How AI Will Transform the In-Store Shopping Experience at Macy’s

From the introduction of the Internet to the advent of mobile phones, technology has fundamentally changed how consumers browse, purchase and interact with retailers. This transformation is entering the retail store itself now, as consumers increasingly seek enhanced mobile experiences with in-store navigation, special offers and personalization. In fact, 70% of U.S. shoppers say that […]

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The Promise of IoT Just Got a Little Brighter for Everyone

We are quickly moving from a physical world to a digital world, and thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT), data has become the key to business success and new levels of consumer satisfaction.   In the Cognitive Era, the IoT, applied at scale, can potentially decrease traffic and energy use across a city, and increase […]

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Rethinking Enterprises, Ecosystems and Economies with Blockchains

My family is currently experiencing the joy of purchasing a new home. One of the painful parts of acquiring a new home, however, is the trail of paper and documents that need to be exchanged, signed and validated. Between mortgage lenders, insurance companies, inspections and government checks, it can be a lengthy process to legally […]

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Blockchain and the Future of Trust

Experience teaches us that those who move quickly to embrace disruptive technologies benefit the most from them. The same will be true for the emergent technology called blockchain. As a powerful instrument of trust, blockchain enables parties to exchange goods and services with one another or make payments with far greater confidence. This provides distinct […]

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How Watson IoT is Making Buildings Better

We spend most of our lives in buildings – the places where we live, work, socialize, shop and relax. It is not surprising, therefore, that their design and usability so significantly affect the performance of their users. For example, experience tells us that everything from poor air conditioning to bad coffee can lower productivity and morale […]

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Social, Mobile, & Cloud, Just the Latest In History of Sports Innovation

Technology unlocks the history of sport. It is also the key to understanding sport’s future. Modern sport has been driven by three overlapping aspects of innovation: participation technology, spectatorship technology and media technology. Today’s digital era unites all three. In Victorian England, “participation technology” allowed sport to move beyond pockets of parochial play and settle […]

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VA Enlists Watson to Help Doctors Scale Precision Cancer Treatment

At the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), there is nothing more important than the trust of our veterans. Ensuring they are confident in the care they are receiving is one of our top priorities, and one of the most critical components of their healing, health and wellbeing. But each person’s healthcare journey is different […]

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Using Cognitive Visual Analytics to Help Tackle Australia’s National Cancer

Australia has the highest incidence of melanoma in the world, accounting for 80 percent of all newly diagnosed cancers in the country. According to the Melanoma Institute Australia, an Australian will die from melanoma every six hours. With these figures it’s not surprising that melanoma is often called Australia’s national cancer. Clinicians do not always […]

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Wimbledon Aces Digital Experience for Fans Around the World

For two weeks every year, the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club transforms from a private tennis club in a leafy London suburb to the host of one of the most prestigious sporting events in the world: the Wimbledon Tennis Championships. Since 1990, IBM has been the Official Supplier of Information Technology and consultant […]

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IBM Stands Strong with its LGBT Employees

LGBT Pride Month is an opportunity for all of us to pause and consider that while progress has been made to afford equal rights to all, we still have much more work to do. That includes standing up against discriminatory legislation that has emerged in certain U.S. states and leading discussions in the aftermath of […]

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How I Helped Design an App That Puts Data to Work for Boots UK

In 2015, I had an amazing opportunity to go with a team from Boots UK to the Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California, to help design a new IBM MobileFirst for iOS app for iPad that would help me and my colleagues better serve our customers. I work in a Boots store in Norwich, England, as a […]

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How Watson and I Brought the Sorting Hat to Life

While IBM Watson is an expert at tackling business and societal challenges like water shortages in California, cognitive systems can also be creative – from testing ingredient combinations and creating unusual recipes to helping designers consider unique combinations of colors and fabrics for a new cognitive dress. Developer teams are working constantly and creatively, using […]

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