Edge Computing Solutions
Edge computing with 5G creates tremendous opportunities in every industry. It brings computation and data storage closer to where data is generated, enabling better data control, reduced costs, faster insights and actions, and continuous operations. In fact, by 2025, 75% of enterprise data will be processed at the edge, compared to only 10% today.¹
IBM provides an autonomous management offering that addresses the scale, variability and rate of change in edge environments. IBM also offers solutions to help communications companies modernize their networks and deliver new services at the edge.
A single administrator can apply policies that manage the scale and variability of application environments across thousands of endpoints. IBM® Edge Application Manager helps you manage workloads from edge to core across any hybrid multicloud environment.
There are many use cases that can be addressed with edge computing. IBM edge-enabled solutions and services help clients deliver rich digital experiences and create business efficiency across Industry 4.0, supply chain, asset management and more.
Increasingly, communications service providers (CSPs) are looking to deliver 5G and edge computing services to drive growth. IBM telecommunications cloud solutions can help CSPs improve processes and service assurance while lowering operations costs.
Pull and analyze data from distributed devices and sensors to improve individual experiences, enhance driver safety and optimize transport.
Orchestrate management from end to end with intelligent video analytics and AI to monitor stock, automate replenishment and more.
Gather insight from distributed machinery and manufacturing processes and respond in real time, optimizing production lines and reducing waste.
Control remote infrastructure with microcloud computing that performs real-time diagnostics and over-the-air updates, reducing costs and disruption.
Accelerate data monetization with IBM Cloud Pak for Data to extend applications and models to the edge for real-time insights, without the need to move your data.
IBM Power® Systems and IBM Storage solutions put AI models to work at the edge. Unlock business insights for all types of data, including live visual data generated at the edge.
Retracing the 1620 Mayflower route, the first autonomous transatlantic voyage will be powered by IBM technologies for edge and AI.
This European insurance group uses in-vehicle sensors to drive telematics insurance and reduce accidents and insurance claims.
Evolve to zero-touch network operations with AI-powered automation.
Equinix uses IBM and Red Hat® to build a global metro edge platform and bring companies together across more than 50 markets.
Eurotech uses IBM and Red Hat on high-performance edge computing devices to bring edge computing to new frontiers.
Hazelcast uses IBM Edge Application Manager to deploy in-memory data grid solutions to enable advanced analytics at the edge.
¹"What Edge Computing Means for Infrastructure and Operations Leaders" Rob van der Meulen, Gartner Research, October 2018 (link resides outside IBM)