
Implementatie van de AVG begint met een gedegen assessment

Sinds 25 mei jongstleden is de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) van kracht, de nieuwe privacywet waaraan organisaties moeten voldoen. Recentelijk hebben we bedrijven in verschillende sectoren geholpen met de voorbereiding op de AVG-wetgeving. Daarbij hebben we ons met name gericht op het uitvoeren van privacy impact assessments. Het geven van advies over de te nemen technische en […]

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A New Era of Data Protection

A new IBM Z14 Mainframe has been announced. You can say, what has this to do with Cyber security. Well it has a lot to do with Cyber Security. When you listen, and look around you in the news we see that there are a lot of data breaches. To put this in a bit […]

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People want more control over their data

A recent survey (directed towards Communication Service Providers) by the IBM Institute for Business Value clearly shows that only 4% of the respondents don’t need control over their personal data while the vast majority desire some level of control. As a GDPR consultant, every insight on data privacy is another opportunity to guide how we […]

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