
By Dr. Nicole Mather on 13 September, 2019

Reinventing clinical trials: delivering on the vision of digital transformation in health

Last year 870,000 patients in the NHS had the opportunity to access cutting-edge treatments early as part of clinical trials.  NHS DigiTrial is one of seven new hubs announced by Health Data Research UK. The hubs aim to reinvent the approach to trials, enabling cutting-edge research for health discoveries, to help bring new therapies to […]

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By Mark Davies on 14 June, 2019

IBM and the NHS: Working in Partnership

As a new generation of technology is changing our lives there are no shortage of opportunities for technology to revolutionise the National Health Service (NHS). But it’s not just about getting the current systems working better for the 1.4 million NHS staff and over a million patients the NHS sees every day. As I discussed […]

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By Andreas Haimboeck-Tichy on 1 November, 2018

Cloud computing; is it the treatment for our over-burdened NHS?

Faced with a growing, maturing population and diminishing resources, it’s crunch time for the NHS. Rising patient numbers mean there’s more data to interpret, which puts a strain on ageing technology. Combine this with a public that expects faster, more secure, more personalised care, and something has to change. Under these pressures, the NHS struggles […]

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