Executive Partner, Digital Strategy Global Energy Lead Global Business Services

By Keric Morris and Franz Hochstrasser on 9 March, 2020

Developing the solar community

While some progress has been made on renewables deployment – in the US they now make up around 20% of energy production – there is still a long way to go in achieving net zero carbon in energy production. If you then consider that in order to decarbonise transport, heating, cooling and cooking, even with […]

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By Keric Morris on 23 January, 2020

Building new business models to support the energy transition

Across many sectors of industry, we have seen significant disruption in the past few decades. In the retail space, we have seen around 20% of trade go online since the turn of the millennium and a move to out of town retail parks with the corresponding demise of the high street, while in the leisure […]

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By Keric Morris on 16 December, 2019

Climate Change and Energy Transition

We are getting used to news of failure on hitting climate change targets. The latest WMO provisional statement on the state of the Global Climate highlighted that instead of a carbon reduced, carbon emissions actually increased by 1.5% a year over the past decade, requiring a 7.6% reduction every year to 2030 to stay within […]

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