Roger Needham

By Roger Needham on 6 August, 2019

Understanding visibility in a time of change

From inventory levels to trade barriers, awareness of the position and flow of your supply-chain is more valuable than ever Supply-chain professionals who are looking for new technologies to lower costs and increase profits are bombarded with one term more than almost any other: visibility. It’s the catch-all buzzword in supply chain, but its meaning […]

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By Roger Needham on 14 January, 2019

From hype to help – Making AI real for supply chain professionals

At this point, supply chain professionals might be getting a bit impatient with AI. You’ve likely heard how this technology is poised to revolutionise the supply chain. But as a supply chain professional, you’re not working in R&D; you’re responsible for P&L. The obvious question is: what’s in it for me and my bottom-line performance? […]

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