By Dr. Lloyd L Dale on 13 November, 2019

Best Practice Cloud Service Management

In my last blog I wrote about the impact of cloud computing on IT Service Management.  This blog continues the theme by describing the IT Service Management functions necessary to deliver cloud infrastructure services.  Delivering infrastructure as a service requires IT Service Management to move closer to Infrastructure Management (or IT Operations) and combine multiple […]

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By Dr. Lloyd L Dale on 28 October, 2019

Impact of Cloud Computing on IT Service Management

You wouldn’t be completely wrong if you made this general comment regarding most organisations’ cloud infrastructure strategy, “use public cloud services for Test and Development environments and develop an on-premise IaaS for Production environments.” This relatively simple approach is borne out of the need for IT Infrastructure Management to be more responsive to Development Projects […]

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By Andi Britt on 22 October, 2019

Empower your people

Culture matters: humanity is at the heart of the Cognitive Enterprise Technology may be driving the current evolution of business. But smart organisations realise that becoming a Cognitive Enterprise requires more than just a few training sessions on the latest software. It necessitates a significant shift in skills, attitude and culture that empowers employees to […]

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By Giorgio Danesi on 22 October, 2019

Design intelligent workflows

Humanising machines: how intelligent workflows will transform customer experience. When we talk about the ways in which AI is going to change the world of business, all discussions lead back to one important point. The truly successful Cognitive Enterprise is one in which technology works alongside people to enable the best possible customer experience – […]

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By Jodie Wells and Rory O'Ryan on 17 October, 2019

Think Summit London 2019: In Pictures

  Think Summit London 2019, IBM’s annual festival of innovation, took place on 16th October; welcoming business leaders, industry experts, innovators and technology enthusiasts to the iconic Olympia London. Attendees explored how IBM is channelling cutting edge research and technology into protecting the future, helping to sustain not just business growth but also people and […]

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By Rupert Clegg and Bob Booth on 15 October, 2019

CFO: the restless reinventor – Chapter 3

Capability and culture: the key ingredients for reinvention As we discussed in chapter 1 and chapter 2, radical new technology is uncovering valuable insights and revolutionising the way organisations operate. Any business leader worth their salt will be looking to implement these game-changing solutions. But successful CFOs will plough at least as much energy into […]

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By Bill Kelleher on 15 October, 2019

IBM tackles digital skills gap with UK launch of SkillsBuild

Following the P-TECH launch earlier this year, the new SkillsBuild platform reinforces IBM’s commitment to life-long learning in the UK   Around the globe, new technologies are rapidly transforming the world of work, and – as a result, the skillsets people need to be successful. To ensure an inclusive workforce, we must change the way we […]

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By Bill Kelleher on 14 October, 2019

How IBM’s Think Summit London focuses on the future of the planet

We are experiencing a time of rapid change. A movement led by people who are passionate about protecting our planet. As many of us are looking for new ways to minimise our footprint while maximising our contribution, innovation and big thinking will help make a major difference. On 16 October, at IBM Think Summit London, […]

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By Bharat Bhushan on 11 October, 2019

Reflections on Sibos 2019

True to this year’s theme of “Thriving in the hyper-connected world”, Sibos 2019 in London was all about the possibilities, approach and risks involved in the society that is constantly on. The following points summarise what was on everyone’s minds and high on the conference agenda: a) People and talent management. Driving a culture of […]

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By Kevin Gill on 11 October, 2019

Helping to bring trust to the blockchain

As smart contracts and blockchain technology reshape the way customers and businesses interact, establishing trust in data is essential. Enterprises are now seeking to manage data as an asset so it is vital that data sources are trusted and verifiable. Blockchain technology is providing an immutable and indelible shared record of events across business networks. But what happens […]

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By Rob Sedman on 8 October, 2019

THINK – How will you respond to a data breach?

In a period of unprecedented change, staying connected to technology trends has never been more important. And there’s no better forum for the latest (and future) insights than Think Summit London, IBM’s annual festival of innovation. On the 16th October 2019, you will have the chance to experience how IBM is channelling research and technology […]

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By Emmanuel Treny and David Terrar on 7 October, 2019

Breaking Down Silos in your Business

Every organisation in every sector is dealing with digital disruption in today’s volatile, fast changing and uncertain world.  Businesses need to transform to stay competitive or be in danger of going the way of once great brands like Nokia, Blockbuster or Kodak who saw the writing on the wall but didn’t act fast enough to […]

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By Samuel Fry on 3 October, 2019

Artists on Artificial Intelligence

IBM is working with Lumen Art Projects to develop knowledge sharing between artists and technologists. Companies everywhere are collaborating to solidify their competitive advantage. This is something that our report on ‘Becoming a Cognitive Enterprise’ describes, as companies are developing these collaborations as a way of reinventing their businesses, expanding their expertise or competing in […]

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By Tom Naxton on 26 September, 2019

Time to THINK again

Modern enterprises continue to reinvent themselves for the digital world. A fundamental requirement is to quickly modernise key applications and run them across any type of IT infrastructure. This could be in the company data centre or private cloud for their most sensitive data and critical workloads; or the public cloud where they get scale […]

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By Simon Edward on 19 September, 2019

THINK – can we use technology to design a better future?

We’re living at a time of unprecedented change – for business, for technology, for the planet. As we face up to an uncertain future, we’re being forced to tackle some of the most important questions humanity has ever had to consider – as innovators, as citizens and as consumers. It all comes down to this. […]

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