IBM Cloud

By Emma Dawson on 8 October, 2020

Burberry supports IBM interns to develop prototype system for product traceability

Burberry’s technology experts were keen to share their knowledge with a younger generation. With coaching from Burberry, students from IBM’s Extreme Blue internship program developed a prototype system that may help to improve product traceability and provide consumers with deeper insights into a product’s lifecycle.   Burberry’s commitment to sustainability is long-standing, grounded in the […]

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By Simon Edward on 10 September, 2020

How Think Digital Summit UK & Ireland 2020 can help us all Emerge Smarter

If you’d asked any of us a year ago where we’d be today, would we have even got close? Our current situation is not just changing the way we live and work, it’s also accelerating the pace of transformation – fast. And while it’s important to take these challenges in our stride, what we do […]

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By Andi Brocks on 1 September, 2020

IBM Cloud for Financial Services

Balancing innovation, agility and regulatory responsibility Financial Institutions in the United Kingdom have been at the forefront of digitalisation transformation, until now this has been primarily led by financial technology (FinTech) companies due to them being born on the cloud. Unencumbered by legacy systems and complex integrations has allowed them to innovate faster, innovating faster […]

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By Sharon Moore on 25 August, 2020

IBM Cloud for Public Sector in the UK

UK Government and IBM sign public cloud agreement to accelerate innovation across the public sector If you follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn you may have seen me in a short video sharing excellent news: the UK Government and IBM have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for IBM Cloud. This is a first for […]

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By Ian Moyse and Tom Naxton on 6 May, 2020

Making smart cloud choices in uncertain times

Cloud is often portrayed as the easy solution to today’s business challenges – the one big shift that saves costs all round. Many believe that, when it comes to cloud, any choice is a smart choice. Here we discuss the realities of choosing the right cloud for your business, and why one cloud does not […]

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By Emmanuel Treny and David Terrar on 7 October, 2019

Breaking Down Silos in your Business

Every organisation in every sector is dealing with digital disruption in today’s volatile, fast changing and uncertain world.  Businesses need to transform to stay competitive or be in danger of going the way of once great brands like Nokia, Blockbuster or Kodak who saw the writing on the wall but didn’t act fast enough to […]

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By Tom Naxton on 26 September, 2019

Time to THINK again

Modern enterprises continue to reinvent themselves for the digital world. A fundamental requirement is to quickly modernise key applications and run them across any type of IT infrastructure. This could be in the company data centre or private cloud for their most sensitive data and critical workloads; or the public cloud where they get scale […]

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By Holly Cummins on 23 April, 2019

Redefine the rules. Realise transformation.

What’s the point of architecture that can go faster, if you don’t go faster? As the Worldwide Development Discipline Leader for the IBM Cloud Garage, I work with clients who are trying to shift their businesses to the cloud as a way to beat their competitors to market, now and in the future. Companies feel […]

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By Craig Hartwell on 18 April, 2019

MobileID: ID verification with IBM Cloud

Thanks to the internet, business is more globalised than ever. But with fewer face-to-face transactions, how can organisations be sure that potential customers are who they say they are? At MobileID, we’re providing an answer with our ID verification mobile apps built in the IBM Cloud. Solving the identity puzzle Building trusted relationships is an […]

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By Corinne Doherty on 16 April, 2019

Cloud adoption – get beyond that 20% barrier

Cloud adoption is already high, but mainly comprises non-core workloads. As many as 70 percent of executives say their organisations use multiple clouds today, hence the common phrase multicloud. But so far, they have been using them primarily for non-core workloads; 80 to 90 percent of enterprise workloads have not yet migrated to the cloud. Hybrid multicloud […]

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By Tom Naxton on 14 March, 2019

Cloud Expo Europe 2019 – We’ve had the conversations, now let’s build the future together!

Cloud Expo Europe 2019 has come and gone in the blink of an eye. The London Excel saw thousands of delegates descend upon it throughout the course of Tuesday and Wednesday this week, eager to see the latest cloud innovations the industry has to offer as well as have meaningful conversations to help further their […]

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By Moya Brannan on 12 March, 2019

Home is where the heart is

The modern family is not one where we all live in the same house, this is often driven by our desire for independence, once we become adults, we more often than not want to spread our wings and build our own nest. However as “adult children” move away, their parent and elderly relatives grow older […]

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