European GDPR Offering Leader, IBM The Netherlands

GDPR and security: balancing crisis and reputation management

A recent survey by Hurwitz & Associates shows that a surprising number of companies are not yet prepared for GDPR-related financial and reputational risks. Those findings are remarkable. Of course security is nothing new: there are already existing laws on data protection and in essence it is not unreasonable for people to expect that organizations […]

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GDPR: get your business case right!

Last month in London, I had the unique chance to speak with one of the people who helped lay the foundation for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the new European data privacy legislation. John Bowman was head of the delegation to the Council of the European Union’s Working Party on Information Exchange and Data Protection […]

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People want more control over their data

A recent survey (directed towards Communication Service Providers) by the IBM Institute for Business Value clearly shows that only 4% of the respondents don’t need control over their personal data while the vast majority desire some level of control. As a GDPR consultant, every insight on data privacy is another opportunity to guide how we […]

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The upside of GDPR: a potential remedy for your “dark” data

How much unnecessary weight is your organization lugging around? Just think of all the data in production systems that nobody uses anymore. And what about dark or unstructured data, fragmented in crumbs throughout emails, presentations, phone notes, spreadsheets, and so much more? Keeping data you don’t need for business or regulatory purposes can be unhealthy […]

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How to take the complexity out of GDPR?

Ever heard the old Chinese story of the blind men and the elephant that came to their town? Each checks out a different part of the animal, resulting in very different impressions of what they’re actually dealing with. A man with good eyesight takes them to feel the whole animal, making them realize that in […]

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Why tell customers about their personal data? Just because GDPR says so?

Transparency is one of the key parts of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with which companies must comply by May 25, 2018. Personally I find this very surprising. I’m not talking about the fact that under this new legislation, individuals gain the right to know what personal data an organization has collected […]

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