Using Data and Analytics to Combat Human Trafficking

After serving as Deputy Director of Intelligence for the UK Serious Organised Crime Agency – similar to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation – I found that “retiring” really wasn’t an option for me. I couldn’t walk away from the fight against human trafficking and other forms of modern slavery. It’s just too important. And […]

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Reimagining the Fan Experience Through AI

Digital technology has created an expectation among consumers for unique, personalized experiences. Sports teams, performance venues, competitions, major sporting events and award shows are under intense pressure to go beyond staging live entertainment by providing a personalized and interactive fan experience, whether a user is on their couch or in a 100,000-seat stadium. One great […]

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How Wyoming Ranchers Are Counting on IBM Blockchain for Traceability

Wild, wonderful Wyoming. There’s no place like it in the world. With the lowest population of any U.S. state, traditions from the old west endure and form the foundation of our state culture and identity. Chief among these is ranching, which is still practiced the old way in Wyoming, where open range, cattle drives and […]

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A New Way to Accelerate Your AI Plans

Building artificial intelligence (AI) systems involves more than learning how to perform a specific task from data; it requires a strong data foundation and infrastructure architecture. This foundation, as my colleagues have said on this blog many times, assists organizations large and small as they scale the Ladder to AI. As CDO of this great […]

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On the Dedication of the Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Center for Learning

IBMers have built our company on enduring values and principles, and one of those principles has been the importance of continuing to grow and build skills. It’s how we’ve helped the company survive and thrive for 107 years, and it’s why our clients have come to rely on IBM to constantly renew our products, our […]

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IBM Melds Data Science, Business Intelligence on the Cloud

As enterprises turn to artificial intelligence (AI) to beef up business performance and drive competitive advantage, IBM is working to make analytics, data science and machine learning – the core of AI – more accessible and easy for any organization, large or small, via the cloud. It’s no surprise that large organizations understand the value […]

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Five Ways Businesses Can Prepare for Extreme Weather Events

Along the East Coast of the U.S., residents are grappling with the aftermath of Hurricane Florence. Typhoon Mangkut has caused similar damage in Hong Kong, mainland China, and the Philippines, forcing millions to evacuate across the region. According to initial reports, Florence knocked out electricity to more than 1 million businesses and homes, prompted more […]

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Canada Meteorological Center Taps Supercomputer for Advanced Forecasting

It’s been said that weather “informs the Canadian psyche as much as hockey or the maple leaf.” Whether Canadians are planning out their morning commutes for back to school, or dreaming about a family holiday for Thanksgiving, we all make our decisions based on what’s happening outside. Certainly, timely information on the weather is increasingly […]

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IBM Responds to Hurricane Florence

Hurricane Florence made landfall in the Carolinas last Thursday, and already has claimed at least 18 lives, left more than one million people without power, and caused record-breaking floods. Though now downgraded to a tropical storm, Florence’s progress has slowed – which means it continues to saturate already-flooded areas with even more rain. IBM and […]

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Customer Loyalty Revisited with Advanced Personalization

Customer loyalty has become an ever more complex and nuanced discipline. Consumers might stick with a brand because of product quality and price breaks, but they also expect something more than just a transactional relationship. Knowing that companies collect their personal information, consumers want to see that data be the foundation of smart, personalized — […]

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Driving Transformation: How Connected Vehicles Challenge OEMs

When it comes to buying a car today, connected technologies are the new deal-breakers. According to the recent “Car Tech Impact Study” from AutoTrader, 89 percent of buyers are willing to wait for must-have technology features, and nearly half would switch brands in order to get the features they want. It’s no surprise, then, that […]

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Winning with AI

Since the year 2000, 52% of the companies that make up the Fortune 500 have disappeared. They have been acquired, succumbed to performance atrophy, or declared bankruptcy. In this hyper-competitive marketplace, winners and losers are being declared every day. And while artificial intelligence (AI) can be the valve to these pressures, for many, drafting a […]

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