
Governments worldwide are at an inflection point in terms of rising citizen expectations, decreasing budgets, a soon-retiring workforce, and outdated infrastructure. Governments need to digitally transform to deliver services citizens want and need. The public expects the agility and efficiency found in the private sector, and governments must embrace new technology, processes, ideas, and workforce skills to thrive.

By Francesco Melcarne on 21 March, 2019

Architecting Blockchain in Government

Sheila is the CTO in the Digital Transformation Agency of the central Government of her country. She oversees the enterprise architectures of the central Government Administrations.  As Blockchain related projects start running, new modules enter Shelia’s design of the enterprise IT architectures.  She has a lot of experience in her role, but quickly realises that […]

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By Angel Hernandez Bravo on 28 February, 2019

Building citizens’ trust in Government

There are few guarantees of origin and quality for olive oil customers.  Labelling is frequently limited, perhaps stating only the country of production – no details on the type of olive, its quality, the farm which harvested it, or the mill where it was produced. Spain is the world’s leading olive oil producer, responsible for 50% of all production.  Olive oils […]

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By Chris Nott on 21 March, 2019

Architecting Blockchain in Government

Sheila is the CTO in the Digital Transformation Agency of the central Government of her country. She oversees the enterprise architectures of the central Government Administrations.  As Blockchain related projects start running, new modules enter Shelia’s design of the enterprise IT architectures.  She has a lot of experience in her role, but quickly realises that […]

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By Chris Nott on 21 February, 2019

Overcoming Government Inertia

Peter got off the phone from Nina with relief. He now had the support he expected from the Government, but it had taken numerous phone calls and persistence to get it. Within the Government department, Nina and her team had spent several frantic days trying to understand discrepancies in Peter’s records. It had taken a […]

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By Tim Coates and Paul Giangarra on 4 February, 2019

Modernising government services

The UK government knows that delivering better results for all citizens is essential. That’s why government departments are constantly striving to modernise services. However, there are many major challenges to overcome such as programme silos, regulatory burdens and cyber security risks not to mention the cost of maintaining aging IT systems. Of course, cloud technologies […]

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By Chris Nott on 22 October, 2018

Ensuring Trust in Government Services

Becoming Citizen-Driven The focus on the consumer driving digital disruption in commercial sectors has raised expectations of Government.  The whole of government is becoming citizen centric, and digitising government demands that today’s departments silos are spanned.  Government is becoming devolved and decentralised and the technical challenge is accentuated by the business change.  Citizen-centricity demands one […]

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By Chris Nott on 10 October, 2018

The Ethics of AI in Government

“How was the decision made?” The department’s minister and permanent secretary sat before a select committee looking into a recent tragedy. “The system made the decision using artificial intelligence,” came the reply.  The decision made was poor and had triggered a catastrophic sequence of events. “How did the system make the decision?” the chairman persevered.  […]

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By Ian Baker on 18 September, 2018

The government AI project has already begun

Public sector bodies around the world are already reaping the rewards of investing in AI technology. Originally published in NewStatesmen. By Ian Baker. The promise of artificial intelligence is no longer a nebulous concept on the horizon. The private sector is already exploiting its possibilities, and governments are following suit. We use the broad term […]

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By Sreeram Visvanathan on 17 August, 2018

Artificial Intelligence: New Possibilities for Government

Every company has customers that they care deeply about. Whether you are a retailer selling Italian furniture, an electronics company in China manufacturing the latest computer device, or an oil and gas company delivering oilfield services in Canada, customer is king. However, I would argue that the most important customer-company relationship is that between a […]

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By Sharon Bagshaw on 5 February, 2018

Going Beyond Digital Transformation: The Public Sector

In today’s data economy, people, devices and systems are generating the data points to provide more opportunities for insight and connection than ever before. Data forms the lifeblood of any organization across both the private and public sector. While resources are in short supply and the need for cost efficiency is on the rise, this […]

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