Home Case Studies National Instruments National Instruments
Empowering global software development with high-speed data transfers
Illustrarion of data being transfered fastly

Using IBM Aspera®’s patented high-speed transfer technology, NI synchronizes large software builds between teams around the world from its centralized data center in Austin, Texas to significantly accelerate its follow-the-sun development. The deployment has made development timelines and costs more predictable while reducing the risk of delivery. Now NI is more responsive to customers and ultimately develops innovative products and features faster.

Business challenge

To maintain an efficient and continuous development cycle, all updates to the code base from any of NI's remote sites need to be synchronized with its central data center, then synchronized back out to the remote offices.


The NI and Aspera teams worked together to develop a tailored solution for multi-site data transfer and synchronization to quickly and securely collect and distribute large software builds.

Results Build process shortened from four days to four hours
NI R&D teams can now work around the world continually on the latest software builds
Speed innovation and responsiveness to customers
Increased agility for development teams and faster time to value for customers
Predictable delivery timeline and costs
Complete transfers of large files and data sets regardless of size, distance or network conditions with 100 percent reliability
Business challenge story
Enable an efficient and continuous development cycle

Today, more than 6,000 end users dispersed around the world need access to NI’s code bases and software builds. This includes 2,000 developers that work continually on code bases, product and test teams that need to access exports and installers, and sales and marketing teams that need to access full release packages. To maintain an efficient and continuous development cycle, all updates to the code base from any of the remote sites need to be synchronized with its central data center, then synchronized back out to the remote offices.

With each file ranging from 1 KB to 32 GBs in size, and an average size of .5 MB, NI’s code repository had grown to more than 300 TBs. Unreliable HTTP-based data transfers were forcing teams to wait several days to receive and work on the software builds, negatively impacting productivity and ultimately response times to customers.

In my 17 years of experience of working on large-scale IT projects, the Aspera deployment was the most successful I’ve been involved with and it imposed the least amount of inconvenience to our users and customers. Dave Shilling IT Infrastructure Manager National Instruments
Transformation story
Quickly and securely collect and distribute large software builds

The NI and Aspera teams worked together to develop a tailored solution for multi-site data transfer and synchronization to quickly and securely collect and distribute large software builds, even in countries that have restrictive network security and firewall policies and that are prone to high congestion, latency and packet loss.

The Aspera transfer server software with Aspera Sync is now deployed in 17 of its remote global locations, all without requiring changes to NI’s R&D workflows. The team is able to centrally monitor and manage the entire transfer environment using Aspera Console.

Results story
Speed innovation and responsiveness to customers

With Aspera, NI R&D teams can work continually on the latest software builds. Over the last 18 months, the build process was shortened from an average of four days down to four hours. The teams are able to be more responsive to customers and can innovate more quickly as a result of the predictable delivery timelines and costs, and due to reduced risks previously associated with the development build process.

The Aspera solution also helped address a critical, unexpected problem involving a significant system failure just prior to quarter close. Using Aspera, NI quickly recovered all its files in hours versus the typical four day recovery time, enabling it to meet its critical shipment deadline and recognize quarterly revenue.

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National Instruments

NI (link resides outside of ibm.com) empowers engineers and scientists with a software-centric platform that incorporates modular hardware and an expansive ecosystem. This proven approach puts users firmly in control of defining what they need to accelerate their system design within test, measurement and control. NI’s solution helps build high-performance systems that exceed requirements, quickly adapt to change and ultimately improve the world.

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