Manjer Shaikh

By M Shaikh on 25 June, 2024

Securing the AI Frontier: IBM’s Strategic Approach to Mitigating Risks in AI

From an obscure iPhone game developer to a central figure in a privacy firestorm, Hoan Ton-That’s Clearview AI made headlines in 2020 for all the wrong reasons. The company’s groundbreaking facial recognition technology, capable of matching faces to a vast database of images scraped from the internet, was already raising eyebrows. But when a security breach exposed Clearview AI’s client […]

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By M Shaikh on 18 June, 2024

Outsmarting the Digital Rogues: Celerity’s Journey to SOC Modernization

Remember SolarWinds? The software update that delivered malware to thousands? Imagine a legacy security system, slow and reliant on signatures, like a grumpy old guard dog. It barks at familiar threats, but this wolf in sheep’s clothing (the update) slipped right by. Hackers lurked undetected for months, finally wreaking havoc. Legacy defences? Powerless. Moral of […]

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By M Shaikh and others on 30 June, 2023

Securing cyber-physical systems with IBM-Exalens co-created CPDR solution

On December 23, 2015, in the heart of winter, several Ukrainian power companies were targeted by hackers in a well-planned cyberattack. Suddenly, almost a quarter-million people found themselves without electricity, and the companies affected were scrambling to restore power. This wasn’t a random malware that happened to sneak in – the attack was specifically designed […]

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By M Shaikh and others on 27 June, 2023

Are you keeping pace with evolving threat landscape?

There is no doubt that the endpoints are under attack. 83% of organizations studied have had more than one data breach according to IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach report 2022. With 84% of security professionals believing that most attacks will start with the endpoint, means that the endpoints continue to remain the primary attack vector. Breaches […]

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