By Stephen Breslin on 3 March, 2021

Inspiring Scottish Students into STEM: Building essential skills for our future

During the industrial revolution, Scotland was regarded as one of the world’s main shipbuilding nations. At one point a fifth of all ships in the world were made on the River Clyde, and with this came jobs for young people, meaning that after you left school, you went straight into an apprenticeship.  Fast forward to […]

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By Margaret Doyle on 1 March, 2021

Turning the future into a sure win

A brief overview of how artificial intelligence and cognitive technologies are reshaping the world of sport. From transforming marketing strategies to delivering thrilling and engaging digital fan experiences, find out how sports organisations can adjust to a digital-first future. Explore what’s possible now and how the AI ladder can help you develop the enterprise capabilities […]

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By Richard Landen on 9 February, 2021

IBM, Recarta Technology and WaterAid’s IT team’s successful data centre migration resulting in significant process and performance gains

When WaterAid moved its offices from Vauxhall to Canary Wharf, it meant the international NGO for water, sanitation, and hygiene, needed to migrate its IT services as well.  Some of the systems were running core business, such as the link to direct debit processing, the phone system and data warehouse, so it was essential that […]

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By Jenny Taylor MBE on 8 February, 2021

How IBM has adapted early professional recruitment and onboarding strategies in light of the pandemic

Organisations spent £6.6 billion in 2020 on the skills shortage, up from £4.4 billion in 2019 [1] (Open University Business Barometer 2020). These skill shortages are predominantly addressed through recruitment activities, with ever more businesses opting for a sustainable, long-term approach to address the skills gap. Nearly half (48%) of employers acknowledged that apprenticeships and […]

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By Anthony Day on 3 February, 2021

Privacy Preserving Health Credentials Can Help Get Us Back to Normal

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically accelerated the need for public and private sector organisations to rethink their use of shared spaces to help keep employees and citizens safe. As we move forward toward not only a return to the workplace but the return to ‘normal’, the use of health credentials – for example a credential […]

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By Andi Britt and James Cook on 2 February, 2021

How to build a self-reinventing workforce

Nine principles that underpin skills transformation at IBM When we asked 5,000 business leaders what core skills they look for in the workforce, technical, digital and data skills featured prominently in their responses. As businesses wake up to the reality that data, automation and artificial intelligence will not just feature in but shape their futures, […]

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By Sam Missingham on 22 January, 2021

Read it here first; what Telecommunications, Media & Entertainment can learn from the transformation of the book industry

As someone who has tracked the digital transformation of the book business for 12 years, I have always kept an eye on the wider trends across other entertainment industries. My personal view is, with the consumer at the heart of all of our businesses, there is always plenty to learn from each other. IBM have […]

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By Jeremy Bassinder on 15 January, 2021

How COVID-19 has accelerated digital transformation – and how to stay ahead in 2021

The disparity between digital haves and have-nots has never been greater, but it’s never too late to innovate. The mounting pressure for businesses to fast-track their digital transformation journeys was kicked into overdrive in 2020. While the bell has long been chiming for businesses to rapidly adapt, harness the power of data and streamline their […]

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By Sharad Somanchi on 18 December, 2020

Let’s get personal: CX transformation to a segment of 1

There are broadly three intertwined factors that are driving transformation in customer experience in 2020. And, while wrestling with the complexity behind such change can be daunting, the upside for businesses who get it right can in itself be transformational. The first driver here is customers themselves. In a year that has accelerated online interaction […]

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By Francesco Brenna on 24 November, 2020

Redefining the contact centre of tomorrow

It’s still early to draw conclusions for the year 2020, however, it’s likely that businesses will remember it as a time when the workplace changed forever. When, for many companies, the sudden shift to remote working and working from home coincided with a surge in customer calls. To face the challenge, customer contact centres need […]

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By Louise Skordby on 23 November, 2020

Return to the workplace with confidence

2020 has been the year of unforeseen challenges for businesses and society alike. In the face of crisis, people are becoming increasingly concerned with health and safety measures. To demonstrate to employees that they are protected, organizations need to ensure that health and safety policies are being fully implemented and that there are quick responses […]

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By Andrei Savin on 10 November, 2020

It’s time for enterprises to learn from experience

IBM iX European Client Innovation Centres lead, Andrei Savin, argues that customer experience can be both a catalyst and a guiding principle for enterprise transformation. As the world starts to emerge from pandemic-fueled disruption, many of us are sensing an opportunity to consciously reset the way business and society operate. We’re all facing up to […]

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By Luis Chiang on 10 November, 2020

Why Salesforce is a secret weapon for digital transformation

As the IBM Bluewolf team publishes its ninth annual The State of Salesforce report, Luis Chiang, Salesforce Innovation Unit Leader, IBM EMEA, argues that businesses facing up to digital transformation can make significant headway by creatively building on a platform they’re probably already using. I’m always excited about the release of The State of Salesforce, […]

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By Tracey Gilbert on 10 November, 2020

The key to exceptional experiences? Harnessing the speed of change

2020 has transformed the way we live and work. With the pace of change only set to accelerate, Tracey Gilbert, Business Unit Leader, Enterprise Strategy &  iX, looks at how businesses can use speed as an advantage to design better experiences for customers and employees in the long run. It’s safe to say we’re living […]

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By John Sullivan on 3 November, 2020

Why it’s time to get smart about experience.

As the world’s businesses start to reopen, it’s time to rethink how we move forward. The key to transforming our businesses for the future, writes John Sullivan, Managing Partner, IBM Enterprise Strategy & iX, EMEA, is to lead with experience.  Exceptional experience has long been recognised as a critical factor for business success. As customers, […]

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