related to ESG factors more efficiently.

The tool uses the watsonx.ai technology to meticulously sort through and analyze ESG reports and documents, extracting out pertinent details and summarizing this data in alignment with established examination criteria. And from this analysis, PTSC can better align these ESG initiatives with broader corporate strategic directions.

78% cut in investigation timelines 4 weeks to obtain minimum viable product (MVP)
Less effort for more complex analysis

Overall, the creation and launch of the new ESG Due Diligence Assistant has yielded great results, reducing the burden of ESG evaluations undertaken by stakeholders. With this new tool powered by watsonx.ai technology, PTSC, its investors and auditors have experienced an average 78% decrease in both the effort expended and the time required for conducting thorough ESG investigations.

And this efficiency not only accelerates the due diligence process but also helps ensure that stakeholders can more effectively navigate the landscape of ESG considerations while making more informed decisions. As such, PTSC can now rely on AI-driven strategic planning and integration efforts to better balance its short-term objectives against long-term sustainability goals.

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About Pershing Technology Services Corporation

 PTSC (link resides outside of ibm.com) provides B2B IT support solutions, specializing in equipment maintenance, training and professional services related to information software and hardware. An IBM strategic partner, the business was founded in 1982 and is headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, with additional offices in Kaohsiung and Taichung.

Use AI to align processes with goals

When disjointed business standards meet fragmented reporting, IBM watsonx.ai can make sense of the jumbled data.

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