Migrating to the Cloud is Today’s Business Imperative

With some analysts projecting that within the next two years almost 85 percent of companies are expected to adopt a hybrid cloud infrastructure, enterprise CIO’s have a big job in front of them. CIO’s need to find an approach that enables them to migrate workloads in real-time and integrate their existing infrastructures to the cloud. […]

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Faster, Easier, and More Reliable Digital Transactions with Blockchain

Digital payments have fundamentally changed how many of us conduct our financial affairs, from day-to-day purchases to international transactions. Consider the following scenario. From my home in London, I search online for present for a friend. I find the perfect gift; it’s from an American retailer, and once I enter my credit card information, the […]

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How Poland’s Central Securities Depository Uses IBM Blockchain to Revolutionize AGM Voting

The advent of the Internet and mobile technologies has resulted in the emergence of unconventional economies, and dramatic changes in human behavior. Just think how often we now check our phones to engage with friends, share experiences, and connect with businesses using mobile apps. Digital transformation is forcing organizations to rethink their businesses in response […]

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Paving the Road to Self-Sovereign Identity with Blockchain, Open Standards

Imagine a world in which you always have peace of mind that your personal information is safe. Imagine a world in which your information cannot be shared without your clear, explicit consent at the time of the transaction; where you decide who can access what information, when, and for how long. In this world, you […]

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Bringing the Power of Deep Learning to More Data Scientists

New AI technologies like machine learning and deep learning are fitting ever more snugly into the shifting enterprise landscape. Deep learning in particular is being adopted by an increasing number of enterprises for expanded insights and with the aim to better serving their clients. Thanks to more powerful systems and graphics processing units (GPUs), we […]

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Interested in Blockchain? Start Thinking About Talent

As more companies across a wide range of industries move from trying blockchain, to starting blockchain-based networks, demand for the technology’s skills is exceeding supply. Blockchain has been around for years but the tech itself is just a fraction of any blockchain solution. Companies working with blockchain are looking to hire more than merely software developers; they’re looking […]

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The Rise of the Health Cloud

In a world of increasingly connected patients and devices, the global healthcare and life sciences community has a renewed – and some would say sharpened – focus on improving patient engagement and health outcomes. As a result, many are exploring how an enterprise health cloud can support these efforts. What are they looking for? Health […]

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Minding the Tech Gap for Women

We live in an age when technology is transforming every facet of our society. In addition to innovations and inventions that are fundamentally changing lives and spawning new business, tech is also creating entirely new careers in areas such as security, blockchain, AI and health care. But while tech opportunities abound in our global economy, […]

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Sears Home Services, Golden State Foods Turn to IBM IoT

Experts predict there will be 20.4 billion “connected things”  deployed by 2020. The billions of sensors on these Internet of Things (IoT) devices are already generating tons of data. Through exciting new innovations in data management and analytics, companies are beginning to exploit this data to cull critical insights that can be used to positively […]

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Q&A: Accessibility Researcher, Peter Fay, On Leveraging Cognitive

Peter Fay is an Accessibility Researcher at IBM and is working on a number of cognitive projects, including one dedicated to helping people “age in place.” The IBM THINK Blog caught up with Peter recently to get his views on accessibility research, innovation and the next generation of researchers. The following is an excerpt and is […]

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Connecting Innovations to Support the New Retail Experience

As customers walk into retail stores today some of the first things they notice are interactive kiosks and screens offering convenience and fast new ways to find and pay for items. These electronic displays serve a very useful, customer-specific purpose, but there’s much more to this story than what meets the eye. Recent data from the U.S. […]

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The Digital Experience Kicks in at Atlanta United’s Training Field

In professional sports the experiences of players, staff and fans occur well beyond the game – from game day to non-game days. And increasingly, each one of those groups demand better digital experiences, from the moment they leave their homes. This understanding was at the core of our work to design and implement an infrastructure for […]

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