
By M Shaikh on 25 June, 2024

Securing the AI Frontier: IBM’s Strategic Approach to Mitigating Risks in AI

From an obscure iPhone game developer to a central figure in a privacy firestorm, Hoan Ton-That’s Clearview AI made headlines in 2020 for all the wrong reasons. The company’s groundbreaking facial recognition technology, capable of matching faces to a vast database of images scraped from the internet, was already raising eyebrows. But when a security breach exposed Clearview AI’s client […]

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By M Shaikh on 18 June, 2024

Outsmarting the Digital Rogues: Celerity’s Journey to SOC Modernization

Remember SolarWinds? The software update that delivered malware to thousands? Imagine a legacy security system, slow and reliant on signatures, like a grumpy old guard dog. It barks at familiar threats, but this wolf in sheep’s clothing (the update) slipped right by. Hackers lurked undetected for months, finally wreaking havoc. Legacy defences? Powerless. Moral of […]

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By M Shaikh and others on 25 June, 2024

Securing the AI Frontier: IBM’s Strategic Approach to Mitigating Risks in AI

From an obscure iPhone game developer to a central figure in a privacy firestorm, Hoan Ton-That’s Clearview AI made headlines in 2020 for all the wrong reasons. The company’s groundbreaking facial recognition technology, capable of matching faces to a vast database of images scraped from the internet, was already raising eyebrows. But when a security breach exposed Clearview AI’s client […]

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By Indy Dhami on 16 October, 2020

Post COVID-19 Divestments – An Increasing Need for Resilience

Without a shadow of a doubt the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on humanity and our way of living, and this has required considerable change in how businesses operate and plan for such events. We are witnessing a financial crisis and this is creating ongoing uncertainty in the global economy. The impact is […]

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By Simon Edward on 10 September, 2020

How Think Digital Summit UK & Ireland 2020 can help us all Emerge Smarter

If you’d asked any of us a year ago where we’d be today, would we have even got close? Our current situation is not just changing the way we live and work, it’s also accelerating the pace of transformation – fast. And while it’s important to take these challenges in our stride, what we do […]

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By Robert Calvert on 5 August, 2020

NCSC recognises IBM for efforts to address the Cybersecurity skills gap

A second year of success for IBM and the CyberFirst programme In a year in which digital technologies have risen in popularity, we are reminded of the importance of securing these vital systems. Dependable electronic communication and interaction is essential to our society. When cybersecurity skills are in high levels of demand, action to ensure […]

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By Indy Dhami on 29 July, 2020

Financial Services Cyber Resilience and the New Normal

IBM Security, as a global leader of security services and software, has seen a unique change in the way organisations are facing the challenge of cyber resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. The societal, technological and employee challenges have come alongside increased pressures from regulatory bodies on firms to maintain “robust market surveillance” whilst unorthodox working […]

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By Rob Sedman on 8 October, 2019

THINK – How will you respond to a data breach?

In a period of unprecedented change, staying connected to technology trends has never been more important. And there’s no better forum for the latest (and future) insights than Think Summit London, IBM’s annual festival of innovation. On the 16th October 2019, you will have the chance to experience how IBM is channelling research and technology […]

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By Chris Nott on 15 July, 2019

What can government learn from Wimbledon’s one chance to deliver?

In this third and final blog post on what government can learn from Wimbledon, I discuss how Wimbledon uses cloud to meet huge fluctuations in demand for its digital platforms and how it ensures its services are accessible for fans throughout The Championships.  My previous posts in this series explore innovating fabulous services and use […]

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