By Mark Wakefield on 7 March, 2019

UK’s First P-TECH to Open

P-TECH Combines classroom and career training to address tech skills shortage Today, the UK takes an important step in advancing digital skills in education and workforce development, as IBM announced the launch of Pathways in Technology programme, or P-TECH, initially at two schools and one college. P-TECH is a new, non-selective, approach to secondary school […]

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By Chris Nott on 22 October, 2018

Ensuring Trust in Government Services

Becoming Citizen-Driven The focus on the consumer driving digital disruption in commercial sectors has raised expectations of Government.  The whole of government is becoming citizen centric, and digitising government demands that today’s departments silos are spanned.  Government is becoming devolved and decentralised and the technical challenge is accentuated by the business change.  Citizen-centricity demands one […]

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By Sreeram Visvanathan on 17 August, 2018

Artificial Intelligence: New Possibilities for Government

Every company has customers that they care deeply about. Whether you are a retailer selling Italian furniture, an electronics company in China manufacturing the latest computer device, or an oil and gas company delivering oilfield services in Canada, customer is king. However, I would argue that the most important customer-company relationship is that between a […]

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