How Cognitive & IoT are Transforming Businesses Large and Small

In what seems like the blink of an eye, the Internet of Things (IoT) has gone from an idea to a reality and its impact is being felt everywhere. Every day I am steeped in discussions about the transformative impact of the dynamic duo of IoT and cognitive technologies. These innovations extend all the way […]

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Three Ways Cognitive Computing Can Transform Banks

Bank customers’ demands are increasing. They want more personalized experiences than banks can currently provide. Customers expect their financial services institutions to treat them like retailers do — with personalized interactions based upon such things as their lifestyles, place of residence, background and preferences. Relationship management has become essential. That’s just one of the findings […]

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Resiliency Meets New Complexities in a Hybrid World

Most of us have grown accustomed to using our smartphones to deposit checks, and have never given a second thought to glancing at our wrists to learn the number of calories we just burned during that spin class. We often take for granted the accessibility and practicality of the technology we use in our everyday […]

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Tech Support of the Future Will Be Cognitive

Today, retail shoppers expect to get consistency in brand interactions across channels. Thanks to advances in technologies like Internet of Things, analytics, social media, and more, they have come to expect relevant and timely offers based on their online behavior, purchase history, and “in-the-moment” experience, as well as on more personal or social events, such […]

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Find Your Positivity with Chevrolet and Watson

A positive, never-give-up attitude has been a driving force for Chevrolet for more than a century – thanks in large part to the determination and competitive nature of our founder, Louis Chevrolet. Louis’ desire to win on the track, led to innovations to make a more competitive car. And for more than a century the […]

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Transforming IBM in the Cognitive Era

One of the buzzwords of today is ‘digital transformation.’ Everyone’s talking about it, but what does it really mean? At IBM, we define it as a transition from traditional tools and methods to digital technologies that enable innovation in a particular domain, and lead to improved business performance and much simpler user experiences. One of […]

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The Internet of Things – Changing the Way We Live

We live in an age of immense technological and social change, much of which has been brought about by the emergence of advanced technologies such as cognitive computing, the Internet of Things and robotics. In fact, the current pace of change and the potential for further transformation is so great that many see this as […]

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How to Design Hybrid Clouds for Innovation, Efficiency and Growth

Cloud computing has evolved from a technological innovation to an integral part of business. Organizations are increasingly turning to cloud, and for many, a hybrid cloud is the best choice because it’s a blend of public cloud, private cloud and traditional information technology (IT) platforms. Business conditions and requirements define the best type of hybrid […]

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IBM Research Takes Watson to Hollywood with the First “Cognitive Movie Trailer”

How do you create a movie trailer about an artificially enhanced human? You turn to the real thing – artificial intelligence. 20th Century Fox has partnered with IBM Research to develop the first-ever “cognitive movie trailer” for its upcoming suspense/horror film, “Morgan”. Fox wanted to explore using artificial intelligence (AI) to create a horror movie […]

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How One Designer Tapped Cognitive for Melbourne Spring Fashion Week

Iconic Melbourne Couture designer, JASONGRECH and IBM are turning fashion on its head, launching a couture collection developed using IBM cognitive technologies to understand the latest, as well as next season’s runway trends. The JASONGRECH Cognitive Couture, the first such collection in Australia, debuted at Melbourne Spring Fashion Week this week. Working with IBM Watson, […]

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Building Bridges with the Next Generation of Problem Solvers

As the Summer Olympic Games in Brazil recently drew to a close, one of the event’s most historic competitions came to mind: the marathon. The long hours, intense training, and laser focus leading up to the race look to be well worth the effort as each runner crossed the finish line and achieved a long-held […]

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Driving Cognitive Research in Johannesburg

Nearly 100 years ago, IBM established its first operations in Africa, and began playing a vital role in the continent’s economic development – boosting the capabilities of its people and institutions through technical education, training, infrastructure, governance and scientific research. In 2013, the company drove deeper into Africa opening its first research lab on the […]

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