Top 5 Unexpected Consequences of GDPR

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is finally here, promising to put individuals back in control of their personal data and harmonize data protection and privacy laws across Europe. But with the May 25 grace period deadline behind us, it’s becoming clear that the regulation will have far greater impact on business and […]

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IBM, CA Pair to Bring the Power of the Mainframe to the Cloud

For companies all over the world, the power of the mainframe is critical to the success of their enterprise transformations. As they transform toward cloud deployment models, many rely on the traditional strengths of the mainframe to maintain secure, reliable, and scalable computing. And for good reason. For example, nearly 80 percent of all enterprise […]

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Addressing Barriers in Health Equity in Cancer with Technology

Like many doctors, I became a physician to care for those who needed it most. That motivation is central to my whole career. It’s why I worked in community health centers for underserved communities in Baltimore and Washington, DC, and pushed initiatives to eliminate health disparities when I worked at the National Institutes of Health. […]

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The Next Enterprise Platform

“What ultimately makes a platform worth using in the long run are the applications that run on it.” – Ben Thompson, Stratechery Platforms drive commerce. Whether in technology or other industries, the creation, acceptance and adoption of platforms spur innovation, efficiency, and productivity. Consider the U.S. Interstate Highway System, which dates back to the 1950’s, […]

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Everledger’s Pioneering Blockchain Work for Diamonds

Businesses are constantly faced with pressures to meet consumer demands and yet delicately balance their business objectives. One of the major shifts is the increasing consumer demand to know more about what they purchase. Within the diamond industry, consumers are seeking more information on their stones and the assurance of authenticity. There has been a […]

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How IBM’s Biggest Business Unit Got Agile

Transformation in today’s business is rarely easy. But when changes must be made within an organization of well over 100,000 employees, it can be downright hard. That’s exactly where IBM’s Global Technology Services (GTS) unit found itself two years ago. With a rapidly expanding global ecosystem and mounting IT complexity, the unit needed a new, […]

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Accessibility: The Intersection of Innovation and Inclusion

On this seventh Global Accessibility Awareness Day, let’s talk, think and learn about digital accessibility, inclusion and people with disabilities. As a researcher, I enjoy technology, especially when it comes to helping people with disabilities. Over the years, our team has invented and developed many new technologies that enable accessibility. I would like to share […]

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First IBM “Q Hub” in Asia to Spur the Quantum Ecosystem

IBM built the first vacuum tube “supercomputer” in 1944, the Mark I. The first digital mainframe, the IBM 1401, came along 15 years later in 1959. The IBM 360 mainframe made history when it was released in 1964 but it would be another 17 years before the PC arrived – a computer that people could […]

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Foreign Aid Enters a New Age of Accountability

“I don’t know why you’d bother giving money to help people overseas, it’s just wasted and taken by corrupt dictators.” I must have heard this comment-masquerading-as-a-questions hundreds of times as I’ve spoken to audiences about the opportunities and challenges of ending extreme poverty by 2030. As a co-founder of Global Citizen, I spend much of […]

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Refining the Expanding Role of Hybrid Cloud

Successful enterprises innovate. They listen, learn and experiment, and after doing so, they either lead or adapt. Or, for those who do not, they risk failure. Possibly nowhere is this more evident than in cloud computing, an environment driven by user demand and innovation. Today the innovation focuses squarely on accelerating the creation and deployment […]

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IBM Acquires Armanta to Help Financial Services Firms Meet Regulatory, Business Demands

As industry pressures continue to grow, financial services companies are seeking to accelerate their ability to meet increasing regulatory requirements and other business demands, such as CECL, FRTB, traded credit risk, ALM and liquidity, portfolio management and more. That’s why today, IBM is announcing its acquisition of Armanta, Inc. (Armanta), a provider of aggregation and […]

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Cracking the Internal Health Code with Deep Learning

The endoscope and colonoscope were first developed in 1880s to look inside the body. Specialists use their expertise and experience to examine the medical images. But sometimes, human error and backend issues can result in misdiagnosis. Population increase and more cases of internal diseases are overloading the medical industry in many major cities in the […]

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