What We Learned Breaking a Guinness World Record

Setting a world record takes skill and effort. Breaking a world record takes something more. But that’s what we did several weeks ago in Guadalajara, Mexico. In mid-April, and according to the Guinness Book of World Records, our group at IBM Guadalajara conducted the world’s largest AI software development class ever held, with 775 participants […]

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On International Space Day, Students Create Virtual Assistants with AI

To celebrate International Space Day, IBM hosted 35 students from the Brooklyn-based Pathways in Technology Early College High School program, who got an inside look, and first-hand experience, in how to leverage artificial intelligence for the advancement of space exploration. The P-TECH students learned about CIMON (short for Crew Interactive MObile CompanioN), which was developed by Airbus […]

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Intelligent Tech Turns the Tide on Trafficking

Human trafficking and modern slavery are on the rise around the world. In its latest report, The International Labour Organisation found there are approximately 40.3 million victims of modern slavery. In the UK alone, authorities have seen the number of incidents reported rise by 36 percent in a year, with the Home Office estimating a […]

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How IBM is Using AI to Speed Partner Lead Sharing

Passing quality sales leads from our salespeople to partners is crucial to bolstering a thriving partner ecosystem, and data shows that the faster we can pass these leads on, the greater the chance of closing the deal. According to a 2017 study by IBM’s Chief Analytics Office (CAO), sales leads that are passed within a […]

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The Royal Canadian Navy Drives Change for Tomorrow’s Sailors

As the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) looks to the future and builds tomorrow’s Navy, we want to build that Navy around our sailors – inspiring them, their families and Canadians at large with a digitally-enabled organization that stands tall for Canada and Canadians. We need to take an institution, break with tradition, and embolden our […]

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How One English Football Club Scores Points with AI

Leatherhead Football Club or ‘The Tanners’ as they are known, play in the 7th tier of English Football and are made up of delivery drivers, car salesmen and shop assistants. While it may not seem like your typical AI cohort, the club’s management began working with IBM Watson early this season to provide pre- and […]

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Saying ‘Yes’ to Business Process Automation

Despite popular belief, technological progress has always been supported and enhanced by the collaboration between humans and machines working together. Digitalization is not only about transferring data into an electronic form, but also about using these forms and finding new ways of developing them. Innovation in technology helps us to come up with new ideas, […]

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AI and IoT Help Perfect the Brew at Sugar Creek Brewing Company

Beer-making is one of the oldest and largest industries in the world. Hundreds of years ago, European Monks refined brewing techniques to create some of the most well-known varieties of ale. Then, during the Industrial Revolution, technology like hydrometers and thermometers gave brewers more control of the beer making process, yielding a more predictable product […]

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Bringing AI and Blockchain to Bear on Environmental Challenges

IBM began focusing on environmental sustainability before the first Earth Day was ever celebrated. Addressing environmental challenges requires sustained action because even as we make progress, new challenges emerge. The digital transformation of our business and our clients’ businesses is improving the degree to which we can both examine and address global environmental challenges. Today, […]

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Expecting the Unexpected at the 2019 Masters

The most compelling thing about sports is the uncertainty. Who will step up? Who will choke? How will it end? And by this criteria the 2019 Masters will go down in history as one of the most compelling sports events of all time. This year’s tournament had all the things you have come to expect […]

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How AI and Blockchain are Energizing the Media & Entertainment Industry

When people think of tech in media, their first thoughts are likely around digital platforms that bring more content to our fingertips. Now, leading innovations -– namely, AI and blockchain — are enabling media companies to take this a step further by delivering even more compelling content to broader audiences. AI is being used to […]

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Carrefour and Nestlé Partner with IBM to Extend Use of Blockchain to New Food Categories

Blockchain technology is bringing much-needed transparency and traceability to more parts of the global food supply, including lettuce, spinach, berries and, now, mashed potatoes. International food companies Carrefour and Nestlé announced this week that they will add Mousline purée, a popular instant mashed potato mix available in France, into the Food Trust blockchain network. Mashed […]

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