Financial Services

By Bharat Bhushan on 5 August, 2019

Open Banking: Cross-industry use cases

The two most common use cases associated with the Payment Services Directive II (PSD2) and Open Banking are account aggregation and payment initiation – typically talked about in the context of benefiting a third-party provider (TPP). However, we know that the ripples of PSD2 are not just limited to the financial services industry. Other industries […]

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By Michael Conway on 6 June, 2019

AI and Banking: Competing with total trust and zero bias

A recent article in The Times highlighted that only half of UK companies have a clear AI strategy in place. There is huge potential for companies across industries to leverage the power of AI to improve their business. The banking sector is no different. But for all its benefits, what makes AI ethical? How do […]

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By Indy Dhami on 5 August, 2019

Open Banking: Cross-industry use cases

The two most common use cases associated with the Payment Services Directive II (PSD2) and Open Banking are account aggregation and payment initiation – typically talked about in the context of benefiting a third-party provider (TPP). However, we know that the ripples of PSD2 are not just limited to the financial services industry. Other industries […]

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By Peter Smith on 17 April, 2019

Getting banks smarter with mortgages

Leading a revolution in the mortgage market Choosing a mortgage is one of the most important financial decisions most consumers ever make. It can also be a difficult one to get right. The days of the 20-year mortgage taken out with the family bank is receding; customers are shopping around for the best deals, both […]

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By Tony Boorman on 7 February, 2019

Building certainty into banking services

A customer-focused approach to resilience Every time a data breach hits the headlines, banks and financial services firms echo their commitment to resilience. But the challenge isn’t going anywhere soon: the likelihood and cost of a data breach is growing year-on-year, with financial services a more likely target than any other industry. The world is […]

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By Indy Dhami on 7 February, 2019

Overcoming the Cloud Security Compliance Conundrum

The growing demand for increased business agility and cost reductions in relation to IT infrastructure and applications is not a new agenda item for C-level executives. It has, however, remained a priority topic in 2018 and will continue to do so in 2019 and beyond. Compliance with various regulations and cloud security requirements has expanded […]

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By Michael Conway on 9 January, 2019

How to be a conversational bank – Seven steps to smarter customer service

In my previous blog post I discussed the emergence of conversational banking – the use of highly-capable virtual agents, underpinned by customer data and cleverly-applied AI, to make digital banking personal. So how do you get started – and what are the key things to focus on? Technology is already enabling conversational banking. Platforms such […]

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By Michael Conway on 23 November, 2018

Banking with personality

The future of banking is conversational People don’t stand for inconvenience these days. We buy everything from shoes to fridge freezers at the swipe of a screen. We stream films on the day of release and watch entire boxsets in one sitting. We don’t wait to catch up with friends in person – we send […]

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By Bharat Bhushan on 19 September, 2018

Digital Transformation – How to Differentiate and Create Competitive Advantage in the Digital Era

Over 60 years, Information Technology (IT) industry has and continues to transform organisations through digitising and automating tasks and processes. Starting with simple mathematical operations, IT has now evolved to highly complex algorithms that, for example, can compute and predict national demand for utility consumption every few minutes. A by-product of automation is data – […]

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By Eddie Keal on 17 August, 2018

Retail Banks Must Get Smart With Artificial Intelligence

Retail banking is changing at a blistering pace. Online only challenger banks like Monzo have shot from 50,000 to 750,000 customers in little more than a year. Physical bank branches continue to close, meanwhile some 670 have already shut their doors this year, 879 last year, according to data from consumer rights organisation Which. Never, […]

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