Adopting Cognitive for Better One-to-One Customer Engagement

With increasing frequency, cognitive technologies are helping businesses operate in the past, present and the future all at the same time. Marketing, commerce and supply chain professionals are leveraging cognitive solutions to understand what’s happening across their businesses for specific insights about real-time activity. These “in-the-moment” snap shots are just as critical as historical data. […]

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Cloud Innovate: An Easier Way to Process Your Cloud Migration

Key to cloud transformations is the redefining of long-established IT infrastructure and application practices and protocols. Determining which processes and methods to retire, migrate, and modernize for cloud, while also creating new microservices and capabilities through APIs using cloud native development, will help organizations realize the entire value of cloud. At IBM, we’re working with […]

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Resiliency Communications in the Cloud: The Forecast Looks Bright

Extreme weather events now represent the second most likely risk factor facing businesses today. In 2016 alone, weather-related problems inflicted $53.5 billion in economic damage on U.S. communities. Such impact is driving improvements across disaster recovery and crisis management communications processes in the enterprise. And as more organizations begin their data center transformations, moving some […]

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Cognitive is the New Black at New York Fashion Week

Next fall when you’re out shopping for the hottest fashion trends, you may come across a lot of gray, brown and black tones like nickel, umber, and raisin black, and for pops of color, sea blue and maroon. Fall 2017’s dominant color palette is just one of the insights Watson unveiled from analyzing hundreds of New York […]

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How the Move to Cloud Can Drive Enterprise Resiliency

When the time comes to move to a new apartment or buy a new house, we’re reminded of how painful the moving process can be. But it doesn’t have to be. Although the to-do list can seem daunting, with careful preparation and planning, moving your belongings from point A to point B can be much […]

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Paving the Path to Universal Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is the most exciting new frontier of information technology. A universal quantum computer promises us more complete knowledge of our environment, down to the molecules that make up everything around us. And much like when the first room-sized computers were turned on in the 1940s, a quantum computer’s full potential is unknown and […]

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Lowering the Barriers to Global Trade with Blockchain

Ninety percent of the goods in the global market are at some point transported by ocean shipping container. To get these shipments from one port to the next, a complex series of interactions must take place. Global shipping and logistics leader, Maersk, found in 2014 that a single, simple shipment of refrigerated goods from East […]

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Sparking the Next Wave of Innovation in AI

Significant advances in artificial intelligence over the past few years have broadened AI’s reach into industries such as healthcare, finance and even retail. Businesses and consumers alike are benefiting from the rise of big data and the growth of AI techniques like deep learning and natural language processing. But we’re still only scratching the surface […]

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Business Mobility Gets a Cognitive Upgrade with IBM Watson

Ten years ago, the iPhone and iPad did not even exist but today, it’s hard to remember life before mobile devices. When I forget my iPhone  at home, I feel anxious or like I’m constantly missing something. Let’s face it: no one feels the same way about leaving a pen behind. Mobile devices are transforming […]

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Paul Rizzo – An Appreciation

The name Paul J. Rizzo is unknown to most current IBMers, but Rizzo was among the titans of the technology industry. He helped lead the company during a period of tremendous growth — and then returned, during IBM’s most troubled period, to help choose a new CEO and put the company on its modern path. […]

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Women of Color in STEM Take Center Stage at the Oscars

When the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences holds the 89th Oscars this Sunday, I’ll be rooting for “Hidden Figures” to win Best Picture, and Octavia Spencer to win Best Supporting Actress. Since both Black History Month and National Engineers Week occur in February, it would be great if during this month, the movie […]

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Northern Trust Trusts Blockchain for Private Equity

Today, private equity tends to be an opaque, costly endeavor. Often, ten percent or more is spent on administration. In addition, the administrative activities are manual and can take a great deal of time to complete. In the past, this information (or its owners) was not trusted enough to be digitized. So when Northern Trust […]

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