By Sharon Bagshaw on 16 April, 2019

Cloud computing: Unlocking its power for government

Originally published in New Statesman. For most of the UK population, cloud-based services are part of everyday life, from online banking and social media to service oriented businesses like Uber. Without equivalent services the  government risks falling short of expectations. Cloud computing is more than an internet-based platform. Harnessing it unlocks the potential to create […]

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By Corinne Doherty on 16 April, 2019

Cloud adoption – get beyond that 20% barrier

Cloud adoption is already high, but mainly comprises non-core workloads. As many as 70 percent of executives say their organisations use multiple clouds today, hence the common phrase multicloud. But so far, they have been using them primarily for non-core workloads; 80 to 90 percent of enterprise workloads have not yet migrated to the cloud. Hybrid multicloud […]

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By Andi Britt on 12 April, 2019

From old to new: the evolution of HR

Welcome to our HR Modernization Playbook: Tomorrow’s people – Why HR matters more than ever in the age of artificial intelligence. Digital transformation is happening faster than ever. The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation will redefine jobs, enhance employee productivity and accelerate workforce development. In fact, skills and culture – not technology – […]

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By Anne-Gaelle Chasles on 3 April, 2019

Virtual Retail – How AI is enabling a dialogue to make customer engagement personal

Retailers are on the front line of a dramatic shift in the way customers engage with businesses. The internet and smartphones have ushered in an “always-on” culture whereby we expect to be able to find everything we want and need at the swipe of a screen, to be delivered at a time that suits us. […]

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By Chris Williams on 3 April, 2019

Who is the best teacher of artificial intelligence?

When it comes to teaching Artificial Intelligence (machine learning), who is best placed to be the teacher? The ability to pass on your knowledge to others is a great gift and the best teachers are those who not only can “do” (unlike the old adage) but also excel in doing. But what about teaching a […]

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By Francesco Melcarne on 1 April, 2019

Using blockchain to improve public safety

Graham is an officer in his country’s counter terrorism police force. Since the rise of social networks, he can draw on many information sources in his investigations and exploit the recent advances in big data technologies. Graham investigates counter terrorism cases where sharing information on threats with intelligence agencies around the globe would be beneficial. […]

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By Ulrich Schimpel on 28 March, 2019

Blockchain and Government: International Taxation

It’s the same old story.  International companies and cross-country commuters file their huge bulk of tax declarations once a year. Nancy’s department is responsible for checking these declarations against international tax treaties and local taxation rules, interacting with the companies, employees and other tax authorities to clarify issues and to correct the values where necessary. […]

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By David Metcalfe on 25 March, 2019

From flags to Yam stations to digital! Networks – more important than ever

I have recently finished reading about the life of Genghis Khan, his battles and all conquering armies and his heirs. So how do you get to Genghis Khan and networks in the same sentence whats the link? Ghengis and his predecessors were not only masters at warfighting and land grabbing they were also very clever. […]

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By Andi Britt on 22 March, 2019

HR, disrupted: six things to get the board on board with AI

Welcome to our HR Modernization Playbook: Tomorrow’s people – Why HR matters more than ever in the age of artificial intelligence. Digital transformation is happening faster than ever. The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation will redefine jobs, enhance employee productivity and accelerate workforce development. In fact, skills and culture – not technology – […]

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By Paul Farrell on 21 March, 2019

Think Summit Dublin: Technology that works Smarter not Harder

Did you know that Blockchain is smoothing the journey from a coffee bean to your coffee cup? Or that Quantum computing is used by both academic institutions and Fortune 500 companies? Many of you may never have heard of these concepts before, or perhaps you have but are unsure how they could benefit you and […]

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By Francesco Melcarne on 21 March, 2019

Architecting Blockchain in Government

Sheila is the CTO in the Digital Transformation Agency of the central Government of her country. She oversees the enterprise architectures of the central Government Administrations.  As Blockchain related projects start running, new modules enter Shelia’s design of the enterprise IT architectures.  She has a lot of experience in her role, but quickly realises that […]

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By Tom Naxton on 14 March, 2019

Cloud Expo Europe 2019 – We’ve had the conversations, now let’s build the future together!

Cloud Expo Europe 2019 has come and gone in the blink of an eye. The London Excel saw thousands of delegates descend upon it throughout the course of Tuesday and Wednesday this week, eager to see the latest cloud innovations the industry has to offer as well as have meaningful conversations to help further their […]

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By Moya Brannan on 12 March, 2019

Home is where the heart is

The modern family is not one where we all live in the same house, this is often driven by our desire for independence, once we become adults, we more often than not want to spread our wings and build our own nest. However as “adult children” move away, their parent and elderly relatives grow older […]

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By Corinne Doherty on 8 March, 2019

Cloud Expo Europe 2019: Tips and Tech Talks

Why attend Cloud Expo Europe? According to research from Ovum, while 20 percent of business processes have already moved to the cloud, 80 percent of mission-critical workloads and sensitive data are still running on-premises because of performance and regulatory requirements. As they enter the next phase of their cloud journey, many organizations will be moving […]

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By Jeremy Worrell on 8 March, 2019

A Beginner’s Guide to IT Marketing

“IT marketing” sounds like a very unusual discipline. Historically, the best-equipped CIOs had analytical backgrounds, and many were natural introverts. Self-promotion may not have come naturally, and where it did it may still have been ineffective. But (as I often claim) the IT function is in a slow fight for survival. Winning means adapting to […]

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