Artificial Intelligence

By Chris Nott on 22 November, 2018

Engineering bias out of AI

Notorious examples of bias in facial recognition algorithms have received a lot of adverse coverage this year.  It highlights the explosion of bias in AI systems and algorithms, but according to IBM Research, only unbiased AI will survive.  To counter such bias, companies like IBM have been making data sets and toolkits available.  An example […]

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By Chris Nott on 10 October, 2018

The Ethics of AI in Government

“How was the decision made?” The department’s minister and permanent secretary sat before a select committee looking into a recent tragedy. “The system made the decision using artificial intelligence,” came the reply.  The decision made was poor and had triggered a catastrophic sequence of events. “How did the system make the decision?” the chairman persevered.  […]

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By Russell Johns on 12 September, 2018

AI: If it’s not in your call centre, how are you delivering the best customer service?

Here are a few tips on where to invest and how to get started with AI Be in no doubt, Artificial Intelligence is here, and it is changing everything, augmenting humans to achieve and deliver more. The reality is that AI is impacting our lives in many ways every day, sometimes visible, mostly unseen, and […]

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By Andrew Wilcock on 22 August, 2018

Artificial Intelligence to Analytics: How Wimbledon Extracts Value from Data

From artificial intelligence to analytics, Wimbledon has pioneering the use of technology to improve the fan and player experience. At the start of July, the grass was mown, the strawberries were picked and the AELTC was once again welcoming the world to SW19. Behind the scenes, we were busy too. Over 4 million match statistics were collected as […]

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By Eddie Keal on 17 August, 2018

Retail Banks Must Get Smart With Artificial Intelligence

Retail banking is changing at a blistering pace. Online only challenger banks like Monzo have shot from 50,000 to 750,000 customers in little more than a year. Physical bank branches continue to close, meanwhile some 670 have already shut their doors this year, 879 last year, according to data from consumer rights organisation Which. Never, […]

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By Tony Morgan on 17 August, 2018

Artificial Intelligence Bridges the Supply Chain Gap

Retail and consumer products companies continue to innovate in the area of customer engagement. It’s clear they believe if they don’t do this they’ll be left behind, or possibly even disrupted out of business altogether. At the same time, we continue to see significant investment in operations, including robotics and automation in distribution centres. But […]

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By Sreeram Visvanathan on 17 August, 2018

Artificial Intelligence: New Possibilities for Government

Every company has customers that they care deeply about. Whether you are a retailer selling Italian furniture, an electronics company in China manufacturing the latest computer device, or an oil and gas company delivering oilfield services in Canada, customer is king. However, I would argue that the most important customer-company relationship is that between a […]

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By Daniel Mallinson on 14 February, 2018

IoT and AI at Marwell Zoo: How to Build a Better Bed

What do queues, zoos, and machine learning have in common? Watson IoT, of course! Marwell Zoo is building better beds for their animals with IoT and machine learning. Using Watson IoT Platform, the park’s keepers are working in tandem with IBM, designing a better way to reduce energy consumption. All while creating a more comfortable […]

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