Pharma Companies and the Need to Focus on Solution Outcomes

With the buzz around technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain, the focus easily becomes the technology itself. As companies clamour to integrate new solutions, they need to ensure they leverage technology which solves their needs, rather than shoehorning technologies into their practices, says Christina Busmalis, of IBM. In a conversation with me ahead of […]

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Why the 5G Revolution Needs More than Fiber, Spectrum and Gadgets

Last week’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona spoke to the huge potential of 5G to transform both businesses and lives. The next generation of high-speed, low-latency connectivity promises to usher in a new era of highly contextualized, personalized and high-fidelity experiences that will help turn once far-fetched scenarios into reality. It lays the foundation of […]

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In Their Own Words: Leading Women in Tech Confront the Gender Gap

With only a quarter of U.S. technology jobs currently filled by women[1], there is far more we must do as an industry to close the gender gap. And let’s be clear, closing the gender quality gap benefits society as a whole; there is a strong correlation between business performance and a gender diverse workforce; companies […]

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The Manufacturing Side of Digital Transformation: Smart Factories

The fourth Industrial Revolution, often called Industry 4.0, is now underway. This is the manufacturing side of digital transformation — the tantalizing potential of “smart factories” that deliver intelligence on demand. The evolution of data-driven autonomous systems and machine learning tools underpins the promise of Industry 4.0 as organizations look to connect IoT devices, collect […]

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New Roche Study: Predicting Diabetes-Related Chronic Kidney Disease with Real-World Data

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most severe secondary complications related to diabetes. It is characterized by the progressive loss of the kidney function, beginning with a decline in the glomerular filtration rate and/or albuminuria, eventually resulting in end-stage renal disease. This severe complication often requires dialysis or renal transplant therapy. In January […]

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How IBM is Applying AI to Improve Operational Asset Performance

Data from physical assets has become pervasive in the modern world. With inexpensive sensors, low-cost communications, and the prevalence of cloud computing, data is streaming off of physical assets and devices, and updating us about everything from our teeth brushing habits to how our elevators are running. The revolution goes far beyond consumer technologies. Every […]

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How IBM PAIRS Helps Agribusiness Generate Better Forecasts, Yields

On February 6, IBM announced it would make IBM PAIRS Geoscope – the company’s AI-enabled cloud technology built for geospatial-temporal data – widely available, offering it to data scientists and software developers in industries as diverse as agriculture, finance, retail, energy, and government. IBM had previously made PAIRS (Physical Analytics Integrated Data Repository & Services) […]

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How Future Factories Will Change Manufacturing — and Supply Chains

We’re witnessing a transformation of manufacturing supply chains that’s ushering in the fourth modality of logistics. To ground, air and ocean, we can now add digital. The move to the digital supply chain — the power source for Industry 4.0 — creates multiple opportunities for every company in every industry. But every revolution needs exemplars […]

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Watson Anywhere

A recent PwC study indicated that AI has the potential to add close to $16 trillion to the global economy by 2030, yet the technology has had an adoption rate of only 4%, according to other research reports. There seems to be no debate on the strategic value of AI to a business, so how […]

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New IBM Skills Training to Get Clients Up & Running on AI

We are at an inflection point.  Data Science and AI technologies are not just a continuum of old technologies. They represent a complete paradigm shift that take us from a deterministic world to a probabilistic world, increasing the potential to profoundly change human society, and to become a new engine of economic development. Around the world, […]

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Unpacking 5G Broadband: the Promise and the Reality

Emerging technologies typically attract a lot of hype about how they will change everything. Sometimes the hype gets ahead of a technology’s real potential. In the case of 5G broadband, however, it’s arguable that the transformational benefits of this next-generation broadband wireless technology are actually under-lauded. This may be due, in large part, to its […]

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IBM Watson is Making Connections at the GRAMMYs

There is a game I play whenever I meet someone new. After exchanging the usual pleasantries, I immediately start to look for commonalities between us. Do we live in the same part of the world? Did we go to the same college? Do we know any of the same people? Do we work for the […]

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