IBM Events UK - Blog

How Think Digital Summit UK & Ireland 2020 can help us all Emerge Smarter

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If you’d asked any of us a year ago where we’d be today, would we have even got close?

Our current situation is not just changing the way we live and work, it’s also accelerating the pace of transformation – fast. And while it’s important to take these challenges in our stride, what we do next will be crucial.

Now is the time for all of us to be looking ahead and exploring new opportunities to help us emerge smarter. This is one of the key themes for our upcoming flagship event, Think Digital Summit UK & Ireland 2020, where we’ll be bringing together our UK and Irish summits for the very first time.

As our annual festival of innovation, Think has always united the best and brightest technology leaders and visionaries to explore critical issues facing businesses today. I’ve always found it a fantastic platform for sharing stories and challenges, networking with peers, celebrating ideas and successes and, most importantly, being inspired.

This year we’re looking to carry on the tradition with one obvious difference: we’re going digital.

We’ve reimagined Think Digital Summit UK & Ireland 2020 as a hyper local, personalised virtual experience designed to reflect what we’ve been hearing from our clients during this challenging year. As well as building personal itineraries, attendees can look forward to interactive sessions, one-to-ones with experts and engaging, snackable content that’s been hand-selected and specifically tailored for our UK and Ireland audiences.

During the summit, we’ll cover six key areas, ranging from agility and efficiency to cybersecurity, all aimed at helping our clients adapt quickly and become more resilient and agile in the years to come. Topics we’ll explore include how different industries will look and work in the future, ways to enhance IT resiliency, using data science for good and so much more – and, as always, we’ll be hosting brilliant speakers from the British Retail Consortium, Rolls Royce and NatWest Group to name a few.

As ever, I’m excited to hear from every one of our guests. And this year, what I’m looking forward to most is learning from real stories shared by a wide range of business leaders: what’s happening in their industries, how they’re managing through challenges and how they’re unlocking new ways of working.

For me, Think has always been about the “Thinkers”. The movers and shakers who want to make a difference. The curious folk who look at everything in terms of opportunities, not just challenges. Now, more than ever, the world needs more of these people – people like you and me who have open minds and a passion to create a better future.

I really hope you can join us for this chance to listen and learn from one another, arm yourselves with the knowledge and skills you’ll need to navigate the future, and, ultimately, emerge smarter.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Think Digital Summit UK & Ireland 2020 is on 7th October 2020. Register now.

Chief Marketing Officer, IBM UK and Ireland

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