
By Mo Haghighi on 16 September, 2020

Code@Think – Build the skills you need to emerge smarter

Build the skills you need to emerge smarter at Code@Think If we’re going to emerge smarter from the challenges 2020 has thrown us, we’re going to need the best technology available – and, more importantly, the skills to manipulate it. We’re living through an era of transformation like no other. We’ve all experienced phenomenal change […]

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By Chris Nott on 22 November, 2018

Engineering bias out of AI

Notorious examples of bias in facial recognition algorithms have received a lot of adverse coverage this year.  It highlights the explosion of bias in AI systems and algorithms, but according to IBM Research, only unbiased AI will survive.  To counter such bias, companies like IBM have been making data sets and toolkits available.  An example […]

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