How to Keep a Complex Solution From Going Off the Rails

Any organization with multiple customer-facing touchpoints is bound to have mounting challenges of complexity and efficiency. Canada’s most heavily used urban mass transit system is a case in point. The Toronto Transit Commission has four rapid transit lines, 75 stations, more than 149 bus routes, and 11 streetcar lines that transport more than 500 million […]

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New Certifications to Help Close the Data Scientist Deficit

In this era of swelling data, the mining of insights to predict future outcomes with greater accuracy, to automate tasks, and to recommend actions based on that data is growing increasingly critical for organizations and businesses of all sizes. Such is the role of the data scientist, the profession the Harvard Business Review dubbed the […]

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IBM at Davos: Business Leadership in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Business and government leaders, academics, and heads of international organizations from around the world are gathered in Davos, Switzerland, this week at the 49th annual World Economic Forum. IBM Chairman, President and CEO Ginni Rometty participated in a CEO panel discussion on Tuesday, January 22, on “Business Leadership in the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” which explored […]

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Automakers & the Complete Consumer Experience

In-car connectivity drives consumer choice. With the connected-car market expected by grow by 270 percent between now and 2022, consumer expectations are changing: Around half of consumers now expect to be able to access their smartphone apps through their vehicle’s digital interface. Combined with the evolution of autonomous vehicle technology, automakers face a major change: […]

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IBM Marks More Than a Quarter Century of Patent Leadership with Record Year

IFI CLAIMS Patent Services has announced that for the 26th year, IBM is the top recipient of U.S. patents – a record 9,100, including more than 3,000 patents related to work in artificial intelligence, cloud and quantum computing. Our work in these areas, and others, began long before there were practical enterprise uses for the […]

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Alleviating the Burden of Diabetes with AI

How many decisions do you make per day? From the minute you wake up in the morning until you fall asleep that same evening, you likely have to make endless choices: the route you drive to avoid traffic, what you should order for lunch, when to run errands, what type of exercise you want to […]

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Catalina Digs Deeper Into Data Science to Enhance Shopper Engagements

At Catalina, we’ve been thinking about the impact of data since 1983, when we came up with an idea to leverage grocery store scanners to give shoppers up-to-date product ads and coupons at checkout. More than 30 years later, the shopping experience has changed dramatically. It is not only commonplace for shoppers strolling through the […]

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A Cloud Native Banking Transformation is Upon Us

Last week IBM and Thought Machine announced a partnership that brings together two very different, but highly complementary companies to transform the banking industry as we know it. Banks across the globe are facing multiple levels of market disruption, including everything from rising customer expectations around services, continued pressure on margins, and increased costs of […]

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Promoting Fair Treatment of Persons with Disabilities with AI

International Day of Persons with Disabilities aims to increase awareness and promote the well-being of people with disabilities in every aspect of life. Fair treatment means equal opportunity to access education, find employment, receive healthcare, find information, and participate in society. Increasingly, our education, healthcare, recruitment, and information systems involve technologies based on machine learning. […]

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The Totality of International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2018

We often hear stories about people with disabilities telling either their struggles and challenges, or the incredible, “super-human” things they can do. It’s always an extreme end of the spectrum, helpless or heroes. It’s time for us to recognize that such generalizations are as dehumanizing as simply ignoring the contributions of people with disabilities. A […]

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TradeLens: How IBM and Maersk Are Sharing Blockchain to Build a Global Trade Platform

When IBM and global shipping leader Maersk announced in January 2018 an initiative to create a new global trade platform built on blockchain, the goals were at once simple yet ambitious: to reduce the cost of global shipping, improve visibility across supply chains and eliminate inefficiencies stemming from paper-based processes. In short, to bring global […]

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5 Things Travel & Transportation Companies Should Consider for 2019

In the travel and transportation industry today, digital transformation is at the core of every decision being made by airlines, railways, hotel chains, rental car agencies, and travelers. Data-driven business models have permeated the entire supply chain, and the travel journey for businesses and consumers alike is being transformed as the pace of change accelerates. […]

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