Corinne Doherty

By Corinne Doherty on 16 April, 2019

Cloud adoption – get beyond that 20% barrier

Cloud adoption is already high, but mainly comprises non-core workloads. As many as 70 percent of executives say their organisations use multiple clouds today, hence the common phrase multicloud. But so far, they have been using them primarily for non-core workloads; 80 to 90 percent of enterprise workloads have not yet migrated to the cloud. Hybrid multicloud […]

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By Corinne Doherty on 8 March, 2019

Cloud Expo Europe 2019: Tips and Tech Talks

Why attend Cloud Expo Europe? According to research from Ovum, while 20 percent of business processes have already moved to the cloud, 80 percent of mission-critical workloads and sensitive data are still running on-premises because of performance and regulatory requirements. As they enter the next phase of their cloud journey, many organizations will be moving […]

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By Corinne Doherty on 15 March, 2018

Top 5 Ecommerce Solutions Retailers Should Use in 2018

Retail has been changing dramatically over recent years, just this weekend I noticed another store in my local shopping centre has closed down. As consumers, we’re digitally savy, turning to our mobile phones to research items, purchase and expect goods to be on our door step within hours. Shoppers that buy both in-store and online have […]

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