David Metcalfe

By David Metcalfe on 28 August, 2020

AIOps – reducing the cost of downtime

For too long – data has been held captive within our systems of record.  Isolated by the rigidity of platform/application/workload choices, segregated by business line, business function, and data type or initial usage. The result is splintered views of segmented data that’s difficult to access on the whole, and impossible to attempt to gain true […]

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By David Metcalfe and David Terrar on 10 July, 2019

Every cloud has a shadow hiding!

Apologies for the play on words – couldn’t resist it! This is our third blog, continuing the series of “where we’re going we don’t need roads” #dontneedroads, and for those of you wanting the throwback link how about Cliff Richard and the Shadows (cue Apache or Summer Holiday for those of a certain age!) So […]

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By David Metcalfe and David Terrar on 30 May, 2019

Cloudy with some fog on the edge

To quote Monty Python “what have the Romans ever done for us”? The same question in the future may well be asked of cloud computing, and how it has changed the face of computing, driven a new wave of technology and enables business/digital transformation. So what has cloud computing done for us? Most people think […]

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By David Metcalfe on 25 March, 2019

From flags to Yam stations to digital! Networks – more important than ever

I have recently finished reading about the life of Genghis Khan, his battles and all conquering armies and his heirs. So how do you get to Genghis Khan and networks in the same sentence whats the link? Ghengis and his predecessors were not only masters at warfighting and land grabbing they were also very clever. […]

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By David Metcalfe on 3 December, 2018

Application Modernisation – Rewrite what’s necessary, but don’t necessarily rewrite!

I’m in a very fortunate position to speak to lots of customers from various industries, across the UK, lately the conversations have been about application modernisation and the choices available to businesses. In this first in a series of blogs I want to share the options that IBM brings to organisations who are embarking on […]

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