IBM Makes Advanced AI More Accessible for Users Everywhere

Artificial intelligence will be the most disruptive class of technologies over the next decade, fueled by near-endless amounts of data, and unprecedented advances in deep learning. The rise of deep learning has been fueled by three recent trends: the explosion in the amount of training data; the use of accelerators such as graphics processing units […]

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How Watson Assistant Helps You Treat Customers Like VIPs

Over the last few years, digital assistants have cemented their place in our homes, helping execute routine day-to-day tasks, from turning on our televisions to telling us about “this day in history.” But these devices have also accomplished something else, they have laid the groundwork for what’s next: truly intelligent AI assistants that get to […]

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Bringing Sophisticated Security and AI to the IBM Cloud

There are two major themes that bookend the enterprise conversation about cloud adoption. On one hand, businesses are compelled to move more workloads to the cloud to seize the new opportunities presented by AI, Machine Learning, IoT or even next-generation quantum computing or risk getting left behind. On the other hand, concerns about security and […]

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New Relic Teams with IBM to Expand in Europe, Speed Cloud Adoption

As more companies turn to the cloud for the agility and innovation it offers, they’re also looking for the highest level of control and visibility into their data as possible: from where it resides to the amount of infrastructure and resources a particular workload may be consuming. To help organizations harness the full potential of […]

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How IBM is Bolstering its Multi-Cloud Strategy

Businesses around the world are moving to the cloud to drive innovation. But the majority aren’t moving to a single cloud. Instead, they’re deploying applications and managing data in several IT environments – be it on-premises, private cloud or public cloud. More than 85 percent of enterprises are expected to adopt this ‘multi-cloud’ architecture by […]

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Why Financial Services Firms are Turning to IBM Cloud Private

This week at Think 2018, IBM’s top executives outlined how IBM is betting on multi-cloud. To understand why, you only have to look at the enterprise cloud market: According to IDC, 85 percent of enterprises will commit to multi-cloud architectures in 2018. And a recent RightScale survey showed enterprises are using an average of 5 […]

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Changing the Way the World Works: IBM Research’s “5 in 5”

Our mission at IBM is to help our clients change the way the world works. There’s no better example of that than IBM Research’s annual “5 in 5” technology predictions. Each year, we showcase some of the biggest breakthroughs coming out of IBM Research’s global labs – five technologies that we believe will fundamentally reshape […]

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Empowering the New Data Developer

After years of frustration with the trucking industry’s slow and inconsistent processes for loading and unloading cargo, Malcolm McLean in 1956 watched as his SS Ideal-X left port in New Jersey loaded with 58 of the world’s first intermodal shipping containers – a product he invented and patented. The defining feature of his container was […]

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Helping Data Science Flourish – One Client at a Time

By now, in 2018, most enterprises have established some type of program to utilize math to help them make money. For many this means taking advantage of data science, or more specifically, machine learning. But despite seemingly widespread adoption, some studies show that more than two-thirds of these companies are failing to realize value from […]

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Millennials Master the Mainframe

When it comes to young people in 2018, what could be more fun than the hottest mobile app or video game? For more than 17,000 of them, it’s the mainframe computer. That’s how many bright young minds from around the world participated in our annual Master the Mainframe contest this year. In this contest, students […]

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Health IT Execs Talk AI at HIMSS18

What if more and better data, equated to more time with patients? As Kyu Rhee, MD, IBM Watson Health’s chief health officer, and a panel of health IT leaders discussed at HIMSS18, this is increasingly the new reality—and augmented intelligence (AI) is helping make it possible. In collaboration with the American Medical Association (AMA), attendees […]

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The Business Value of Design Thinking

Design thinking is a 21st Century skill that anyone working in any industry can benefit from. Here at IBM, our design thinking framework—which is tailor-made to the speed, scale and complexity of the global enterprise—is helping our diverse teams move faster by aligning around the needs of our users. Design thinking is helping us deliver […]

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