Driving the World’s Most Accurate Weather Forecasts

Weather forecasting is a data challenge on the scale of few others. Weather is perhaps the single largest external swing factor in business performance today, responsible for an annual economic impact of nearly half a trillion dollars in the U.S. alone. We all need help anticipating weather’s effects on us whether it’s a simple question […]

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One Year In, Blockchain Grows Stronger

It is hard to believe that almost a year has passed since the Linux Foundation formed the Hyperledger Project. On December 17, 2015, the Hyperledger Project was announced and IBM was among several founding members that contributed code to the cause. The code was given the simple name of Fabric. The initial goal of Fabric […]

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BMW Hits the Fast Lane with IBM Cognitive

When it comes to our cars, drivers are asking for new features powered by the Internet of Things (IoT) and companies like IBM and BMW Group are answering their call. In fact, today we announced a new collaboration focused on exploring how Watson cognitive computing can personalize and enhance the driving experience. And when I […]

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How to Fix the Fake News Phenomenon

Academics, medical professionals, humorists and others gathered in New York City last week at the Future Today Summit to share their expertise in how technology is changing the world, and how man can and will adjust to it. Amy Webb, After the event, Founder and CEO of the Future Today Institute, and also an adjunct […]

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One Girl’s Journey into Programming

Like a lot of high schools, mine has a wide range of extracurricular activities, from academic clubs, such as Math Honor Society, to sports teams like outdoor beach volleyball. But there’s one that’s fairly unique: an organization of driven, smart young ladies called All Girls Code. The All Girls Code club was started a couple […]

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Putting Watson to the Test for Cancer Care

As a practicing neuro-oncologist, I believe in a collaborative approach to cancer care – involving the patient, their family, caregivers and a variety of clinical specialists. The cancer journey is challenging in so many ways that “going it alone” just isn’t an option if your goal is the best possible outcome. And today, with the […]

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Age Matters

Today, most people can expect to live into their seventies and beyond. According to a US Census Bureau report, within the next 15 years the world will have close to a billion people over the age of 65, and for the first time in human history, people aged 65 and over will outnumber children under […]

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What it Will Take for Us to Trust AI

The early days of artificial intelligence (AI) have been met with some very public hand wringing. Well-respected technologists and business leaders have voiced their concerns over the (responsible) development of AI. And Hollywood’s appetite for dystopian AI narratives appears to be bottomless. This is not unusual, nor is it unreasonable. Change, technological or otherwise, always excites […]

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How Knowledge-Based Analytics Can Drive Drug Discovery for Life Sciences

Data-driven analytics is far from a new concept in healthcare. From improving population health and disease management, to advancing precision medicine initiatives, data-driven analytics have laid the foundation for more targeted care for decades. But in today’s information-overloaded environment, where the data is only as powerful as the insights generated from it, the key actually […]

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Advancing AIDS Treatment Through Machine Learning

According to estimates, 17 million people worldwide are currently being treated for AIDS – that’s more than ever before despite the fact that the number of people being infected with the virus has gone down. The secret is the ‘cocktail’ that is helping AIDS patients live longer, which is essentially increasing the population of AIDs […]

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Amping Up the Fan Experience

Today’s tech savvy sports and entertainment fans expect a fully immersive event experience from the moment they leave their homes. Creating the ultimate fan experience means meeting fans where they are, providing them with a platform to interact seamlessly and securely, and giving them fast, uninterrupted access to rich, analytics-driven content, personalized for their needs […]

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Transforming Retail this Holiday Season with Cognitive Computing

Holiday shoppers have an infinite digital world of products available for viewing at their fingertips. Stepping into a brick-and-mortar store seems to have lost its appeal. In reality, 85 percent of customers still preferred to shop at physical store last year according to Time Trade. Though that’s positive news for brick-and-mortar retailers, many brands still […]

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