This is my IBM

This is Rosie. Creating first class digital solutions.

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Welcome to episode 9 in our interview series, This is my IBM.

This week I talk to Rosie Rossington from IBM Consulting. Rosie explains about her work developing the digital experience for London Fashion Week and Boots, how much she loves a plan and the inspiration she draws from her favourite podcasts.

Can you tell us a bit more about your role at IBM?
I currently work on the Boots account supporting improvements within the basket and checkout space. I also work closely to support London Fashion Week.

When did you join IBM and what led you to work here?

I joined IBM in January 2022, after previously working in house in e-commerce. I wanted more responsibility and ownership. I was curious to know more about a role in consulting and the opportunity to work on multiple accounts was something that appealed.

What are you working on right now? Can you share how this project is making the world work better?

London Fashion Week’s website gives designers a platform and connects them to the industry. We focus on creating new and developing existing digital experiences with a big focus on making the digital schedule as impactful as the physical shows. We work to promote all young upcoming designers who are making waves withing sustainability and diversity in fashion.

What’s the biggest challenge that you have faced on a project or whilst an IBMer and how did you overcome it?

It’s always a challenge managing last minute changes and requests coming in. For London Fashion Week, the biggest challenge is being able to innovate year round with restricted time and budgets – there are so many things we could do and will do one day.

Imagination and creativity are really important to us as IBMers. Can you think of when you last used your creativity to inspire change?
When working in a global team with Boots, we look for creative ways to feel more like a team and inspire. We introduced a Zoom and Tea 30 minutes a week session to stimulate making a coffee with your colleagues and most Fridays we play an online Pictionary style game. It’s such an ice breaker and allows us to get to know each other beyond our pieces of work.

What has been the most surprising aspect of life at IBM?

First, it was a surprise to learn that IBM works with London Fashion Week at all. Before joining I was aware of IBM working with larger accounts so it was refreshing to see the value added at all levels. I would also say I have been surprised about how important giving and receiving regular feedback is within IBM – and how easy it is to do.

What have you learnt about yourself during your time at IBM?
I love a plan. I love preparing all cases and back up options. At IBM I’ve learnt even if you do that, you can’t prepare for every scenario. I’ve learnt I can still deliver by being reactive so I’m learning to embrace that.

As well as the day job, are you involved in any other initiatives within IBM?

I’m part of the People’s team on the Boots account, working to make the account a place people want to come and work on. Most recently we’ve been are pushing to improve ways of working and make sure the experience from everyone at every level is heard.

Who inspires you?

I’m inspired by anyone who is out of their comfort zone in some way. I love the High Performance Podcast with AJ Tracey – he explained how you should always surround yourself with people who are doing a little more, a little different to you.  I’m also inspired by Courtney Dauwalter, an amazing ultra-runner. She is helping me realise you can’t plan for everything; you’ve just got to break it down.

Other than what you do for work, what do you enjoy doing outside of work? Do you have any hobbies?
I love running and always try and make a holiday out of a marathon event in a new city- earlier this year I completed the Boston marathon. I also cycled to Paris last year and have eyes on a Half Iron man sometime soon.

What are some of the exciting things happening in your life right now?

I’ve been enjoying traveling again; this summer I visited Portugal. I’ve also got really excited about swimming, with the view of doing a triathlon. And I would love to finally foster a greyhound, so the thought of that is exciting!

Learn more about joining IBM as an experienced professional >

Learn more about IBM’s work with Boots UK and the innovation of their digital commerce >

And finally, watch this space to learn more from the next IBMer in this series and discover how they turn ideas into action. What inspires them. What has surprised them. And what they mean when they say This is my IBM.


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