
By Michael Conway on 6 June, 2019

AI and Banking: Competing with total trust and zero bias

A recent article in The Times highlighted that only half of UK companies have a clear AI strategy in place. There is huge potential for companies across industries to leverage the power of AI to improve their business. The banking sector is no different. But for all its benefits, what makes AI ethical? How do […]

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By Tom Naxton on 30 May, 2019

Love – 30: IBM and Wimbledon celebrate 30 years of Technical Partnership and Innovation

With the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet club readying themselves to open the doors for Wimbledon 2019 on July 1st, IBM will be celebrating a three-decade partnership of technological innovation with the world’s most prestigious tennis tournament. Both parties are busy preparing themselves to serve up the best fan engagement experience to date, powered […]

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By David Metcalfe and David Terrar on 30 May, 2019

Cloudy with some fog on the edge

To quote Monty Python “what have the Romans ever done for us”? The same question in the future may well be asked of cloud computing, and how it has changed the face of computing, driven a new wave of technology and enables business/digital transformation. So what has cloud computing done for us? Most people think […]

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By David Terrar and David Metcalfe on 29 May, 2019

Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!

There is a Danish saying you may have heard that “it’s difficult to make predictions, especially about the future”.  That’s never been truer than in today’s challenging business landscape.  The rate of change is increasing exponentially.  New technologies, new ways of working and new business models are emerging.  How do you make sense of it […]

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By Ulrich Schimpel on 16 May, 2019

Blockchain Project Roadmap

Over the past month, Stacy and her peers – all department head of a large government agency – have been frequently exposed to dozens of articles and events around blockchain, talking about the great potential it could unlock in the government domain. Yet, she and her colleagues are struggling to see a feasible approach to […]

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By Dan Bailey on 15 May, 2019

Pitching for Success: Deepening Customer Engagement with AI

News reports tend to sensationalise the existing state and future potential of AI technology, leading to unrealistic expectations in the business community and generating unfounded concerns in wider society. Thanks in part to the hype surrounding AI, many C-level executives are unsure how they can add value to their organisations with the technology. Recent research […]

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By Chris Williams on 3 May, 2019

Artificial Intelligence – a team sport

What does it mean to deploy artificial intelligence into your business and what makes an AI project successful? These are some of the many questions we will be tackling in depth at our upcoming event on the 21st May at The Groucho Club, but until then, here are some topics you might wish to consider. […]

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By Holly Cummins on 23 April, 2019

Redefine the rules. Realise transformation.

What’s the point of architecture that can go faster, if you don’t go faster? As the Worldwide Development Discipline Leader for the IBM Cloud Garage, I work with clients who are trying to shift their businesses to the cloud as a way to beat their competitors to market, now and in the future. Companies feel […]

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By Craig Hartwell on 18 April, 2019

MobileID: ID verification with IBM Cloud

Thanks to the internet, business is more globalised than ever. But with fewer face-to-face transactions, how can organisations be sure that potential customers are who they say they are? At MobileID, we’re providing an answer with our ID verification mobile apps built in the IBM Cloud. Solving the identity puzzle Building trusted relationships is an […]

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By Corinne Doherty on 16 April, 2019

Cloud adoption – get beyond that 20% barrier

Cloud adoption is already high, but mainly comprises non-core workloads. As many as 70 percent of executives say their organisations use multiple clouds today, hence the common phrase multicloud. But so far, they have been using them primarily for non-core workloads; 80 to 90 percent of enterprise workloads have not yet migrated to the cloud. Hybrid multicloud […]

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By Anne-Gaelle Chasles on 3 April, 2019

Virtual Retail – How AI is enabling a dialogue to make customer engagement personal

Retailers are on the front line of a dramatic shift in the way customers engage with businesses. The internet and smartphones have ushered in an “always-on” culture whereby we expect to be able to find everything we want and need at the swipe of a screen, to be delivered at a time that suits us. […]

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By Chris Williams on 3 April, 2019

Who is the best teacher of artificial intelligence?

When it comes to teaching Artificial Intelligence (machine learning), who is best placed to be the teacher? The ability to pass on your knowledge to others is a great gift and the best teachers are those who not only can “do” (unlike the old adage) but also excel in doing. But what about teaching a […]

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By Francesco Melcarne on 1 April, 2019

Using blockchain to improve public safety

Graham is an officer in his country’s counter terrorism police force. Since the rise of social networks, he can draw on many information sources in his investigations and exploit the recent advances in big data technologies. Graham investigates counter terrorism cases where sharing information on threats with intelligence agencies around the globe would be beneficial. […]

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By Ulrich Schimpel on 28 March, 2019

Blockchain and Government: International Taxation

It’s the same old story.  International companies and cross-country commuters file their huge bulk of tax declarations once a year. Nancy’s department is responsible for checking these declarations against international tax treaties and local taxation rules, interacting with the companies, employees and other tax authorities to clarify issues and to correct the values where necessary. […]

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By David Metcalfe on 25 March, 2019

From flags to Yam stations to digital! Networks – more important than ever

I have recently finished reading about the life of Genghis Khan, his battles and all conquering armies and his heirs. So how do you get to Genghis Khan and networks in the same sentence whats the link? Ghengis and his predecessors were not only masters at warfighting and land grabbing they were also very clever. […]

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