
Accelerating Healthcare Transformation through Patient-Centred MedTech Solutions

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Connected devices can transform care delivery for patients and improve outcomes. Putting patients at the centre of a care ecosystem which is more participative and personalised will improve patient engagement, health outcomes and the productivity of healthcare delivery: Designing the digital experience with patients and carers will enable a transformation in the way devices are integrated into care pathways.

Future, connected devices will be a central part of healthcare provision, transmitting real-time data that can deliver a range of benefits from monitoring patient health and making informed real-time treatment recommendations to enabling smarter appointment scheduling, and sharing information with manufacturers for example triggering preventative maintenance.

In this future landscape, the gains are significant and could benefit all participants. Patients will have the opportunity to engage in their treatment more closely, healthcare providers will have options to deliver more personalised and efficient care, and manufacturers will be able to optimise operations whilst extending their solutions to offer value-added services.

Underpinning this vision is data. Capturing, integrating, and managing data effectively is key to achieving the future vision and its associated benefits. Making care more personalised and participative will be enabled by data drawn from connected devices to generate insights, which are fed back in, to enhance care. Any efforts should be underpinned by a robust approach to transparency and data governance.

Now is the time to deliver these changes in care — barriers among the population have fallen and governments are streamlining regulation to accelerate the introduction of digital technologies. Healthcare is dealing with a significant shortage of healthcare professionals globally which means the opportunities for automation and self-service care models have become an operational imperative. Successful delivery of this change will be dependent on a user-centred design which enables the workforce to embrace new ways of working and creates capacity rather than requiring “double-running”.

This represents a clear opportunity for the MedTech industry who should begin to take steps to prepare for success. These should include taking a patient-centred view to understanding the patient journey and wider clinical pathway; working with patients and carers in an agile way to develop a patient engagement experience; choosing the right platform to accelerate the integration of data to enable insights and support experience; and supporting engagement and collaboration across the ecosystem.

Read our new paper to discover how IBM and Salesforce have come together with the ABHI to provide some practical steps, based on previous successes, to help MedTech companies seize the opportunity to deliver this transformation for their patients.

Partner - Client Partner, UK & Ireland

Paul Frodsham

Life Sciences Architect

Abhishek De

Associate Partner - IBM Consulting

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