
By Corinne Doherty on 16 April, 2019

Cloud adoption – get beyond that 20% barrier

Cloud adoption is already high, but mainly comprises non-core workloads. As many as 70 percent of executives say their organisations use multiple clouds today, hence the common phrase multicloud. But so far, they have been using them primarily for non-core workloads; 80 to 90 percent of enterprise workloads have not yet migrated to the cloud. Hybrid multicloud […]

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By David Metcalfe on 25 March, 2019

From flags to Yam stations to digital! Networks – more important than ever

I have recently finished reading about the life of Genghis Khan, his battles and all conquering armies and his heirs. So how do you get to Genghis Khan and networks in the same sentence whats the link? Ghengis and his predecessors were not only masters at warfighting and land grabbing they were also very clever. […]

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By Paul Farrell on 16 April, 2019

Cloud adoption – get beyond that 20% barrier

Cloud adoption is already high, but mainly comprises non-core workloads. As many as 70 percent of executives say their organisations use multiple clouds today, hence the common phrase multicloud. But so far, they have been using them primarily for non-core workloads; 80 to 90 percent of enterprise workloads have not yet migrated to the cloud. Hybrid multicloud […]

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By Tom Naxton on 14 March, 2019

Cloud Expo Europe 2019 – We’ve had the conversations, now let’s build the future together!

Cloud Expo Europe 2019 has come and gone in the blink of an eye. The London Excel saw thousands of delegates descend upon it throughout the course of Tuesday and Wednesday this week, eager to see the latest cloud innovations the industry has to offer as well as have meaningful conversations to help further their […]

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By Moya Brannan on 12 March, 2019

Home is where the heart is

The modern family is not one where we all live in the same house, this is often driven by our desire for independence, once we become adults, we more often than not want to spread our wings and build our own nest. However as “adult children” move away, their parent and elderly relatives grow older […]

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By Tom Naxton on 1 March, 2019

IBM – Headline Sponsor at Cloud Expo Europe

It’s that time of year again when the great and the good of the Cloud world converge on London and showcase their wares to an eager delegation of attendees. Yes, Cloud Expo Europe 2019 is almost upon us. IBM will be there as the headline sponsor for the event, there will be numerous opportunities to […]

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By Bill Kelleher on 22 February, 2019

England Rugby and IBM

With England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales all set to play this weekend, rugby is on many of our minds. You may have seen that The Rugby Football Union (RFU) recently announced IBM as an official partner of England Rugby, which is something I’m very excited about. Under the partnership, we are working together using IBM Cloud […]

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By Bill Kelleher on 17 January, 2019

The next level of collaboration between IBM and Vodafone

I’m excited to share the next level of our two decades of collaboration between IBM and Vodafone today, which accelerates our strategy to drive consistent and open Cloud management. Our two companies have entered a new strategic commercial agreement to provide clients with the open, flexible technologies they need to integrate multiple clouds. We’ve also […]

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By David Metcalfe on 3 December, 2018

Application Modernisation – Rewrite what’s necessary, but don’t necessarily rewrite!

I’m in a very fortunate position to speak to lots of customers from various industries, across the UK, lately the conversations have been about application modernisation and the choices available to businesses. In this first in a series of blogs I want to share the options that IBM brings to organisations who are embarking on […]

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By Andreas Haimboeck-Tichy on 1 November, 2018

Cloud computing; is it the treatment for our over-burdened NHS?

Faced with a growing, maturing population and diminishing resources, it’s crunch time for the NHS. Rising patient numbers mean there’s more data to interpret, which puts a strain on ageing technology. Combine this with a public that expects faster, more secure, more personalised care, and something has to change. Under these pressures, the NHS struggles […]

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