Where Cyber Resiliency Can Make an Impact in 2018

Over the last year, frequent cyberattacks, data breaches, and other IT disruptions have garnered significant media attention and raised a new level of awareness among business leaders, IT professionals, and the general public. While that heightened awareness is a positive development, the mandate to secure and protect data is a growing business concern. Therefore, it […]

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Future Designers Unleash Creativity with AI

At Tommy Hilfiger, we have always been industry pioneers and driven by our vision to break conventions. We are constantly seeking new ways to evolve and respond to our consumer’s expectations. In this age of newness, it’s more important than ever to evolve and deliver on the instant gratification that consumers are looking for. Two years ago, we had the unique […]

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Propelling the Mobile Enterprise in 2018

When it comes to the digital workplace, we view it in terms of stages, or generations. The first was device-centric and included a one-size-fits-all model, in which every employee received essentially the same type of device, the same applications, and the impersonalized levels of support service. The second generation focused on limited device choices and […]

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IBM Patents: the Foundation of Innovation and Discovery

The strategic use of intellectual property has been at the core of IBM’s success throughout our 107-year history. We have always sought an approach to patenting that balances proprietary and open innovation. Patents not only allow us to grow and thrive as a company but they also enable us to advance the cause of technology […]

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How Teamwork Can Help Foster Scientific Breakthroughs

Humans understand and extract knowledge from the images and sounds that they experience, and we’re trying to teach computers to mimic those processes to benefit society. I lead the accelerated cognitive infrastructure research team at IBM Research. My team works on deep learning, part of artificial intelligence (AI). Our goal is to combine hardware and […]

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Driving Innovation in Telecommunications with Blockchain

Over the last year, we’ve seen blockchain disrupt several industries, and organizations are quick to realize the positive impact of adopting this emerging technology. Communication service providers (CSPs) are no exception. In a world that increasingly revolves around data, customer experience, trust and digital ecosystems, CSPs are reinventing themselves to stay relevant in a highly […]

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CEVA Links Cognitive Supply Chain to Holiday Season Rewards

CEVA is a multi-billion dollar global supply chain management company that works with some of the busiest retailers in the business. We’re responsible for everything from contract logistics to freight management, packing and shipping, and all on a global scale. Our business is much more than simply moving things from A to B. We operate […]

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Refining Transformation in the Oil & Gas Industry with Cognitive

For large organizations, embarking on digital transformations can be challenging during even the best of times. But the severe downturn in commodity prices over the past three years has made transformations for oil & gas (O&G) companies, in particular, more crucial and increasingly complex. When the need to drive cost savings and increase value creation […]

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Five Emerging Trends in Technology Support Services

In recent years, the field of technology support has evolved rapidly to catch up with disruptive services technologies. In the meantime, technology innovation has led to fundamental changes in how support services are delivered. We highlight the following five technology trends expected to drive the evolution of the technology support services industry, and to shape […]

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Getting the World Quantum Ready

The world took a big leap forward toward quantum computing readiness, today. A dozen international organizations representing Fortune 500 companies, academia, and the government joined the newly minted IBM Q Network. Together, we are committed to exploring scientific and commercial applications of quantum computing, leveraging IBM’s recently-announced 20-qubit commercial system – and, soon, our next-generation […]

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Doing Well By Doing Good

Communities around the globe face an overwhelming number of intractable problems –from income inequality to climate change, to job creation and the spread of deadly and incurable diseases. No one sector – whether government, business, academia or civil society – can tackle today’s challenges all by itself. All sectors must work together, and all must […]

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Open APIs for Open Banking: How Poland’s Alior Bank Does It

The banking industry is going through a technological revolution on a mass scale, as more clients turn to digital channels. With fewer visits to bank branches and fewer transactions made over the counter, financial operations have gone digital. This shift has led to the growth of FinTechs, technology companies which are increasingly expanding into financial […]

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