
Only one hour to go….

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Only one hour to go! Looking around here I must admit that there´s no real noticeable stress. Only the English team seems to be in utmost concentration:


from the start they asked us not to disturb them...

from the start they asked us not to disturb them...


Coach Pierre de Wit (IBM): “From the start they worked very structured. In fact, as soon as they came in, they divided the different tasks and started working. Before I knew they had all sorts of undefinable drawings hanging on the walls.”

The Indian team seems less stressed. Their computer screens show impressive drawings, which are even viewable from the hall way. “They were not as relaxed when I spoke to them a few hours ago”, said Water Management specialist Roeland Nagel. They were covering their computer screens, not wanting the competition to see what they´re inventing.” 

The Indian team seems not to worry about the final outcome

The Indian team seems not to worry about the final outcome

The team from Belgium seems to be ready as well. “We only need to finish the last two presentation slides”, says Sven Verbruggen of Vak Architecten. “And I believe we need to create a poster as well. But hey, we still have an hour, so no worries…..

Sven Verbruggen and Nik Naudts together with their coach

Sven Verbruggen and Nik Naudts together with their coach

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