
The Day After Tomorrow

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What do you think about when you hear ‘the day after tomorrow’? Is it the Hollywood movie from 2004 with Dennis Quaid? Is it what’s just around the corner? Or is it a guiding principle you apply in day to day business to succeed, now and in the future?

Recently,  I had the opportunity to participate in 3 inspiring events. I was presenting at the IBM Partner Community in the Netherlands, keynoting at the B2B Chief Marketing Officer roundtable in London and participating in the B2B Digital Revolution Event of the Dutch Marketing Association. What these 3 events had in common, both in presentations and discussions afterwards, was the notion of the critical importance of thinking about and planning for the future. How do you succeed as a brand, today, tomorrow and even more important the day after tomorrow. Thinking, planning and executing for tomorrow will not make the difference. It will not make you stand out. It will not set you up for long term success.

The concept to start with ‘the day after tomorrow’ lies close to one of my core habits I adopted from Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits; always start with end goal in mind!  With competition increasing, clients becoming more demanding and technology advancing at warp speed you need have a long term ambition, now more than ever! What is your ultimate aspiration for how you want to make your clients succeed?

Too often we are distracted by operational execution and the rat race to make deadlines or short term operational goals and we forget the long term vision and ambition. How will you enlighten your client, what is the lasting impact you will make in terms of belief, action and advocacy? How do you use new technologies like Watson and Blockchain in Marketing? How are you going to be successful by making others successful?

Answering those questions requires you to create the mental and physical time to Think, to reflect and get inspired. And that is often the challenging part … Where, when and how do you get inspiration to Think? Well … that is where THINK comes in!

Think2018 offers a great starting point for you, your partners and their clients to think about the day after tomorrow. This unique first-of-its-kind global IBM event will gather 40.000 of the world’s most inspiring innovators, leaders, and thinkers in one place, offering inspiration, education, reinvention and innovation! It is about taking the time to step back, and to understand what is going on in the world around AI, Cloud, Data, Security, and Systems and discovering. To get inspired and think about how you can make a difference today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

With keynotes, innovation talks, lab sessions, workshops, executive meetings, certifications possibilities and yes also some good entertainment this truly is an opportunity our clients and partners should not miss out on.

And if the opportunity to THINK about the day after tomorrow in itself is not enough reason? Our partners here in Europe have even more reason to register for Think, including discounted rates, even up to the level of 100%! 
Join in the meeting of minds, at the forefront of innovation!

Looking forward to seeing you in Las Vegas!

Marketing & Communications Director, Global Business Partners, Europe

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